Mankind tends to ponder about one question that has never been answered… What is our purpose?

Every time I walk through a store, a restaurant, or any man made structure in general, I feel bad. I get this weird feeling, my mind is  like It’s okay, just walk in, you’ll be out in no time. But my heart is telling me Think of the animals that used to thrive here, think of the vegetation we destroyed building this monstrosity… A lot of times I tend to think How did we get to this point? But it’s rare that our questions ever start with the word why. Our ancestors used to be little specks. Look at us now, walking straight, our skulls holding a medium-sized brain. If a human from around 1400 bce was able to see into the future, they we see people wearing odd cloths, holding shiny little thin rectangles that glowed in there painted hands. They would see that on there heads there hair was either done in odd ways, or they wore weird  pieces of cloth shaped to fit around their heads and protect them from the rays of the sun.

Homo erectus “the upright man” was the first hominid to ever step foot on Earth. Looking into the depths of these times reminds me of how our ancestors were the first for everything. Our evolution has changed so much, that most people in the world that are old enough can claim the word descendants. It’s so cool to think that we as humans, as people each and every one of us as individuals has started an evolution. Homo Neanderthalensis or better known as the  Neanderthals, are very close to modern humans. In fact we share 99.7% of our DNA with this species that went extinct 40,000 years ago.  Though having bigger brains, they had similar features, except being extremely tall and burly They would often hunt and occasionally gather, they created the first tools using rock and obsidian, and discovered fire. But there is one species that I don’t need to explain because Homo Sapiens don’t need to be explained by other Sapiens.

Our evolution has changed and evolved like a pine tree loosing and growing each needle from it’s branches, from the first war, to the Declaration of Independence being signed by the most powerful people in the United States. In the 14th century the Black Death killed  75 to 200 million lives. It’s fascinating how life can so easily come, and then be taken so quickly. Okay, snap your fingers once. 100 million trees have just been cut around the world. 100 million lives have perished. Snap your fingers again. 100 babies were just born. Life can come, and death can come just as fast. Think of the Natives that lived in America. Though the Native American settlements had a simple and healthy lifestyle, they soon became a more modern society when the Europeans had settled with them a while later. Our ancestors lived of there own crops and natural medicines, They weaved there own clothing and built there own insulated homes. Probably the most efficient way of living . See what I mean by how much our world and lifestyles have changed?

Picture a moment when the American Revolution first started. Next to that moment, imagine that one amazing moment in time when Mahatma Gandhi led the Salt March in India for freedom from the British. War and peace. What I like to think is that humans were brought to the Earth to bring and teach intelligence, to each and every generation that comes. I like to believe that each generation is a drop of the sun. Each family is one of the sun’s rays. Each person is one of the sun’s atoms. Together we strive, divided we fall. Divided we are all just separate little molecules that don’t make up anything or create anything at all. Together we make up the sun. This incredible part of our history truly represents how extraordinary our revolution is.

I recently read the book Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari. It is 676 pages of history and chronicles about our human history and how we came to be. The accuracy in this book is explicit, but what was really incredible was I could actually picture each part of the history like a movie playing in my mind, and that is every writers dreams. To produce a movie in the minds of the readers. My dad actually introduced this book to me. Turns out the President Obama has suggested this book and even said that it is “interesting and provocative.” I know that a lot of people have asked this question, I have asked this question of and over again, Why are we here?

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