Category Archives: Personel Things

Here I will tell of personal things, life lessons, and advice.

Love yourself!

To give you guys some perspective, I had this post drafted a couple weeks before the current date, and I had unearthed it a couple days ago. I thought it would be a something fun and silly for you guys to just laugh at you know? Just a super lighthearted post that doesn’t involve too much deep thought. All you have to do is sit down somewhere comfortable and read through my usual shenanigans.

Alright, onto today’s topic!

Do you ever get that feeling when you look at the mirror, and are just taken aback by your own physical reflection? Because the thing about this is that, we’re literally thinking constantly all day. Kept with our own mind and thoughts. And that is what we know best. We know nothing better than the inner workings of our own individual minds. But we don’t spend that equivalent amount of time each day, looking at our mirror images and viewing every technicality in our design(Thank goodness).

Keeping that in mind, this leaves us with every single trait that we categorize ourselves into and what type of person we are, and what type of voice our minds have. So when you look in the mirror, you only see what others see in your presence. Which is your physical being.

Every time I look at my reflection in the morning(which is like forty-five seconds on a good day), it’s still hard for me to put two and two together and realize, “This is the body that contains the myriad of weird thoughts that I have everyday? Huh.”

To sum it up for you, I have absolutely 0% chance of growing anymore. Which was literally confirmed by my doctor. Just two inches. And I could’ve at least been 5’0. But no. My genes just had to screw up my chances of being an average-height human being that can reach things on their own.

So dear friends, for the sake of entertaining you all with my own unending pain due to my physical characteristics, I present to you a post that many of you taller readers cannot relate to. But are free to laugh and take this lightly. But those fellow shorties out there, this is for you.

Problems of being short:

(AKA, the everyday adventures(mostly struggles) of small babies around the world.

  1. Being unable to reach anything.

Attempting to reach things when you’re under 5’4( give or take)is a hazard to your life. With this pinnacle of habit, it has ended with disastrous attempts of reaching for snacks, boxes, books, etc.

A book on a high shelf?

Well good luck getting that thing down without a concussion.

Snacks located on a high shelf and you’re famished?

Sorry, a bowl of cereal is your lunch now.

Trying to mount something on the wall?

Even that stool you’re standing on is useless at this point so you might as well get someone else to do it to save yourself from going to the hospital.

There have been countless moments where I’ve embarrassed myself or nearly ended up decapitated or with a dislocated body part because I couldn’t reach something, and one incident nearly ended up with me having a dislocated ankle.

Moral of all of this is: Ask others to assist you!

2. Being babied.

So this goes for everyone I’ve met at school and have become comfortable enough to befriend. Be it long term or acquaintance, I have no idea if it’s just a me problem or if other people out there have this too. But people I’ve met and have become close with me just warmed up to the fact that I was, as they like to call it, “pocket sized.”

What I’m basically saying is that if you’re short; people will think you’re cute.

I’ve undergone my share of cheek squishes, surprise piggybacks, back hugs, face pinches, head pats, height based nicknames, you name it. And this has all gone to the point where I could be doing something completely normal, and then easily predict what my friend’s reactions will be so I can mentally brace myself for the babying that is to come. But of course they won’t overstep boundaries or anything like that because true friends won’t step over your personal space bubble when you don’t want them to.

But hey, love and attention is great, and it’s nice to know that there are people out there who love you for who you are and make sure you know it too.

3. Having freakishly small hands, feet, or both. (This may not apply to all ‘short’ people)

Yes, I have both. Need I say more?

To categorize my fingers and toes as actual parts of my body makes me question myself and the prescription glasses I’m wearing, because all I see when I take a peak at my toes and fingers, are chubby nubbins of flesh that are as small as a child’s. And I’m not sure if that’s entirely normal.

One time, as a joke, I measured my pinkie to see how big it was. But I was mistaken by assuming they were actually ‘big.’ But it doesn’t matter, I will proudly display my 5 centimeter pinkie whenever I make pinkie promises.

Do I need to start drinking more milk?

Do I need to start bathing in milk?

When I first started playing alto sax last year, my fingers weren’t able to reach one of the most crucial keys in the entire instrument. Which made me pretty spitting mad when I was put up to do one of my first jazz solos on the spot while I was physically incapable of actually playing. And when I started playing Bari sax for a short period of time(which according to my research is 6 feet, 4 inches, and roughly 45 pounds. Don’t believe me? Look it up.)it was essentially a lost cause and I couldn’t even carry that thing without asking some other poor soul to help me waddle home with it in my clutches.

I can probably write a whole list about the problems of having small hands and feet. So I will.


  • It takes a lot of effort to play an instrument. More than it does for an actual person with average sized hands.
  • Nail polish looks terrible and makes your fingers look like deformed Teletubbies.
  • Big rings and other statement jewelry are too big on your hands and fingers.
  • Thumb wars are the worst and you always always lose.
  • Trying to wrap your hands around anything is literally impossible. (Examples: Footballs, rackets, stacks of books, bundles of something, thick utensils.)
  • When shaking hands with someone, your hands will get crushed.
  • Gloves never fit.

Feet/Short legs:

  • “One size fits all” is a lie.
  • Other people always want to compare their feet to yours. (Please explain to me why)
  • Your feet can easily get stuck in places that people with bigger feet can’t get stuck in.
  • People always point out the size of your feet(Please explain to me why).
  • Riding bicycles is pointless when your feet don’t reach the pedals.

Upsides of being short:

  • More leg room in cars/flights/etc.
  • Showers will never be too short
  • Shirts/tops meant for taller people can easily be turned into a cute dress or oversized fashion
  • Blankets will never be too short, so your feet will never stick out
  • You learn how to become a stealth ninja(from having to climb on top of things in order to reach something without damage)
  • Tall people can protect you from harsh weather(sun, rain, wind, etc)
  • You never have to worry about hitting your head on doorways
  • You can take a nap in even the smallest of spaces
  • Getting hugs from taller people is the best
  • You can where children’s shoes/mittens/clothing with no trouble
  • Calf-length socks easily become knee-length socks

Even with all of these struggles, we should all still love ourselves for who we are. Don’t ever, EVER, think that the way you look determines your worth. I cannot stress this enough, you are beautiful and gorgeous on the inside. This post was honestly just for laughs, but in all seriousness you should always embrace the beauty you have. Even if it takes some time to realize it.

Stay safe, safe happy, and love yourself!

Is it summer break yet?

So I don’t know what’s wrong with my current dashboard, but when I was writing this post, the format of the entire script was fine. But once I put this on the official interface; the format looks all screwed up in the reading preview. So I’m really sorry if the paragraphs and the general text looks really weird. I seriously don’t know what happened, but I’m trying my best to fix it as quick as I can. So fingers crossed that this cursed formatting comes to an end!

Ever since high school started, my usual everyday school routine completely transformed, from scrambling around the house trying to find my other shoe or phone or whatever, skidding around the house, while simultaneously eating whatever breakfast that was shoved into my mouth in my manic to get out everything I need for school; in one piece.

 Including myself.
Because there have been multiple occasions where I almost ended up in the ER because of how reckless and clumsy my minstrations can be.
But nowadays, I wake up at the literal crack of dawn, and sometimes, it’s still pretty darn dark outside.
Like, I can see the stars and the moon dark.
My mental monologue itself is just extremely passive aggressive in the wee hours of the morning, as I try to get my clothes, toothbrush, hairbrush, my sanity, and toddle into the shower. And I also wonder naively as to why I decided to choose a zero period class.
Freshmen. Year.
If you ask me at 5:45 in morning if I like this particular change in the everyday, I would be tempted to ask if you would like to go take an illegal visit to the nearest group of Californian grizzly bears and try to make friends with them.
I’m sure it would be a lovely visit.
Especially if said person was doused in fresh honey.
To make matters worse, it’s only been a couple weeks since summer ended and fall started, and I assumed the weather would whip itself into shape at any given time, gradually and slowly.
But instead, it just went N Y O O M  and B A M.
We went from sitting out suffering in the heat of the beating sun like baked potatoes, to bundling up in scarves, thick sweaters and jackets, and booties and walking around wishing fire is one of the elements we could actually posses in our hands. Or at least have some way to make ourselves and others warm. And it’s only been at least a week. And we are in the low sixties to fifties. I’m not an avid Game of Thrones viewer or anything, but I never thought I could sympathize with the phrase, “Winter is coming.”As much as I do now.
Don’t get me wrong, I love autumn and winter. Both of which are my favorite seasons. But it’s kinda irritating when my fuzzy socks slip just a little under my heel and the cold starts biting at the exposed skin, and I’m tempted to call Life Alert, to inform them that I’ve been overexposed to temperatures under sixty degrees.
But I somehow manage to get by, grudging yes, without turning into a popsicle in the process.
Most of the time.
But it does take me about five or ten minutes to revive my fingers from their numb state, and are completely dead to the world. And ironically, on most days I have Jazz Band right in the morning. Which requires me to play my saxophone. Which requires me to vigorously move my fingers. And  if I don’t have Jazz class to help me warm up my otherwise rigid fingers, I’ll have to walk into English class without the ability to write anything for a solid couple minutes.
Which is essentially like telling a yogi to break their meditation session to go an binge-watch Netflix for an extremely unhealthy(but totally worth it) seven to eight hours of their day.
Anyway, since my dad usually has to go to work at 6:30 in the morning, and I have 0 period at 7, we both leave the house together; only taking a little over five minutes before we arrive at my school, before my dad drives off to work.
With that said, my dear readers, wherever in the world you are, here is the everyday life of a freshmen high school student in the United States.
*jazz hands*
7:00: 0 Period Jazz Band
So, if we’re going by traditional standards, our band is pretty big compared to how conventional jazz groups actually are. With forty-eight students in the group, from all grades, ranging from clusters of freshmen to a sprinkle of juniors and seniors, our band is legitimately diverse too.
Our teacher is an exuberant, kind women; and I have a lot of respect for her because she actually takes her students emotions and struggles into account. Rather than brushing them off as a burden. And I’ve learned that in high school, having a person like that, is something of a blessing.
But large band or not, you can’t expect us to nail down a 12 bar blues scale, and two, two to three page songs in the span of 45 minutes, when it’s 7:00 in the morning and no one is a morning person.
But luckily, I love jazz. It’s one of my favorite musical genres out there and I find it to be rich with so many different branches attached to various parts of the world. I grew up listening to it as a kid, and I have my dad to thank for exposing me to smooth jazz and such. I like listening to jazz or soft piano or orchestral music when I’m doing homework or when I’m studying for an exam. So it was only right that I randomly decided to play the saxophone in a whim of determination last year and joined Jazz Band.
I’ve also made a numerous amount of new friends in each of my classes, Jazz Band included. I befriended two girls who also played alto sax, one who is also in my P.E. class, and the other in my English class. Both girls and I have quickly become friends, which make the early morning screeching of trombones and various mixes of instruments, just a little more bearable.
Plus, our first performance is coming up in the next week, and it’s even more exciting because it’s also going to be our fanciest one too! Instead of polos with our school’s name and what ensemble we’re in, we ladies dress in custom, black, floor length dresses, and the gentlemen in fitted tuxedos. The theme of the event is Latin American culture and style, so the music we play are going to be like mambos and stuff.
7:50- 8:45 AM: English 1
After frantically putting away my saxophone and sheet music, and tucking them away into their designated shelves. I walk out of the music(room, hall? I don’t know it’s too big for me to designate properly). Then I break into a spazzed walk since my next class is literally on the other side of the campus.  So I make I mad dash for it just before the the five minute bell rings. Disheveled and already wanting to go home, I scramble quickly to my seat,  giving the teacher an acknowledging nod and smile as she greets me with a “Hello” and continues prepping her desk and classroom.
I set my backpack down and grab my English Binder, a copy of To Kill a Mockingbird(Since we’re reading it in class for the rest of the semester)a book I brought to read throughout the day and in between passing periods, and my fuzzy grey kitten pencil case with two equally as squishy and soft keychains, one is an adorable little round shaped penguin I got from the Monterey Bay aquarium in the summer that just passed, and a little dinosaur from the popular Japanese cartoon character group “Sumikko Gurashi” From a Japanese dollar store that I recently discovered, (and come to obsess over)Having these little plushies just makes my day a bit happier and makes me smile every time I pull them out for each of my classes. And it also reminds me to never forget my MUCH NEEDED pencil case to each and everyone one of my classes.
To nearly no one’s surprise, English is one of my favorite subjects, and I love explaining and teaching it to other people; and with this blog archive, I’ve been able to grow a little stronger with my writing and understanding of storytelling, and how to stand for whatever point you’re trying to make clear, and try to improve the aspects of writing I was weak in. Like poetry.


Take your mask off when you speak to me. 

Take in my confession, 

Take the masks of your norm

And crush them. 

I knew someone once.

A heart of fire.

Each step like a cannon

 of in the distance

Hair resembling thorns and briar.

Eyes playful and mysterious.

Deep and radiant with just a hint of cacao. 

Always deep, yet never serious.

And they said, with a voice like    

“My dreams reach the stars, daring to touch them. 

Radiate their light. 

Can you see them?”

And I said, I knew.

I agreed, I screamed, I cried out.

No one spoke to me in this way before.

In fact,

 it left me with doubts.

Dreams are the afterthoughts of my loves.

They keep me going when the world isn’t enough.

All of my outlandish thoughts soaring like doves,

As each day passes without a single stop.

But they didn’t stop there.

They said 

“When we grow older,

 we fear the stars. 

Burrowing ourselves into a normalcy 

that can let our dreams bleed.

And then leave dead scars.”

The world now embodies the dark side of my dreams,

Your lies aren’t needed to ease these pains. 

I know what’s going on,

I know what will come.

I know I know I know.

These inner pains, 

the world’s scars 

They tie together in an equinox. 

The moon, the stars.

Thousands of questions,

No answers.

With each day passing, life will never stop. 

It stops for no one 

even when the world is still.  

The stains of our sins staying like coffee on a napkin

Each minute the pressure of the atmosphere 


But there will always be a light, 

Of hope, of determination, 

The maps of our lives are now blank and white.

Our goals taking on their own destination.

Take your mask off when you speak to me. 

Take in my confession, 

Take the shattered pieces of your norm

And eradicate them.

I’m not especially proud of this poem, I mean I wrote it last year and we were given a strict set of rules to follow with this project and I did try my best. But looking back at this piece, I kinda wanna hide away in embarrassment. I mean, it’s not my best work, but I guess it kinda proves to myself that I kinda improved with my poetry skills in the process of suffering through this project.

But improvement or not, high school just sets the bar higher for what society actually expects from you, especially when you graduate from high school and onto to college. Because each year of high school English, whether it being a general, AP, or Honors class; each is designed for you to succeed in writing essays, thesis’s, analyzing text and extracting information, etc.

And if this year’s English class has taught me anything so far,
It’s that, you will be taught how to read and write.
But it’s you who decides what you’re actually gonna do about it.
I know,
It’s very spooky stuff.

8:53-9:48 AM: Photo Arts 1
So, obviously I’m not as tech-savvy as my dad. I just know the basics, like the general elements of coding; and a touch of graphic design,
( I don’t know if anyone else would include that as a part of general technological knowledge,
But I am so deal with it.)
I’m definitely fascinated by computer engineering and how everything
works, but I also like the artistic aspects of technology. Like how we can use it to make things. Like music or even actual art. With technological advances, more inventions open up, and with more inventions, more people who need to use and operate them. Isn’t cool how just a couple simple commands can make a little box do something so simple, yet intricately complicated?
A regular day in my photography class mainly consists of everyone just chilling while listening to music and editing the photos we took in Lightroom or Photoshop. At the start of the school year, we were assigned either a Mac desktop or a Macbook, and we got to choose which one was more of our preference. Since the Mac is more my zone, I chose to use that, rather than a laptop; since I was more prone to dropping a laptop, than a 12.5 pound desktop monitor. And I feel like I’m more comfortable with an Apple desktop since that’s what I use at home to do homework, projects, and obviously blog.
I’d be really disappointed if you didn’t manage to figure that bit out.
In regards to the photographic part of the class itself, I’ve learned quite about a lot of things that I didn’t even know had so much value in the artistic world. And I finally got to learn how to properly set a camera to the settings needed for whatever situation we’re in; as well as how to really take good shots of your subjects and the differences between all the different angles and ways you can actually shoot a picture. Here is my first set of pictures from earlier this semester, all of which edited in Lightroom, this piece can also be interpreted as, my first on campus photo shoot with me nearly screwing up and not knowing half of what to do until later.
They aren’t the best pictures, and while I was shooting these, I was clueless most of the time. But I can’t deny that it was highly amusing to take these pictures and edit them in digital programs used by so many people out there.
 9:48-9:58 AM: Brunch
Walking to each of my classes between passing periods at school is a spectacle in itself. My books in hand as I mentally do a once over to make sure I haven’t lost anything thing important, like a textbook or notebook. Checking the watch on my left wrist, tracking the time, and texting my parents a quick message or sending a pic of the homework or review to one of my friends who might’ve forgotten to write it down. In these little time increments; my mind is full, and yet so empty at the same time.
Because I probably lost something or left a book behind and my brain capacity is still dangerously low when I wake up at crack of dawn everyday.
During brunch, I usually just sit on a bench near my next class and munch on a nut bar while scrolling through my phone and checking emails, or texting my parents or a friend.
10:06-11:01 AM: Biology
Science is a favorite subject of mine, and I love the multiple branches it has, how everything has a purpose and when one thing happens, it triggers a multitude of other things to occur as well. Science also gives explanation to things that we ourselves couldn’t figure out on our own, like gravity for instance.
How is it that everything has matter, and mass, and yet we don’t float off into space but stay put?
Well, Isaac Newton had an apple fall on top of his head(I pity the poor apple, and his head)Mr. Newton, after nearly having the daylights knocked out of him by a fruit seemed to suddenly have acquired a revelation for the laws of physics.
And why do we not float away into space?
Because of gravity.

乁( ⏒ ͜ʖ ⏒ )ㄏ

A natural phenomenon in which anything with mass or energy automatically gravitate towards each other.
Like, um, hypothetical anchors!
We just finished learning the basics about population and the different parts of it, like population density, population growth, etc. And how to properly observe data and physically make a graph to compliment the data.
Which ironically coincided with my math lessons on graphs and curves a few weeks past.
Biology, Math,  and English, are the three classes that are required for us to graduate, and if you fail one of these class your first year, you gotta retake it sophomore year. Which happens a lot, but that doesn’t mean I want to so that’s that.
1:09 – 12:04 AM: Algebra 1
So, I’m not really a math girl. I mean, I can do it; and go one with a passing grade. But it always takes me a longer time than others to interpret all those numbers and questions and formulas like other people can. And I think my math skills certainly have gotten better over the years. While I used to struggle to get a solid grade that could at least pass the general requirements; now I can take a quarterfinal test and ace it.
With a few mistakes here or there.
But I still pass!
I really like my algebra teacher; she’s funny, engaging, and actually teaches us math in a way that isn’t confusing. I never thought I would be able to understand Mean Absolute Deviation as much as I do now. And actually be able to do it.  And so far we’ve only hand three our four tests, and they weren’t very major either, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t expect some bigger exams coming up in the near future; that of course we all need to prepare for.

All in all, I think Algebra is currently one of the only classes I have that doesn’t make me want to throw my textbook at my other classmates in pure rage and detestation.

Not that I have temper tantrums in my other classes of course.

But trust me I have been a hairs-width away from doing so.

12:04 – 12:34: Lunch 

I don’t have to describe lunch do I?

12:42 – 1:37: Spanish 2

Okay, so by default I would’ve been put into Spanish 1 like the majority of the other freshmen study body. But since I took Spanish for two years in middle school, I had the decision of advancing to the second year of high school Spanish, since we need a total of four years of high school Spanish; and I’ve gone to the second year; I only need two more years(I think. My knowledge of the Spanish programs and it’s requirements and stored somewhere else in my brain right now) and I can graduate with the bi-literacy seal under my belt. And colleges can swoop in and see that and consider me to be a part of their school. Which is great.

If I pass all those years of Spanish.

●  ﹏  ●


Currently, with my two and a half years of Spanish, I’ve attained enough to be able to hold a conversation with someone who can speak Spanish, or learned it fully. But just like when I speak Tamil and Japanese, it’s very choppy at first when I start talking, and it takes me a while to warm up with the words. And it can go very similarly to this:

“Buenas Dias! Estoy bien! Como estás tu? Bueno! Como está tu familia? Eso es genial! Ay no! Yo tiene que ir! Adios! Nos vamos más tarde!”

Which literally translates to,

“Good morning! I’m good! How are you? Good! How is your family? That’s great! Oh no! I have to go! Goodbye! I’ll see you later!”

As you can see, the intention behind what I have to say makes sense, but when you take the literal context of it in English, it makes me sound illiterate. But what’s great, is that since I already kinda speak another language on my own at home with my family, which is Tamil. So I know how to accent my speech and roll my r’s. So when I speak Spanish out loud in class, I can properly pronounce everything the ways it’s actually supposed to sound, rather than a robotic, voice, that sounds computer generated.

But half the time I don’t know if I’m even pronouncing anything correctly and half the time while I say anything in class I glance at the teacher to see if I’m saying it right and I have no idea what I’m doing but you know it’s the effort right.

All, in all, it’s a good class. Great on college applications. All said an done.

1:45 – 2:40: Physical Education( P.E)(#-.-)

So I usually end the day with P.E. except on one block day(the back to back days where we only have half of our class each day but they’re twice as long.) And P.E. is pretty fun, and I enjoy running on the track and talking with the other athletes on campus. I also have a bushel of friends in the class that I usually stick with, so we can protect each other from flying projectiles that end with the word -ball. You know, basketball, baseball, tennis ball, football, soccer ball, dodgeball, cheese ball; you know, the usual. It’s also required to take P.E. for two years in high school in order to graduate.

After sixth period, the school days ends with a large heaving breathe. And we all go home. After PE. I drag my feet to the music room to grab my saxophone and then wait at the front of the school for my dad to pick me up. And when he finally swings by, I hop toss my stuff into the back seat and plop myself down, then melt into the seat of the car as my dad starts driving us home. 

Art is not a crime.

I don’t really consider myself as a part of a category of anything. I’m fully aware that others do though. I’m a different thing in every else’s lives. A daughter, granddaughter, a sister, a niece, cousin, friend, acquaintance, etc. But, at some point in our lives, I feel like we all have that one moment, just one, where you know exactly who you are, to yourself and the rest of the world. This moment or moments can be scattered at different times in your life,

Obviously not everyone is mentally wired the same way as the next person, so you can just be scrolling your phone in a coffee shop and BAM, suddenly you’ve mentally acquired the cure for cancer. They can happen just like that, or a bit of time. No one can tell, because not only is everyone different, but you’ll never see it coming even if it’s taking years and years for you to find it.

Confused? Yeah me too.

On hindsight, have you ever read an autobiography, and the author seems to be putting extra care into a specific moment that they remember, and everything is so vivid, every single emotion they write just flows out of the pages to greet you. You can easily immerse yourself into the scene and watch it unfold in front of you. The pages practically pulse with despondency and it’s so vivid and just a massive wow moment for the reader, and just a nostalgia and happiness for the author.

That’s what these moments are! Congratulations! You just graduated from confused to moderately aware of what this random girl is talking about.

All jokes aside, when you start questioning your value, when you feel like everything you do is just wrong; when nothing feels right anymore. Just thinking about the moments in life that just ground you , and are such surreal experiences, no matter how simple or bizarre. No one can strip those memories away from you and that’s just, that’s just so alluring.

Finding my own peace time is usually me hiding out in my bedroom like a disgusting gremlin and the first thing you see is paint splattered onto my clothing, marks on my face, and my fingertips look like they’ve been bathing in a toned-out rainbow vomited by a unicorn. My hair will be in a really horrid bun. My glasses crooked, and paint living happily in my fingernails. My desk will be littered with paint tubes, brushes, my massive paint pallete, sketchbook, and in the center would be whatever project I’m working on. Paint usually ends up on my desk, the floor, and basically anything I end up touching afterwards like, paper, brushes, pencils, my phone, earbuds, my sister, etc.

Or, I’ll be sitting on my swivel chair without moving for like two hours, just drawing and sketching, and listening to music that is ridiculously loud. When I’m upset or angry, I can take out a piece of paper and a random old mechanical pencil and just draw. It’s calming, but sometimes the essence of my turmoil can lead to a lot of good things on paper. My anger can get white hot and it’s just terrible. I’m just a really hotheaded person in general, like some of my family members.

A lot of people say anger is damaging for the mind and body, and I get that; but it’s one of my strongest emotions, because that’s when I get everything I’ve had pent up inside me, and just let it out. And it’s not necessarily a good thing when that happens. But when it comes to art, having such a powerful rage like that can make some sick sketches.

On a more recent note, this was a picture that had been happening in my room more often than not. I’ve been sketching, planning, painting, mixing, cutting, pinning, whatever. At this point, I think I’ve had my own version of the renaissance take place in my own bedroom.

Yeah, that’s right, y’all are reading the words of the female reincarnation of Leonardo Davinci.x

I’m kidding I’m kidding.

The closest I’ll ever be to Davici will probably be my ability to squeeze a super precise amount of paint. But even that simile is pointless because about 2.6 seconds later the tube of paint decides to be a massive pain and basically squirt at least half the tube onto my pallete.

And then I proceed to scream.

In my pillow.

And in my head.

Both situations are valid.

All jokes aside, I feel like I’ve found the places where my soul really just, lights on fire you know? Where you feel like you’re just in element. Everything feels like it’s gravitating towards you and everything feels like pure magic and there’s just electricity in the air. And it feels like you’re serving your purpose.

When we were cracking down with the last couple days of school, my teachers kept emphasizing how close our futures our, how our generation is the one that will break down every barrier that is up, how each and every one of us needs to find the things that bind us as human, that keep us whole, and weave our futures with those strings of fate. To find the elements that make us who we are, and then use them as our superpowers.

So philosophical, I know.

*clap clap*

Now that I’m technically a freshmen(I’m really stretching that technically) I’ve got a lot to think about for my future.

What do I need to do to succeed?

What do I want to do to be happy?

Yeah, I’m still working on those bits.


But, in the meantime, I wanna take what I love doing, and incorporate it into a practical setting that could possibly land me into the starting point of incubating a career for myself, that not only will redeem my multiple purposes and abilities, but also keep me financially stable. It’s a tall order, but I have a lot of hope, and I’m really trying my best and working hard.

Even though to some people I might seem like I’m lazy and a procrastinator, I really do try a lot to succeed, and when I do fail, I beat myself up over it a lot and it makes me feel like I haven’t done enough. Like I’m not enough.

I have a lot of ambitions and hope for the future. I know that the next four years aren’t going to be a easy; and I know that I have to work harder and harder with every day that comes. I’m not a silly girl who obsesses over books and animes and things that don’t relate to real life. I know what I have to do, and I won’t let anyone stop me from doing so.

I try and I try and I try, and when I fail, I’m a little broken, but I try to keep going anyway. I’m not joking when I say that I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get into the college I dream about going to.

All of that doesn’t mean I’m going to let all the work and the things I need to do, slowly start breaking me apart, and if that happens, when my conscience isn’t as vivacious, then, I won’t know why I started in the first place. I’ll lose the passion because I was to busy trying to turn that passion into something that’ll get me a stable job in the future. And trust me, I will not let that happen, like it has for so many people out there. And that passion, well, besides writing, and words, and creating with my voice; all the passion I bear all comes down to my art too.

When I’m painting or drawing, I’m at peace. It’s just me, my music, and whatever I’m working on. Everything on my mind just disappears and the sweeping of the brush and the scratching of my pencils are the only sounds emitted. Music playing gently(more like screaming) in my ears, paint and pencils scattered all of my desk, my only focus is my art.

My art.

You have no idea how much I love saying that!


Art is one of my loves, and it’s such a massive part of my life. It’s my life and love.

Ever since I was a little kid, I always felt like holding a crayon in my chubby little fists was the best way to express myself; in the classroom, or on the clean white walls of our apartment. It was a constant that never went away, it felt solid and whole. Something I can run to when I had enough of learning about grammar and scraping knees and palms on the hard black top at school. And it still is and always will be something I can receive comfort from. I can go headfirst and it’ll greet me with open arms. No questions, no hesitations. And it’s been like that ever since I could remember.

Me and my first grade buddies swinging my feet and humming happily as I coloured a(terribly drawn)picture with every shade of pink humanely possible, well, if the crayon box had it of course.

Crayons, aren’t really my medium anymore, but the picture hasn’t changed as much as one would expect:

Me sitting with my circle of friends just chilling out on the floor, I wag me feet side to side and sing along with my friends to whatever song we felt like belting out that very moment. I shade in a(somewhat decent drawing)with every mechanical pencil that my pencil case has stowed away, and rubbing the marks with my fingers tips, leaving dark smudges on my hands and on whatever ensemble I’m wearing that day.

When I got older, it became so much more than just making a statement. Art is where I find my home, where I’m at peace, I can connect with people by creating something that can make them visualize what you want them to see, or create a blank canvas they can let themselves go into, without a certain picture they have to be held by.

Art doesn’t require sophisticated thinking, a knowledge of a variety of things, there aren’t any rules that need to be applied in order to make something beautiful. It’s kind of like creating a confession, letting everything that lies inside of you, out. Everything meaning anything. Even the empty voids you don’t know how to fill. Art is my escape from everything I can’t run away from. All the work, practice, school, people, and just life in general.

When I’m in my room, I’m in my zone. It’s my own burrow out of the whole house and to me, the feeling I get from walking in there, nothing can hold a candle to it. Everything flows the way I want it, messily perfect and just reciprocates what I am as a person.

The random little things tacked onto my bulletin board, the fairy lights strung with no coordination (and a lot of struggling) a massive wooden desk with paint stains on the surface, the drawers attached, as messy as ever. Book over books in the shelves, my drawers, the nightstand, my desk, the floor, the shelves. Everywhere. My bed is a wrinkled mess, with an unnecessary amount of pillows and stuff animals throw randomly onto . but it’s cozy enough for me to become a tiny little burrito of darkness that fuels itself with lukewarm citrus tea and stale Goldfish crackers.

I can do anything and everything because it all holds my atmosphere, and I can control the way I want it to be.

With art, I don’t ever have to worry about getting it right, about perfecting it. Because art is messy and weird and peculiar, and just represents who you are and what message you want to repress onto the  paper or canvas. Literally or hypothetically, art is art. Just like love is love and life is life.

And, I love indulging myself with other people’s works,  I don’t take myself to be good at the things I love doing. It’s just the fact that I love doing them that keeps me going.  I don’t have very high self esteem either, actually, it’s pretty much lower than an average person’s when I think about it. A lot of people on first contact would probably say, “Hey, are you like, okay? Do you need a hug? Whatever it is I’m here for you bro, and yada yada yada.” No, no, I’m perfectly fine. I’m not going through an emo phase. I’M FINE. I just don’t think that highly of myself. But that doesn’t mean I’ll put random people on a pedestal that casts their shadow on me. I don’t idolize people, it’s not my thing.

But that’s not due to seeing other people’s works and  thinking, “Oh wow, there so much better than I am at(fill in the blank). I’ll never be as good as them.” I’m not gonna lie and say I don’t have some self doubt. I doubt myself in every aspect of anything. Like I said, low self esteem. But I don’t compare myself to other people and start damaging myself mentally. I know I’m not perfect and I never will be the exact definition of it either. But that doesn’t mean I’ll be bringing myself down in the process just because someone’s better at something that I am. I’ll applaud them and cheer them on. I will support them. But not without establishing a certain distance between my self esteem and a self destructive conscious.

(Before you read the next portion, I just want to give you a fair warning. For the record, I’m not super anime obsessed okay? I don’t watch some trash anime just so I can’t start conversation with someone. I have very specific tastes in what I watch and anime is one of them. I watch only a few others with interest, and only if I actually like them too. See, there you go, I am an anime connoisseur.

Haha lol, no I’m not.)

Anyway, one day, I was just in my room scrolling through my phone, looking for a reference for one of my drawings(I’m not plagiarizing don’t worry), and I was listening to the song History Maker from my absolute favorite anime Yuri!!! On Ice. I really like this anime because it’s so inspirational and breaks so many boundaries when it comes to regular anime. It has such an inspiring plot and each character is unique and different. The anime itself is really culturally diverse and I am absolutely in love with the music written for it.

Sorry, I just released my anime nerd side on you.


Anyway, as I was scrolling through my phone, I turned my swivel chair lazily around it’s post, my feet barely brushing the wooden floor. I looked up for a second and scanned the other side of my bedroom, looking to the two wooden dressers, the fairy lights, and the various unnecessary accessories on the wall. My eyes finally fell onto my sweaters and jackets, and as I looked, I caught the sight of my dark blue jean jacket that a close friend gave me for my birthday this year. The jacket itself had no embellishments and is a kinda big on my too, the sleeves going over my knuckles and wrists. But it is really comfortable and my go-to jacket when I’m heading out.

But, after a good long stare, my eyes went to where my paints tubes were, the vary of pastel colours calling out to me with their vibrancy. The pinks and yellows pulsing with life that I knew needed to be brought into another piece.

But then it hit me.

I looked at the paints, then the jacket, then my brushes.

I practically threw myself off my chair and ran to my paint crate, grabbing paint’s brushes, a pallete, and a pallete knife. Then I yanked the jacket of it’s wooden hanger and cleared off my desk, laying the jacket flat so the backside faced me. Every one of my actions was frantic and searching with purpose. And as I sat down, my mind was buzzing with ideas on what to do.

“Should I paint a landscape? An abstract design? A portrait?”

Okay, sorry to break the oh-my-gosh-i-just-had-a-possibly-life-altering-breakthrough-with-my-art-and-maybe-even-my-artistic-reminisence-oh-good-glory, vibe. But I actually wanted to paint the jacket for a while, but never got the chance because of school. The reason I practically threw myself off of my own feet was because in my head I was thinking oh my cheese whiz I actually have time to do things with my life.

I had History Maker on loop the entire time, and at that point, I was in a daze. I leaned back in my chair, staring up at the wooden ceiling, then at the open window. The tree’s were a pulsing green, the sky an uncalling grey. Clouds were clustered together, hiding away the sky. Inspiration was a destination I was yet to hit.

But then, when the song started again, I snapped out of my stupor and listened a bit more carefully to the first verse of the song.

“Can you hear my heartbeat?
Tired of feeling never enough
I close my eyes and tell myself
That my dreams will come true
There’ll be no more darkness
When you believe in yourself
You are unstoppable
Where your destiny lies
Dancing on the blades
You set my heart on fire
Don’t stop us now
The moment of truth
We were born to make history
We’ll make it happen
We’ll turn it around
Yes, we were born to make


The line, “Born to make history.” started to just repeat in my head, like a broken record player. I let out a little squeak of joy and grabbed all my stuff. But hey, you can’t blame a girl for tryin’ right?

After all,

I had found my muse.

Being the very sophisticated artist I am, my train of thought was as follows:



why am i like this.

After I changed into a different top that I would be more comfortable painting with, I grabbed my favorite scrunchie and tied my hair up into a bun so it would stay out of my face while I worked.

After setting out all my paints on my pallete, I set to work.

First I planned out the design with a silver fabric marker and a gel pen that had ink that flowed really well. While I worked, I was also freaking out, mostly because I was paranoid of messing up the whole thing. So, while I was fearing for my life and self dignity, I got the words all on the back of the jacket in a swoopy font kinda style. At that point, I must’ve been in my room to long without making a single sound, because my mom poked her head through the door and said “What are you doing Kanmani?” with a questioning look in her eyes.

“Oh, I’m just painting.” I replied.

“Painting what?”

“My jacket.”

“Oh.” She said before falling silent.


“Why?” Now she was looking at me like I lost my mind.

But honestly, at this point I can’t really blame her for being exasperated. I mean, some days I’ll be doing absolutely nothing. Like literally nothing. I’ll just be staring at a wall in my room, or sitting out on the deck just staring out into space, nothing is on my mind AT ALL.

Other days, I won’t come out of my room, or I won’t get up from the computer, because I’m doing something with somewhat of a breakthrough. And when my parents ask me what I’m doing, or tell me to get up and take a break for a bit; I look up and I probably look like a racoon that accidentally drank coffee that wasn’t decaffeinated(can you say #raccoonproblems).

Anyway, I gave my mom a look, like Um, exsqueez me ma’am but I’m workin’ here so if ya don’t mind can you mosey on over back to where ya came from so I can paint this article of clothing in peace?”

After that mild interruption, nothing was going to be stopping me from finishing my project. So, getting my attention under any other circumstance was basically a hopeless case. I had my heart set on finishing off that jacket and letting it dry overnight. It felt like I had this mental adrenaline rush that wasn’t going to end very soon.

My colour scheme was different pastel colours, like a deep mint green with a hint of aquamarine; and little pink, blue, and yellow dots. It took me at least two hours to paint and repaint the letters properly so the colour would show up in such a dark background. That seemed to be the most frustrating part for me, and you could tell from a distance(and start backing away in muted horror) that I was not a mood that reciprocates sunshine, rainbows, and unicorns. Or any peace for that matter.

I had paint brushes stuck in my hair, my eyebrows were furrowed, and my eyes probably looked really bewildered, or just plain pissed off. I probably looked like I needed to go to a  mental hospital. I was tempted to start throwing my brushed onto the wall or break things, that was how frustrated I was. But, I tried to keep my cool(like I said, I tried) because A) I wanted to finish painting my jacket without potentially annihilating anything. And B) I didn’t wanna get a supreme scolding from my parents.

But you couldn’t blame me, or any artist for going into terminator mode once in a while from the process of making art.

My advice, that you never asked for, is just irritate someone when their drawing, or painting, or whatever. That is just plain dangerous on your part. So go ahead and do the complete opposite of what I said, if you want a pallete knife thrown at you.

After a lot of hard work(an a lot of internal screaming) I finally finished painting the jacket. I’m personally really proud of it. I love the colours and how I made it look, and sure the y in history looks like it was wresting with a curling iron, and there’s random smudges and stuff. But I still love wearing it. And it makes me proud too. I made art and now I can walk around like a boss.

And every time I look at it, I always think “I did it. Good job me.” Because, to be honest with you, I’m never ever sure if my art, or my writing, or the way I play my instruments are even decent. But, with this I don’t understand why, but it’s different. I didn’t have to take a good hard look at it to know that those hours spent working on something that made me so happy, and the others around me, it was totally worth it.

Why am I ranting. I’ve been talking this whole time about this jacket and you guys barely even know what it looks like(well except my parents of course) Here’s a picture!:


Every time I put it on, I feel super suave and it makes me feel powerful. And every time I look at it, and it just makes me happy. And since it’s so big on me, I can wear a hoodie underneath without making it look weird but actually really good. Plus, I can be comfortable and not freeze to popsicle levels when it’s winter time.

Next time I wear it (it’s nearly a nightmare to wear jackets now because it’s so hot in the good ol’ summertime of California) I’ll totally wear sunglasses, pull my hair back, wear a bunch of rings on the joints of my finger, and wear like a super dank outfit with the jacket. Like black jeans, Converse, and a ratty old t-shirt. And then I’ll get someone to take a picture of me and I’ll send it to everyone with the caption #Thuggin’.

Hey, if they make a remastering of the movie The Outsiders(I love the book though, you should read it. 10/10 would recommend to anyone) They should keep me inline as a new female character or something. Cause I totally think I can pull of the look.

 “Go into yourself. Find out the reason that commands you to write; see whether it has spread its roots into the very depths of your heart; confess to yourself whether you would have to die if you were forbidden to write.

This most of all: ask yourself in the most silent hour of your night: must I write? Dig into yourself for a deep answer. And if this answer rings out in assent, if you meet this solemn question with a strong, simple “I must,” then build your life in accordance with this necessity; your whole life, even into its humblest and most indifferent hour, must become a sign and witness to this impulse. Then come close to Nature. Then, as if no one had ever tried before, try to say what you see and feel and love and lose…

…Describe your sorrows and desires, the thoughts that pass through your mind and your belief in some kind of beauty – describe all these with heartfelt, silent, humble sincerity and, when you express yourself, use the Things around you, the images from your dreams, and the objects that you remember. If your everyday life seems poor, don’t blame it; blame yourself; admit to yourself that you are not enough of a poet to call forth its riches; because for the creator there is not poverty and no poor, indifferent place. And even if you found yourself in some prison, whose walls let in none of the world’s sounds – wouldn’t you still have your childhood, that jewel beyond all price, that treasure house of memories? Turn your attentions to it. Try to raise up the sunken feelings of this enormous past; your personality will grow stronger, your solitude will expand and become a place where you can live in the twilight, where the noise of other people passes by, far in the distance. – And if out of this turning-within, out of this immersion in your own world, poems come, then you will not think of asking anyone whether they are good or not. Nor will you try to interest magazines in these works: for you will see them as your dear natural possession, a piece of your life, a voice from it. A work of art is good if it has arisen out of necessity. That is the only way one can judge it.”
Rainer Maria Rilke

I found these quotes to be really, broadening for me. I don’t know this writer well, I don’t even know if she even is a writer! But, the things that she’s saying feels like her thought match mine. Except I’m not sure how to answer some of the questions she tells us to ask ourselves. And I feel like all she’s saying, also applied to everything that you immerse yourself into, in whatever occupation you’re in, or even if it’s just a hobby.

Here’s another excerpt that I found by Leo Tolstoy, a famous writer.

#1. In order correctly to define art, it is necessary, first of all, to cease to consider it as a means to pleasure and to consider it as one of the conditions of human life. Viewing it in this way we cannot fail to observe that art is one of the means of intercourse between man and man.

#2. Every work of art causes the receiver to enter into a certain kind of relationship both with him who produced, or is producing, the art, and with all those who, simultaneously, previously, or subsequently, receive the same artistic impression.

#3. Speech, transmitting the thoughts and experiences of men, serves as a means of union among them, and art acts in a similar manner. The peculiarity of this latter means of intercourse, distinguishing it from intercourse by means of words, consists in this, that whereas by words a man transmits his thoughts to another, by means of art he transmits his feelings.

#4. The activity of art is based on the fact that a man, receiving through his sense of hearing or sight another man’s expression of feeling, is capable of experiencing the emotion which moved the man who expressed it. To take the simplest example; one man laughs, and another who hears becomes merry; or a man weeps, and another who hears feels sorrow. A man is excited or irritated, and another man seeing him comes to a similar state of mind. By his movements or by the sounds of his voice, a man expresses courage and determination or sadness and calmness, and this state of mind passes on to others. A man suffers, expressing his sufferings by groans and spasms, and this suffering transmits itself to other people; a man expresses his feeling of admiration, devotion, fear, respect, or love to certain objects, persons, or phenomena, and others are infected by the same feelings of admiration, devotion, fear, respect, or love to the same objects, persons, and phenomena.

#5. And it is upon this capacity of man to receive another man’s expression of feeling and experience those feelings himself, that the activity of art is based.

#6. If a man infects another or others directly, immediately, by his appearance or by the sounds he gives vent to at the very time he experiences the feeling; if he causes another man to yawn when he himself cannot help yawning, or to laugh or cry when he himself is obliged to laugh or cry, or to suffer when he himself is suffering – that does not amount to art.

#7. Art begins when one person, with the object of joining another or others to himself in one and the same feeling, expresses that feeling by certain external indications. To take the simplest example: a boy, having experienced, let us say, fear on encountering a wolf, relates that encounter; and, in order to evoke in others the feeling he has experienced, describes himself, his condition before the encounter, the surroundings, the woods, his own lightheartedness, and then the wolf’s appearance, its movements, the distance between himself and the wolf, etc. All this, if only the boy, when telling the story, again experiences the feelings he had lived through and infects the hearers and compels them to feel what the narrator had experienced is art. If even the boy had not seen a wolf but had frequently been afraid of one, and if, wishing to evoke in others the fear he had felt, he invented an encounter with a wolf and recounted it so as to make his hearers share the feelings he experienced when he feared the world, that also would be art. And just in the same way it is art if a man, having experienced either the fear of suffering or the attraction of enjoyment (whether in reality or in imagination) expresses these feelings on canvas or in marble so that others are infected by them. And it is also art if a man feels or imagines to himself feelings of delight, gladness, sorrow, despair, courage, or despondency and the transition from one to another of these feelings, and expresses these feelings by sounds so that the hearers are infected by them and experience them as they were experienced by the composer.

#8. The feelings with which the artist infects others may be most various – very strong or very weak, very important or very insignificant, very bad or very good: feelings of love for one’s own country, self-devotion and submission to fate or to God expressed in a drama, raptures of lovers described in a novel, feelings of voluptuousness expressed in a picture, courage expressed in a triumphal march, merriment evoked by a dance, humor evoked by a funny story, the feeling of quietness transmitted by an evening landscape or by a lullaby, or the feeling of admiration evoked by a beautiful arabesque – it is all art.

#9. If only the spectators or auditors are infected by the feelings which the author has felt, it is art.

#10. To evoke in oneself a feeling one has once experienced, and having evoked it in oneself, then, by means of movements, lines, colors, sounds, or forms expressed in words, so to transmit that feeling that others may experience the same feeling – this is the activity of art.

#11. Art is a human activity consisting in this, that one man consciously, by means of certain external signs, hands on to others feelings he has lived through, and that other people are infected by these feelings and also experience them.

#12. Art is not, as the metaphysicians say, the manifestation of some mysterious idea of beauty or God; it is not, as the aesthetical physiologists say, a game in which man lets off his excess of stored-up energy; it is not the expression of man’s emotions by external signs; it is not the production of pleasing objects; and, above all, it is not pleasure; but it is a means of union among men, joining them together in the same feelings, and indispensable for the life and progress toward well-being of individuals and of humanity.

#13. As, thanks to man’s capacity to express thoughts by words, every man may know all that has been done for him in the realms of thought by all humanity before his day, and can in the present, thanks to this capacity to understand the thoughts of others, become a sharer in their activity and can himself hand on to his contemporaries and descendants the thoughts he has assimilated from others, as well as those which have arisen within himself; so, thanks to man’s capacity to be infected with the feelings of others by means of art, all that is being lived through by his contemporaries is accessible to him, as well as the feelings experienced by men thousands of years ago, and he has also the possibility of transmitting his own feelings to others.

#14. If people lacked this capacity to receive the thoughts conceived by the men who preceded them and to pass on to others their own thoughts, men would be like wild beasts, or like Kaspar Houser.

#15. And if men lacked this other capacity of being infected by art, people might be almost more savage still, and, above all, more separated from, and more hostile to, one another.

#16. And therefore the activity of art is a most important one, as important as the activity of speech itself and as generally diffused.

#17. We are accustomed to understand art to be only what we hear and see in theaters, concerts, and exhibitions, together with buildings, statues, poems, novels. . . . But all this is but the smallest part of the art by which we communicate with each other in life. All human life is filled with works of art of every kind – from cradlesong, jest, mimicry, the ornamentation of houses, dress, and utensils, up to church services, buildings, monuments, and triumphal processions. It is all artistic activity. So that by art, in the limited sense of the word, we do not mean all human activity transmitting feelings, but only that part which we for some reason select from it and to which we attach special importance.

#18. This special importance has always been given by all men to that part of this activity which transmits feelings flowing from their religious perception, and this small part of art they have specifically called art, attaching to it the full meaning of the word.

#19. That was how man of old — Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle – looked on art. Thus did the Hebrew prophets and the ancient Christians regard art; thus it was, and still is, understood by the Mohammedans, and thus it still is understood by religious folk among our own peasantry.

#20. Some teachers of mankind – as Plato in his Republic and people such as the primitive Christians, the strict Mohammedans, and the Buddhists — have gone so far as to repudiate all art.

#21. People viewing art in this way (in contradiction to the prevalent view of today which regards any art as good if only it affords pleasure) considered, and consider, that art (as contrasted with speech, which need not be listened to) is so highly dangerous in its power to infect people against their wills that mankind will lose far less by banishing all art than by tolerating each and every art.

#22. Evidently such people were wrong in repudiating all art, for they denied that which cannot be denied – one of the indispensable means of communication, without which mankind could not exist. But not less wrong are the people of civilized European society of our class and day in favoring any art if it but serves beauty, i.e., gives people pleasure.

#23. Formerly people feared lest among the works of art there might chance to be some causing corruption, and they prohibited art altogether. Now they only fear lest they should be deprived of any enjoyment art can afford, and patronize any art. And I think the last error is much grosser than the first and that its consequences are far more harmful.

#24. Art, in our society, has been so perverted that not only has bad art come to be considered good, but even the very perception of what art really is has been lost. In order to be able to speak about the art of our society, it is, therefore, first of all necessary to distinguish art from counterfeit art.

#25. There is one indubitable indication distinguishing real art from its counterfeit, namely, the infectiousness of art. If a man, without exercising effort and without altering his standpoint on reading, hearing, or seeing another man’s work, experiences a mental condition which unites him with that man and with other people who also partake of that work of art, then the object evoking that condition is a work of art. And however poetical, realistic, effectful, or interesting a work may be, it is not a work of art if it does not evoke that feeling (quite distinct from all other feelings) of joy and of spiritual union with another (the author) and with others (those who are also infected by it).

#26. It is true that this indication is an internal one, and that there are people who have forgotten what the action of real art is, who expect something else form art (in our society the great majority are in this state), and that therefore such people may mistake for this aesthetic feeling the feeling of diversion and a certain excitement which they receive from counterfeits of art. But though it is impossible to undeceive these people, just as it is impossible to convince a man suffering from “Daltonism” [a type of color blindness] that green is not red, yet, for all that, this indication remains perfectly definite to those whose feeling for art is neither perverted nor atrophied, and it clearly distinguishes the feeling produced by art from all other feelings.

#27. The chief peculiarity of this feeling is that the receiver of a true artistic impression is so united to the artist that he feels as if the work were his own and not someone else’s – as if what it expresses were just what he had long been wishing to express. A real work of art destroys, in the consciousness of the receiver, the separation between himself and the artist – not that alone, but also between himself and all whose minds receive this work of art. In this freeing of our personality from its separation and isolation, in this uniting of it with others, lies the chief characteristic and the great attractive force of art.

#28. If a man is infected by the author’s condition of soul, if he feels this emotion and this union with others, then the object which has effected this is art; but if there be no such infection, if there be not this union with the author and with others who are moved by the same work – then it is not art. And not only is infection a sure sign of art, but the degree of infectiousness is also the sole measure of excellence in art.

#29. The stronger the infection, the better is the art as art, speaking now apart from its subject matter, i.e., not considering the quality of the feelings it transmits.

#30. And the degree of the infectiousness of art depends on three conditions:

  1. On the greater or lesser individuality of the feeling transmitted;
  2. on the greater or lesser clearness with which the feeling is transmitted;
  3. on the sincerity of the artist, i.e., on the greater or lesser force with which the artist himself feels the emotion he transmits.

#31. The more individual the feeling transmitted the more strongly does it act on the receiver; the more individual the state of soul into which he is transferred, the more pleasure does the receiver obtain, and therefore the more readily and strongly does he join in it.

#32. The clearness of expression assists infection because the receiver, who mingles in consciousness with the author, is the better satisfied the more clearly the feeling is transmitted, which, as it seems to him, he has long known and felt, and for which he has only now found expression.

#33. But most of all is the degree of infectiousness of art increased by the degree of sincerity in the artist. As soon as the spectator, hearer, or reader feels that the artist is infected by his own production, and writes, sings, or plays for himself, and not merely to act on others, this mental condition of the artist infects the receiver; and contrariwise, as soon as the spectator, reader, or hearer feels that the author is not writing, singing, or playing for his own satisfaction – does not himself feel what he wishes to express – but is doing it for him, the receiver, a resistance immediately springs up, and the most individual and the newest feelings and the cleverest technique not only fail to produce any infection but actually repel.

#34. I have mentioned three conditions of contagiousness in art, but they may be all summed up into one, the last, sincerity, i.e., that the artist should be impelled by an inner need to express his feeling. That condition includes the first; for if the artist is sincere he will express the feeling as he experienced it. And as each man is different from everyone else, his feeling will be individual for everyone else; and the more individual it is – the more the artist has drawn it from the depths of his nature – the more sympathetic and sincere will it be. And this same sincerity will impel the artist to find a clear expression of the feeling which he wishes to transmit.

#35. Therefore this third condition – sincerity – is the most important of the three. It is always complied with in peasant art, and this explains why such art always acts so powerfully; but it is a condition almost entirely absent from our upper-class art, which is continually produced by artists actuated by personal aims of covetousness or vanity.

#36. Such are the three conditions which divide art from its counterfeits, and which also decide the quality of every work of art apart from its subject matter.

#37. The absence of any one of these conditions excludes a work form the category of art and relegates it to that of art’s counterfeits. If the work does not transmit the artist’s peculiarity of feeling and is therefore not individual, if it is unintelligibly expressed, or if it has not proceeded from the author’s inner need for expression – it is not a work of art. If all these conditions are present, even in the smallest degree, then the work, even if a weak one, is yet a work of art.

#38. The presence in various degrees of these three conditions – individuality, clearness, and sincerity – decides the merit of a work of art as art, apart from subject matter. All works of art take rank of merit according to the degree in which they fulfill the first, the second, and the third of these conditions. In one the individuality of the feeling transmitted may predominate; in another, clearness of expression; in a third, sincerity; while a fourth may have sincerity and individuality but be deficient in clearness; a fifth, individuality and clearness but less sincerity; and so forth, in all possible degrees and combinations.

#39. Thus is art divided from that which is not art, and thus is the quality of art as art decided, independently of its subject matter, i.e., apart from whether the feelings it transmits are good or bad.

#40. But how are we to define good and bad art with reference to its subject matter?

Now, I didn’ t write this entire blog post just so I could rant about my everyday interests and bore you guys to death, even though it may sound exactly like the latter.

In fact, this post isn’t even about me.

When I started this blog, my sole goal was to help people find who they truly are, uncover what happiness really is, to open new windows of opportunities and maybe even spark interest in you. Sharing my interests with other people opened up new potential and a realization of Hey, I should try this. And it isn’t just about telling people about a new hobby or sport or whatever, it’s about letting others, and yourself, know that there is always something that will call out to you and say this is what you were born to do. Telling other people what you like to do, and why it feels so magical, can be broadening for them and you. It’ll be the most subtle thing ever, or just scream in your face but you’ll know why I meant all of this.

Find what you really love doing, and do it.

Always, always question yourself in these terms.

“Does this make me happy?”

“Am I doing this for myself or for the mere sake of it?”

“How much did I do to get here?”

I want everyone to realize that you don’t have to have a future where you’re unhappy, but you have enough pay to live a proper life.

And always remember, that whatever art you’re pursuing,

It’s never a crime.


The Misadventures of the Hidden Tooth.

So, this took place a while ago; but my orthodontist said that I had a tooth that was all the way up into my gums so there was this incestuous gap towards the front of my mouth where a grown tooth was supposed to be. I already had braces on at the time so there was a short, stubby little wire that would stretch across that little gap. Of course, me being the ignorant person I am, just shrugged it of before I was told of the seriousness. So there we were, in about two or three months we caught a consulting appointment with a really sweet dental care dude and his crew who were also super chill.

Now, I’m sure there’s gotta be couple of you guys out there who have braces. And understand the struggles. You guys, you guys are my dudes? My people who understand the fact woeful fact that there are two sets of at least 11 or 12 metal brackets LITERALLY SUPER GLUED TO OUR TEETH. Do you understand the actual freaking context of that? It sounds like a torture device used in the medieval period! But, in retrospect, if you put the medieval torture bit aside; braces really aren’t that bad after a while. But I’m still just as eager to get them off.

So this little surgery would basically tear the gum that was covering that tooth so it could be exposed. And if this wasn’t done soon and properly, I would end up having dental problems when I’m older. Since said tooth was being a wuss and hiding away from the rest of it’s teeth buddies.

. . .

Hah, teeth buddies.

Anyway, a couple weeks later, my orthodontist would put a bracket over it.



Easy peasy.

Simple Right?


Yeah right.

Every time someone tells this story to other people, he always says that it wasn’t a big deal, and that in other places it wouldn’t even be consider “surgery”. They could just take a sharp, dried, rice and cute your gums with that. And every time other people ask, he always tells them that it’s just a big deal over nothing.

But, anyone who thinks the same; well, just think for a moment. If it wasn’t a big deal would your orthodontist or dental surgeon tell you all the dangers of not having it done properly and at the right time? Would they just shrug it off and say that it isn’t a big deal? That’s part of their job okay? Telling people when something in their body is messed up is something they are required to do. They won’t just say, “Oh, it isn’t a big deal, just live with the pain when it comes later on! Whoop de doo.” or “Heh, anyone can do it, just ask one of your family members to just cut it for you! Without a medical license!”

*whoop de doo intensifies*

So, sorry to burst your bubble but I have a lot of respect for people in fields like doctoring, therapy, and dental care. Basically anything medicinal or physiological. And those of you out there who are studying or practicing this kinda stuff, well, kudos to you because you amazing people are the reason that the world is sometimes a better place to be in when we need it to be.

I mean, these people are the ones making sure you can be the best person you can be physically and mentally. Without them we wouldn’t have the decency to get ourselves checked when needed. We know what isn’t good to put into our bodies.  These people are basically putting together people who are literally internally broken. This can be analogy similar to taking apart a computer and putting it back together. But, let me tell, from my heart and soul, this is something that is absolutely superhuman. It takes so much willpower, intelligence, and just courage to do what these incredible people do, just so we could live our lives happily and with no mental or physical problem stopping us from doing so.

Bottom line is, I have a lot of respect for people in these areas. And I know for a fact that a lot of you do as well.

Anyway, the procedure didn’t sound as bad as I thought it would be. They said I would be given laughing gas so I wouldn’t feel the pain. Upon hearing that my mind kinda went on hyper drive; mainly because I haven’t(well, to the extent of my memory)been given any chemical compounds to ease pain in any specific procedure. So obviously this was uncharted territory for me in terms of medicinal purposes. And before this happened I had never been given Anastasia, laughing gas, or anything else like these.

W e l l .

That may or may not be a lie, seeing that I haven’t confirmed those exact details with my parents.


Oh well.

Our appointment was at like 8:00 in the morning so I obviously wasn’t in the best of moods, I was groggy and I kept rubbing my eyes. I dressed hastily, in ratty jeans that bunched up at my ankles(since I’m as tall as a gremlin), and a grey sweatshirt that’s way to big for me, with my school’s sport’s team logo on it.

Usually, on a regular day when I have school or I’m going out somewhere, my clothing style could probably described as practical, casual, comfortable, and kinda elegant? Like dresses, cute sweaters, skirts, hair bows, lots and lots of rings. I usually wear soft pinks or white, or dark blue’s. Floral prints too.  I like wearing cat ears here and there for fun,  (even if my parents don’t commensurate with my interests in that area. Sorry mom and dad 🙂

But when I have to rush out to the library or I only have a precious spare ten minutes to get ready for school because I overslept(again)I wear the same jeans, shirt a/o jacket. And that lovely morning was no exception.

Note the sarcasm, because that morning wasn’t lovely at all.

We drove to the clinic and I was in a pretty dreadful mood, the sky imitated my clairvoyant debacle, a misanthropic grey, mind you. The sun was merely a figment of one’s imagination, nowhere to be seen that obscured morning. The buildings looked dreary and uninviting as we passed by in search of the room we were seeking. The pale, sickening, beige paint on the walls looked almost dead. The colour itself had no life even though it had no connection whatsoever to natural elements in itself.

My internal monologue was extremely pessimistic that day, which obviously would’ve given me a very thorough scolding from my parents if any of my statements were said aloud. Now I don’t mean cussing and such, (I’m not that kinda person, jeez). But more or less of what I would written if I was writing a fight scene or something related and the protagonist wasn’t exactly conquering the physical dispute. Or if I was sitting in history class and I had to copy down a particularly flamboyant snippet of history that was the exact opposite of sunshine and rainbows.

Now, don’t get the wrong idea from reading the last couple words because I most certainly am not afraid of surgical procedures or anything that relates to physical pain in that matter. For example, if I’m having my blood drawn, I just stare as crimson liquid is being extracted from my own veins and rushing through thin, clear tubes before pooling into vial after glass vial before being carried away for testing and examination. And I just ignore the pain, even when there’s a fairly long needle penetrating the skin between my forearm and humerus.

I have watched a variety of different surgical operations on YouTube in my spare time and didn’t bury my face in my arms and on my desk when we watched a video of a women going into labor in science class last year for our life science segment. I’ve dissected a frog, a chicken wing, and a squid under a teacher’s supervision and guidance. And watched the dissection of a cow’s eyeball at our field trip to the Exploratorium in San Fransisco this year. The idea of pain or blood in general just doesn’t scare me in the least. And more recently, I’ve handled real human hearts from donors who gave their organs to the studies of human internal organs.

Though it doesn’t mean I won’t complain when I’m having cramps, a headache, or when I’m sick. My parents can tell you ALL about how much of a big crybaby I am in those cases. But it most absolutely never scares.

And I’m not saying that being scared isn’t okay. In fact I encourage you to be scared in any situation that may deem a frightening vibe to you. It’ll give you a sense of what your mental strengths and weaknesses are. Fear is what leads to bravery and when you’re afraid or you just need a moment to yourself and let yourself go, that’s nothing to be ashamed of. Age doesn’t matter when it involves how you truly feel on the inside. Sometimes you just need to hideaway in the shower or lock yourself in your bedroom and have a good cry. Knowing and feeling all these emotions is okay, and fear is one I wish people would show more often. It’s an indication to ourselves that we aren’t invincible, we have our flaws, and we’re all human. We all have an Achilles heel that we just can’t ignore. And the fears we don’t learn to address only grow to become our limits.

For example, I am absolutely terrified of spiders and thunder. And to a lot of people, these two fears are just stupid compared to actual serious fears or phobias.  But in this rate of context, if you’re about to show me something along the horrid lines of thunder and or spiders,  well all you’re gonna get from me is a big, fat, NOPE.




The cool surgeon dude settled me into those chair things that go up and down at specific angles. You know, the ones that have in like dental offices and stuff. He showed me a machine that had a mask attached to it, and he told me it was what held the laughing gas and the mask was for me to put on so I can intake it. But apparently my nose was too small so he had to switch out the regular one with an extra-small mask that would be going on and around my nose. I really like the man because he was constantly reassuring me that there was nothing to worry about and that I could just relax and let them do the work.

He also told me that he wasn’t giving too much of a laughing gas dosage and I would feel when it’s kicking in if my hand would start tingling or if I was starting to the get the feeling that I was floating. So naturally, if someone told me that I would get the sense that I was floating. Well, I think it’s safe to say that I got just a tad bit excited. Anyway, the doctor dude said that he had started up the laughing gas and was giving me a small dosage to start.

Obviously, I don’t remember exactly what happened, throughout the surgery since it was just me, with my mouth wide open, while there were needles and other sharp metal objects occupying the space of my mouth.  But, I could literally feel them scraping their scalpels against my tooth.And trust me, that is not a fun thing to think about, let alone experience. It was just plain uncomfortable and gave me the sense that my tooth was eroding before

By the end of the surgery my entire right cheek felt like it had swollen to the size of a mini basketball, it was numb and just moving my jaw was uncomfortable. My mouth was also sore from the injections to keep my mouth insensate, so I wouldn’t feel anything else while they were working.

Before my dad and I left, Mr. Doctor Dude gave me a talk on what I should do when I get home and what I should do about the pain, etcetera, etcetera. He gave me some little packages of gauze in case it started to bleed again. My dad kept making fun of me for complaining so much as we were driving home, but I wasn’t in the mood to start an argument right then and their and tried rolling with it.

When we got home, my mom obviously was empathetic and gave me the usual:


Honestly, it was too much for me to comprehend in a span of five minutes after I stepped through the door, and all I wanted to do was just curl up into a little ball and never appear on the face of the Earth again. All I really wanted to do was hide away in my bedroom and just tuck myself into the sheets and completely block off hearing anything from the rest of the house, by putting in my earbuds. That day, I just wasn’t really great at being a good person in society in general. I was tired, I was hungry, but if I moved my jaw it would just get more sore. I was super irritable, like, just a small nip at what little shred of human decency I had would just make me go ballistic. And it’s really hard to get me out of that state. It’s a serious problem.

Don’t you guys just have those days where you just lose all of your cool? Like every little thing just aggravates you, and you just lash out on the first person you see? It would be a massive lie if I said I don’t. Some mornings I just wake up with a furrow on my brow and I’m just a foreboding mess that doesn’t want to socialize with anyone. And we all have those days don’t we? I personally think that’s it’s just impossible to always have a good attitude, because frankly, it gets tiring. Now I’m not saying that you shouldn’t put yourself out there just because you don’t like being around people. In fact, I personally think that the phrase “I have an allergy to people” is just an amplification excuse to not be a decent human being everyday, and just be a wuss. There is clearly, a distinct difference between introvert, someone who’s just physically and or mentally drained, or a misanthrope. 

All three of which have no relation whatsoever and it’s just unkindly to assume that they are.

That day I was more on the introverted side rather than my usual “Put myself out there” attitude. And it wasn’t even the surgery itself! It was all the work put into numbing my mouth.
But, I obviously “recovered” and I realize now, that I was just a massive wimp. And as I told a couple of my friends this, one of them came to my house a couple weeks later with a bouquet of these gorgeous flowers for me. And this was also a friend who had to get her wisdom teeth removed. So really it should’ve been vice versa.

Well, that was just a short little anecdote for you all, since I haven’t posted anything in a while. There’s a lot of works currently in the making, AND I have a lot of ideas that are definitely going to surprise you! I hope you got somewhat of a good laugh out of this. But before I end this post, I want to give you a little quote that I came up with and I want to see if you guys can understand the context between that quote and my post.

Smiles can melt someone, heal someone, drive someone absolutely mad, in a number of ways. But the best feelings are when I smile to people I see everyday and care about, and the smile they give me in return just drips with this haze of happiness and content, and we learn to lure each other into our own mystical biospheres as we fall deeper into conversation. But our smiles never fade and our eyes never stop twinkling. It’s a feeling that even the most supreme being in the universe can’t take away. And it’s these kinds of interactions that let me have the best friendships with people. And not just with the one’s I’ve come to know all my life. No screen, no keyboard, no text bubbles. Just human to human. And the only tools are our voices and our smiles. 

This is the prologue to a book of 365 pages.

When I first started this blog, I took it as an opportunity to show that I was capable of more than just what the adults around me thought I was able. My own little archive to hold all my interests in the real world. Digitally enhancing my ability to connect with people in a whole new perspective. Even when thousands of miles apart. This blog was started when I was eleven; two years ago. That doesn’t sound like much when I put it out there, but to me, those two years were two different lifetimes. Each with their own ups and downs. I’ve improved a lot ever since then. In a lot of things, my drawing, music. But I still have a long way to go.

For a couple days, I’ve been skimming through my earliest posts. From the dawn of my blog. The first couple entries I did on here were consistent in posting sure, but the content itself as a whole I’m gonna be brutally honest and say;

I could’ve done so much better.

Realizing this, I also noticed that I’ve kind of drifted away from those types of posts. I realize I didn’t really show my own personality through my writing. Which basically crushed the entire point of my blog. 2018 was the year where I probably realized that. I’ve definitely tried putting in more heart in my posts and I can’t and won’t stop. But this year and the two years before have been hitting every nerve and heart string in more ways than I knew possible. I’ve realized it’s crucial to have the kind of author’s craft that

I criticize myself constantly each day when it comes to writing or drawing. Constructive criticism, a process that I’ve come to value more than ever in 2018. This year was incredible in terms of skimming through. Seeing my family again, learning and loving things I will cherish forever. Picking up new hobbies and interests. Opening my mind and letting new things enter and blossom.

This year I’ve met people that changed my perception for the better, making me grow into the person I want to be. Rather than the molds society shoves towards me. I’ve realized that not everything will go as planned. Things that have went wrong can’t always be fixed. But sometimes that okay. Even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time. I’ve learned that letting things go are the only way I will grow as a person in this vast universe. Even if it’s the most heartbreaking thing I’ll have to do, I know that I can, and I will, come back. Grown.

But the most important thing I’ve learned?

You can’t live the same way all the time.

Routine is great, especially in specific areas of achievement, like work or school. But not in life. Never in life. You can’t be doing the same things, being the same person every day and call it a life. Be spontaneous, vivacious. Splurge a little with your emotions. It’s okay to be angry sometimes, to want to tear down the whole world or cry until your voice is hoarse and your screaming your heart out. You can’t stay quiet forever. Let your voice be heard. Express your thoughts in every way possible, art, music, writing, dance, singing, sculpting, screaming. You can’t afford to live the same every. Single. Day. Let out the fiery part of you waiting to come out, show the world who you are on the inside. Make them never forget the impact you put on them. So many people have for me.

It’s about time I did too.

But something about 2018 has gotten me thinking about more than just my own personal realizations.

If you think about it, we’re all connected in a way that would seem almost impossible to a skepticist. You and I. Reader and Writer. My emotions will fluctuate through my writing, flowing like a course river, or a high tide. You will read, connect your own memories with mine. It’s the same with everything we do in life. I don’t really know how to put this but-okay, I got it.

We all breathe the same air, need the same things to survive. But most of all, we can understand emotion in such a way, that we can heal ourselves or others. Build relationships and cultivate them. Spread our loves and opinions like a wild fire. Until the entire world burns. Even strangers can understand, read your face. Even if it’s only for a mere few seconds. We can have instant understandings just based of body language and facial expression. Completely wordless. We share a silent, mutual understanding.

It’s incredible isn’t it?

You know another thing I learned?

I am probably the most inconsistent writer there is. I don’t even think I should even be in the category of “writer.” I mean, I write a heck of a lot of stuff for school, pages and pages of crosses and X’s, dashes and weird squiggly lines indicating changes that need to be made. Spending days, weeks on manuscripts, thesis’s, memoirs, crazy almost unreadable papers answering state test topics. I’ve probably written enough in the past couple months in school than I did in my free time. And no it’s not writers block.

I know I keep apologizing, long sentences of remorse and extenuation that is only half justifiable. I’m not gonna apologize anymore; I think you guys have had enough from me. No more excuses. So if I don’t post for a long period of time, you guys will know that I’m hunched over on my desk or by the computer. Papers askew and threatening to fall over and create a tsunami that I won’t have time to clean. I’ll also be doing lots and lots of multitasking so there’s that too. I’m most likely going to be cowering over the desktop and typing like a ballistic maniac. But I’m on my winter break write now so I’ll to post as much as I can in the days to come.

That basically sums up my first resolutions. To post more often.

Y A Y.

Another thing I actually learned was in India actually.

Man, I learned a lot of things this year.

I am fabulous.

Just kidding haha.

Anyway, when we were in India, I realized that all of my family members were immersed in their own beliefs what was most important to them. Like Babu Peryiappa(my uncle). He completely absorbs whats around him and baths himself in what he loves. What’s most important to him. He is happy in that way. Same with everyone else. To them, their everything was family. My mom, dad or one of my siblings would walk into a room and one pr both of my grandmother’s would instantly perk up. Their eyes glowing with love and so many other things I can’t describe.

So here are the top things I realized in 2018 are the things I can’t live without.

  • Family

  • Friends

  • Art

  • Music

  • Writing

  • Beliefs

I think you all have been reading long enough to know the first six. But the last one well…

That’s new.

I realized that having my own beliefs are probably what sustains my heart and soul itself. More than money and things. More than everything in this world that someone could possibly need or want besides family and friends. My drive, my need for purpose. To be different from the world. It’s what anchors me to real life. It’s what keeps me from completely disappearing into my own insane delusions.

I believe that anyone can do anything when they have the right people beside them the entire time.

I believe that surviving isn’t the same as living.

I believe that your differences are what make you beautiful.

I believe that without fear, there is no bravery.

I believe that at one point you should be strong enough to stand alone. But smart enough to know when you need help and then ask for it without fear.

I believe that greatness don’t come when you’re in you comfort zone.

I believe rules can be broken when you know they’re wrong.

Happy New Year everyone.


Drink in your surroundings and let them swallow you whole.

It’s November, everyone’s Instagram or social media archives are everything fall related. Pumpkin spice lattes, random pictures of leathers boots that you probably can’t even afford. Most likely edited with an overused filter. Well I don’t really have a say because I don’t have any social media, but I’m just stating the norm here people. The glorious season of fall washing away the summer tides. Bringing in the bitter cold, and yet sweeping in new, warm memories to make our chills scurry away. I honestly love fall. The gorgeous leaves, bundling up in scarves and hats. Staying close with my friends for at least a little warmth. Course some of you live in more, tropical, areas of the world. So image this;

A long trail in a wooded forest; or a simple walk along the trails of the nearby school grounds. The heavily wooded path may be concrete, but the leaves crunching underneath your feet make up for it. The cold bites at any exposed skin and leaves a million kisses on your face. The wind is consistent, vigorous, silent. You’re bundled in thick jackets, fleece, scarfs, a hat, boots. Even then, a little chilling wind cuts through. The trees around you don thousands of crisp leaves, different hues of red and orange. The sky a blue that could have swallowed you whole. You carry on, knowing full well that these aren’t the only aspects of autumn.

Ha! Now, how was that!?

Anyway, I know I may be wrong, some of you living in other countries may experience this weather. But it’s still fun to describe the simple beauty of it all. I mean, fall is also a bit of a rainy season. Well at least here in California it is. Its the type of weather that makes me have a little beast yearning inside of me. Sniffing the air for a little gust of wind, the crunch of autumn leaves grinding against the soles of my shoes. The part of the year where there’s this slight, I don’t know, this haziness. And all I want to do is find a little secluded corner, a stack or two of books, my sketchbook. My headphones on and my eyes trained on the window. Either pouring with sunlight, clouds hiding the brilliant blue of the sky, or rain. Wonderful, sweet rain falling and falling. Until it has tired.

November, in my opinion, is probably one of the most underrated months. I mean holiday wise. It’s the month in between October and December. In October the hype is pumpkins and costumes, scaring your friends, trick-or-treating. December is Christmas movies, hot chocolate, mistletoe, red and green stockings, trees and ornaments. And November is just


Like the third wheel between a pair of two best friends or something. But you know what it does have!?

Black Friday?

NO. Okay well yes but your missing the point.

Cyber Monday?

No. You’re even farther than when you started.


It’s the season of being thankful for what you have and maybe even showing it. It isn’t just about stuffing yourself until you feel like you’re going to spontaneously combust. And in the past what, two years? I have so much that I need to say that I can’t possibly just end with one day of it. But I might as well.

Obviously, I’m thankful for my family. I mean without them, I probably wouldn’t even be writing this, let alone under this roof. And not just the ones who I live with.

Let’s start with my parents

My mom with her simple wisdom, and her infinite amount of mental stamina. The person who’s always there when I feel like the entire world is crumbling anf crashing down on me. When I’m sick of trying and end up crying.  The one to fuss over the smallest cuts anf bruises. The one to beam when I receive a compliment. To smother me with hugs when she’s proud. She has loved me for who I am. Even if the person I am can, be(and is)reckless and hostile. My own human interactions awkward and apprehensive. She’s a role model, and definitely a favorite among my own friends. She is my biggest female critic, and yet, the strongest supporter. Without her, half the decisions I make on my own would probably end up catastrophically and leaving my life a mess.

But she isn’t the only person who raised me.

My dad. We have it going rough sometimes, I mean, I swear we can’t go a day without having a fight over something stupid and pointless. But I feel like we have more things in common than not, the root of these little brawls really. Our similarities the core of why we fight so much. Like a taste of your own medicine. But it being my father and I, it’s like blood against blood. Now let me point out that most of these petty little fights mostly end up being me who is the cause of it. So don’t go around saying my dad was being the stupid arrogant one. But the contrary really.

I know my father isn’t the most, cozy person in the world. But he does have meaning with his words and actions. He has done so much good in this world and I can’t express in words how much he has done for other people besides himself. Which is more frequent than not. He goes out of his way to do something for someone else. Even if its a burden on himself. Even if it’s just the simple things. I make it a point to specifically pay attention. I can only strive to be like him and my mom. Without him I wouldn’t even have the confidence to show other people what I love doing. What I yearn to do with myself. His own model is what I can only wish to become.

But listen to this first:

If you were to watch an small interaction us; we would both use similar retorts, mock fighting stances, tease each other. We nitpick each other. Both of us born with raised voices and open opinions. Either of those a bad thing or good thing? I’m not sure. But those similarities, our ambitions, our good and bad qualities. It makes me feel closer to him in a strange way. But a good strange you know? And I’m thankful for that.

I don’t even know if my dad would be cool with me writing this stuff about us and I’m probably gonna get scolded later on but ya know it’s cool.

So uhh, hey dad. 



But I can’t stop there because, there are so many others too.

The family and friends we have in India, in Singapore, the ones in different corners of the world that I wish at least my fingertips could reach. They support me, nurture me, even from thousands of miles away. They give me praise I think I don’t even deserve. My uncles, my aunts I wish I could say more but I just can’t with words.

Well, I- uh-technically speaking I can because  I am perfectly capable of using that ability. That ability being able to read and write and speak the English language and well. But I choose to stay hidden with that capability because it is quite hard to describe something you don’t even understand yourself.

Well sorry for that little splurge there guys.

I’m so grateful for all my amazing friends. There so diverse and I don’t think I can go a school day without them. A group of so many diverse people in so many aspects  of themselves. I mean they, like my own family, bring out the best in me. Infusing me with a constant bit of adrenaline that I can only hope never dies down.True friends are the ones that can hear you when you’re quiet. It’s a phrase I have come to be familiar with over the years. A silent understanding between us. A group of so many miscellaneous people. The one’s I’ve been friends with since kindergarten, since sixth or seventh grade which isn’t to long ago. Or even a recent friendship that has blossomed.

I wouldn’t know what to do without them.

But most of all.

I’m loved.

Enough said.

I hope you all have a wonderful day; or night, no judgement.

And just take a couple moments to just think about what in you life that you’re thankful for. Please. It can do so much good and it’ll help you realize just how much good and love is around us.

Hey mom.

When I was little I would always ask my parents why they named me- Kanmani. An exotic name is it not? No one at school had such a name, so why me? My little child’s brain was a thing of callow and naive thoughts of wonder at everything in sight. Therefore giving me the constant consent that such questions like these must be answered. My mother didn’t hesitate to answer as I stared with an anxious widening of my eyes. She looked me directly in the eyes and said:

When you were born you and you father looked down at you, our first daughter and thought how precious you are to us. This tiny human laying in my arms will be the star in our solar system. Your fragile and angelic. Kanmani means precious like the eye. You are so much like that Kanmani. Remember that.

I have never forgotten those words, sure my parents may have but there is no way I could. Its stamped in my head, every time I feel like a failure I think of those words because my mother, my best friend, she said those to me. That has been imprinted in my head, those words are what have only made a quarter of who I am. My mom, oh my gosh this amazing, incredible human being. She is this loving, generous, strong, soul, this umbra. She can make anyone in her presence feel like the most carefree and loved spirit in the world. She can walk with the entire universe on her shoulders and make it look like she has delicate wings on her back. Without my mom I wouldn’t have the motivation to do what I do now.

Another thing about my mom is that she has this aura around her like her own atmospheric bubble. The instant you enter it you’re being washed by love and graciousness. If she hugs you the effect from that embrace will still leave and impression on you long after her arms have left your body. If you guys do not remember, I made a post last year, in February about my mom and someone commented on that post saying that my mom is a kind person and they still remember being hugged by her. A hug with so much love. They also said I was very lucky to have her as a mom.

Indeed I am.

A lot of people say that I have the looks of my father, from the curve of my jawline down to the way I smile. But a handful of people say I look like my mom. But alas, looks are the most deceiving. My mom is smart in every situation, she isn’t awkward or hesitant. She is an amazing cook and has the willpower of a thousand forests and mountains. She is graceful and adored and thinks before acting. She is smart and wise. She is so calm and unique in the best way possible and has the beauty patience of a willow tree.

I on the other hand am probably the most awkward person alive and the only thing I can make in the kitchen is cereal and toast. I cant even be sure about my own willpower and I’m as graceful as an oaf. I don’t think before my actions and I not that smart most of the time and have the wisdom of a goldfish cracker.

But the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

My mom makes me feel like I can do anything and I don’t love another female more than I love her and my sister. I believe in love at first sight because the first thing I saw when I was born was her. My mother believes in me more than I believe in myself. Happy Mothers Day  everyone, of and before I sign off I need to do something;

Here is a letter to you mom:

Dearest mother.

I will love you as long as the waves crash on the shores of the beach,

as long as the stars shine,

the sun rises,

the rain falls,

the flowers unfurl,

the winds blow,

the moon glows,

and wolves howl to the sky.

Adieu My Best of Love,


All the Way Home

(This post is not sponsored by ANY brands named in this post)

It takes hands to build a house, but it takes hearts to build a home.

Those words were the first things I saw when I walked into my English classroom a few weeks ago with my hands full with books and pencils and pens sticking out of the mound of hair on the top of my head that couldn’t even pass as a bun. My shoulder weighed down by the boulder that is my backpack.  My hand trying to keep my flute steady before the case would clatter to the floor. While we all settled down and took out our books and binders, I scanned the room. I saw countless faces staring with confused looks on as we looked at our teacher holding a stick pointing to the words that everyone was trying to mentally decipher.

Everyone but me.

That day was one of our journaling  days, but instead of it being a free write like on a usual day like that. We were instructed to write something based of the quote on the board. Of course as everyone stared at their journals with blank looks on their faces, I scribbled furiously on my paper, my hand, mind, heart, and soul working as one.  My friends looked at me, their faces vacant of emotion. “How in the world are you writing so much and so freaking fast!?!” One of my friends yelled in a whisper. I just shrugged my shoulders in a silent gesture meaning I don’t have an answer to that one man. My friend huffed in pretend disappointment but actually started writing a few sentences. In fact, everyone else started to write a little bit as well. As if a curse was uplifted amongst everyone in the classroom.

I guess everyone finally understood what home really meant.

I had been living in various apartments ever since I was brought into the world. First a tiny apartment with one bedroom. Light always filled the room and I remember looking through pictures with my mom and i would see me. But smaller, I so small in my mothers arms with her beaming at me as I looked at her my eyes wide with wonder as the sun kissed my hair. When I was about three or four we moved into a different apartment but at the same complex that the previous one was owned by. This one was a bit bigger but with the same necessities. Most of my childhood was spent there. My cousins and I painting our hands with mud and smacking them against the wall outside the building. Our tiny hands depicting innocence and a carefree mind. The summer when I was a second grader going onto third grade, we moved into a two story apartment(same complex area) two bedrooms and two bathrooms. The carpet was plush when we got there. I being the senseless young girl I was wondered how I was ever going to make this empty vast space a home when I had left one behind.

It took me a while to realize that home was where ever the people I loved were with me.

Years have passed and we have made so many memories. It was the place my sister was born into, it was where I realized that words and books are my soulmates for life. Hypothetically speaking, it was the place where I finally realized that home is a not a place or a thing, but a feeling.  I am twelve(going on to thirteen) now. I had moved to that apartment when I was eight so it’s been four years. I have transubstantiated from that young absurd little eight year-old into the somewhat of a decent teenager I am now.  My eyes understand the world better than they did four years ago.

I started to think I want to live in a place we can call our own. My parents were quick to agree three years into our living there. They searched multiple websites, picking up flyers they found when an open house popped up somewhere near us. Of course they wanted to find a place that was close to school. They searched and sorry if I was being selfish but I was getting anxious. I would constantly send messages to God praying that we would find a place of our own. My mom always says that god will always answer your prayers if you try hard enough and if you believe that it will happen. I live by that everyday. I don’t let my flame die down and my determination is in me like armor that can’t  be penetrated by the deadliest bullet.

My wishes were answered and struck me when I least expected it.

It was about a month and a half before today and I was sitting at the kitchen table. I was (re)reading one of my favorite books called Silent Luna as music pounded in my ears. One of my favorite quotes from that book was:

“I thought I had died when I was alone…

‘Till you found me here and brought me back home. “

I legit am not kidding, right after I read the sentences(that also made me mentally break down)my dad told to my mom:

Dad: We got the house.

Mom: ….

Dad: We got the house.

Mom: ….

Mom: *eyes widen* Really?!


My mom looked close to tears of happiness, and my dad looked super happy but his eyes held a thousand thoughts. My little brother’s face seemed blank and confused like the What the heck is even going on right now. I for one didn’t know what to think. Have my parents really found a house? We’re seriously once and for all leaving and apartment? For good? Thoughts clouded my head one by one; though I still managed to get the right idea registered into my head, even through the obscure smog in my head drowning anything lucid or comprehensible that entered my conscious. Of course I was on cloud nine and I was joining mom, brother and sister with jubilant cheers. But I was wondering why my dad said that they got “the” house and not “a” house.

I asked my dad about it and he said that they(they meaning my mom and dad) had actually seen the house a few weeks before since it was(extremely) close to school. But then the real estate agent told them a few days later that the house had been taken. My mom told me that, that house seemed perfect and they couldn’t let go of it. So they kept hope that it would pop up for opportunity again. Now lets get back to that night.

My parents talked to each other more about stuff like remodeling and prices of essential kitchen and bathroomy(???) stuff. Of course me being the eccentric(and frankly the dorkiest person on this planet) intelligent seventh grade female I am, I daydreamed instead. (Wait it was actually like seven or eight at night so would that mean just dreaming or like, okay you know what never mind your missing the point.)

I was making plans in my head:

I could start a garden and make my bedroom look super minimalistic and rustic. I could maybe even add a few decals here and there. And obviously I need a huge desk and a swivel chair thats super comfy, and a cute little nightstand next to my bed. Oh! I could also get a NASA poster to put above my bed or maybe I could get a solar system model that I can hang on the ceiling above my bed. I could also get a Ravenclaw banner and put it somewhere. Or maybe get a little Ministry of Magic sign…

“-Kanmani, Kanmani, KANMANI HARIVENKATESH!!!” My mom and dad both trying to salvage me back to reality.

*Picks up a tennis ball and chucks it across the room* – My brother

“What the-” *Smack*

My head snapped up and heat creeped up my neck as I tried to come up with a reasonable explanation as to why I wasn’t paying attention to their(undeniably boring) financial statements and planning. I also ended up having to rub the side of my temple as it was throbbing from BEING SMACKED BY A FREAKING TENNIS BALL. *ahem* As I was saying, my dad then asked me “You wanna see a picture of the house?” I wanted to scream HECK YEAH! but I kept my composure and with a blunt nod I instead replied with, “Yes I would like that very much.” Probably to formal on my part, but who cares. My dad pulled up a tab on his laptop that had a google maps location that lo and behold featured a cute little cottage like house. The stereotypical California beach house. Excluding the beach of course. It had light brick red accents around the window and door frames. As well as on the garage door and the poles upholding the porch roof.  It had beautiful rosebushes in the front yard, with a pebble pathway winding around the chaparral and brushes surrounding it. The windows were very wide in width and tall in height. A tall white fence lined the left side of house and the side yard. The titanium white paint had chips of its reminisces peeling off, exposing the timeworn wood underneath.

My dad zoomed out so we could see a satellite view of the house. Please keep in my that before my dad actually showed us the house on his laptop he told us that it would take at least an hour to just get too school. I was quite surprises at this because my parents key task was to find a house that was close to school for both me and my brother. I was getting suspicious and I was debating whether or not I should believe what my dad told me.Wow thats a really big school. With another school beside it! Wow. Too bad I have to drive for an hour just to get to mine. But then my idiot of a mind realized something. My house was adjacent to my own school. Like I literally have to walk like three feet from my property and then I walk across a bridge and than BAM I’m on the school’s property. I was so happy that I finally didn’t have arrive at school like two minutes before class starts. My parents beamed at me as I continued to gawk at what was going to now be my home.

O N E  W E E K  L A T E R

My dad drove forward and turned left and out of the apartments parking lot. We drove for a few minutes before taking a left to a neighborhood that was right across from the park and a few blocks left of City Hall. We turned and we drove past a bunch of other houses, each one the same style but of them having there own aspects to them that seemed to make them all seem different. Making it all diverse. Not anomalous of course. Soon my dad parked into the driving of what was our house. In real life it was even more surreal for me. Soon enough this place was going to be my home. I knew that it would take at least a month to remodel most of the house, like the bathrooms, kitchen, roofing, painting, etc.

My dad said that the realtor was going to give us the key. Since he wasn’t there yet I decided to just explore the front of the house. Apparently my parents and my brother had the same idea. I stepped out off the car and straightened my shirt and jeans. I retired my shoes and walked out to the front and joined my parents. The window on the front was huge and obviously very aged but I instantly fell in love with the way the sun streamed down on it. While my parents talked I decided to go to the bridge that was above the canal where I could walk to the school field.I stood on the bridge and watched the water in the aqueduct below flow and trickle.

Suddenly I heard a sharp, HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII coming from a voice we didn’t recognize. I turned around and saw a woman  grinning from ear to ear.

Her: Hi are you guys our new neighbors?

My Dad: Yeah we will be moving in once we finish remodeling, it will take about a month.

Her: How exciting for you guys! This is a great neighborhood and the location is perfect.

Her: Hi whats your name? *looks at me*

Me: *sweating bullets* My name is Kanmani, so nice to me you

Her: What a pretty name! I have never heard such amazing names like your families

My Dad: *chuckles* Thanks so much for coming down here to say hi, which house do you live in?

Her: *points to which one is her house*

T I M E  S K I P(cuz you cant really expect me to remember that whole entire conversation and assume that I can recall the whole thing and sit in front of this computer the whole time all in one sitting.)

Her: Well I better get going, goodbye! So nice to meet you!

All of us: Bye!

She turned back and walked along the road back to her house after waving goodbye Wow she is so nice, I hope I can meet everyone else here. What a lively women. I thought as I traced the patterns on the wood Soon a car pulled up and a man stepped out who I recognized as the realtor that I saw on the card my dad had. He shook my dads hand and shook my moms, then mine. He and my dad discussing things briefly, they joked around with my brother and me before he went reaching into his pocket and taking out a key ring with one single key on it with a little blue key chain. He handed it to me and said you wanna do the honors? I slowly nodded my head as I took the keys from his grasp. I plastered on a smile but my mind was just like:


I pushed the key into the lock and turned until I heard a click. Doing the same with the lock underneath. I pulled the key out and opened the door giving myself a mental pat on the back for successfully  unlocking the door without destroying the lock and the foundation. And trust me, I can be very destructive when I don’t mean it. One time I was making pancakes with my mom and I managing to break the measuring cup that was holding flour, FLOUR. Yeah the substance made of grains(and other stuff I don’t know)that you put in baked goods.  How is this possible, I don’t know. Anyway, I was just glad I didn’t manage to destroy our new house without even walking in yet.

We all stepped in and inhaled, breathing in the smell of the aged walls and wood. The walls were an decrepit old white-the results of years and years of standing as a white wall. We all stepped inside, the window in the living room had an old chandelier hanging from an intricate metal hook screwed into the beautiful wooden ceiling. I loved the wooden ceiling and gave me cabin-in-the-woods kind of vibe. We stood on floors that were completely covered in carpet similar too the one we had in our apartment. The house reminded of a lodge, perhaps my dad had the same idea when he first saw the house. Yeah I should ask him about that. Anyway, we all wandered the house individually. My mom and my little sister went straight to the kitchen, my dad outside, my brother went down the hallway to the bedrooms, as I followed suit.

I followed my little brother he stopped in the doorway of the first room, It was not to small or too big and I was able to picture(quite well actually)my brothers stuff in this room.  My brother stood his ground when he said that he wanted this to be his bedroom so I backed off and saw that there was a bathroom on the other side of the hallway. I continued my descent to see the other two bedroom awaiting me. Right next the the bathroom was a large bedroom with another bathroom in it. This one seemed perfect for my parents to fit their bed and my sisters crib inside so I went to the last bedroom. I stepped inside, and I instantly decided that it was mine. It was slightly larger than the room my little brother chose. My parents caught up with my brother and I and they started going from room to room. I stepped out of my room(YES IT IS MY ROOM NOW ACCORDING TO ME)and saw that there was a closet right next to my room, the closet facing the bathroom. I opened it and saw it line with ledges to place wooden square boards or shelves to store things in.

I explored more of the house but soon enough my parents called me to the backyard.

I closed the door behind me but it hit the door frame with a slam that made everyone jump. The metal mesh of the old door shuddering and scaring the heck out of everyone. SO I was just like: yEaH dAd FIX IT BEFORE IT STARTS ACTING LIKE A FLIPPING DEMON AGAIN.

Anyway, we all just hung out sitting on the concrete. I starting fiddling with a bunch of weeds. I starting braiding the dried stalks as my parents started talking about remodeling, demolishing, stuff like it. Soon my little sister started getting super fussy and my brother was getting bored. I too had some reading to catch up on. We all settled into the car. But soon my parents ushered us out because apparently one of our new neighbors decided to greet us. I stepped out and was greeted with a blond women who had on thick black glasses and was grasping the leash of an adorable(and fluffy) white dog. The man beside her(who I assumed was her husband)was very tall and had glasses on as well. They both had friendly smiles and shook each of ours hands. I kneeled down and petted the dog and scratched behind its ear as it nuzzled my palm with its nose. My parents talked about the house and introduced each of us.

Turns out there names were Angelica and John. They are both very nice and Angelica runs music lesson in her house. She turned to me asking questions like, “Do you go to this school?” stuff like that. Then she asked,

“Do you know Arwen?”

“Arwen, Arwen the flute player?”

“Yes that one!”

“Of course! She is one of my best friends!” I cried.

“Thats wonderful, she is one of my students”

Soon we said our farewells and drove home(the other one, the apartment one, you know what never mind). It was around seven o clock when we arrived home, my brother went to sleep, my dad and mom discussed more stuff as my mom made dinner my sister on her hip. And I, well, I was upstairs in my room just thinking. About everything. I was going to be moving in less than two months.

I ran a hand through my hair a grinning like an idiot. Man. I really need to start getting packed.

The time between my parents finding the house and us officially moving was a blur. Everyday slowly was more busy for my dad then the last. He was constantly in and out of the house, when the contractor needed some material he would be there and instantly jumping up to do the deed. Slowly he started growing more irritatible and my brother and I tried not to disturb him whenever he had any moments of peace. Every time I told him that the needed to rest more he would always just shrug it of and say “its just how it is.” It took me very little time to understand the meaning of that specific statement. He has been working so hard on this house. He would show us pictures of the house that he would take when he would go there and conduct everyone’s work. So yeah, we didn’t really remember what a “normal” lifestyle was anymore. But thats okay because it was all worth it.

Without the help of a few people though, we wouldn’t have been able to accomplish anything. My uncles(my dads older brothers)gave us some money to pass by(Babu periyappa), and you have no idea how much that has helped with the process, my other uncle giving wonderful advice and helping with each step(Sekar periyappa). Sekar Periyappa was the one who pushed my dad to buy a house, keep looking, find the best for us. Also my dads ex boss and his brother(Rajiv and Ash Gujaral) Mr. Rajiv was the one who told my dad about this house and literally BOUGHT it for us. Mr. Ash Gujaral was the one who gave us the extra money to help with the remodeling. They both were also a massive help and they were very beneficial, financially. Like I have said in previous posts, I am constantly surrounded by so many incredible people that I honestly don’t see myself living without. My friends, family, even the kindness of strangers.

Mankind, it is so underestimated. We have so much power over our own future and destiny. All of it constantly resting on the decisions we make every day, and our actions. Karma, is another thing that I think that should be taken more seriously. Good acts lead to good blessings, bad actions lead to a horrible fate. Whether it be simple or intimate. Your actions can leave a massive footprint on what will happen in your future. My parents have been waiting, fourteen years, to find a house, like an actual house. Not some apartment. They have worked and prayed, and now we have been blessed. I have been blessed with these amazing two people that I can call proudly, my parents. And every single person who managed to help, even just exchanging a kind and supporting word. You are well appreciated, just because you care.

Loyalty can mean different things to everyone or the same to a group of people. It is either a personal definition or something you contribute(or would like contributed)in actions and decisions that show your allegiance to a group and or a specific person or society.  An example of loyalty in my family is if one member needs something or needs help in a situation my dad instantly jumps in and tries to find out the circumstances without hesitation. An example of loyalty between my friends and I is quite similar to what my family does. If my friend is having a rough time or he/she gets into a situation they don’t want to be in we all stay by their side until the rough tide washes over. Loyalty is something that no matter what should be a quality that friends, family, and even schoolmates or colleagues should have. It is a trait that is treasured by people wise enough to choose friends to surround themselves in who can have that characteristic in their bearing and have it in their mind and conscience.

I also learned something.

Worrying is basically betting against yourself.

The month went by so quickly as we lived our lives around what was going on at the heart of our minds. Soon enough we started packing, I stowed away my stuff in boxes, throwing away or donating whatever I didn’t need. Packing was just a pain in the neck. I expected it to go in like breakneck speed but it was just a nightmare. Everyday seemed to bring on more stuff to pack than the last. I don’t think I can look at a moving truck without cringing. Just thinking of it can make my brain hurt. Honestly I wish I can just be like every other character in Harry Potter and use a shifting charm or something. But alas, life isn’t that easy.

Gravity.  Art thou a provoking pain in the everyday life.

Every single day, my parents worked their butts off packing up everything in an organized fashion. That organized fashion being me chucking lotion and other bathroom necessities into a ginormous cardboard box labeled “BATHROOM” in the weirdest block letters known to humanity made by my hand. My parents seemed to have planned literally everything when it came to packing. What boxes to use, which items go where, how to transport whatever object of use that should be taken but it is quite large in size. My mom is a whiz at organization, my dad does everything else.

Soon enough, it was October 26. The day we were supposed to move into the house and have the pooja. .

A pooja is basically a ceremony that we Indians do to honor something. We do it a lot. Its kinda our thing.

Of course I was forced to wake up at like five or six in the morning. And let me tell you, I DO NOT like waking up early in the morning. Even on a regular day when I have to wake up for school, I just curl up and lay there like an idiot, then my dad barges into my room and rips the(four layers of)blankets of my body like a barbarian. Then I squeal like a pig and chuck a pillow at my dad leaving my dad howling like a demented crude savage. (I honestly don’t know how pillows can physically even hurt, this is my dads logic alright? So if there is anyone to judge, it is my father).

Anyway, that day I felt even more sluggish than usual. I had my backpack ready and sitting in a corner of my room along with a  change of clothes inside because after I showered I shimmied myself into traditional Indian attire for a girl like me. The top part of it had sleeve that got cut of at the end of my shoulder, SO NO WAY WAS I GONNA WALK OUT THERE WHEN IT IS BELOW SIXTY DEGREES AND MY HAIR IS WET UNLESS I AM WEARING AT LEAST FIVE EXTRAS LAYERS OF CLOTHING. But alas, I was brought down to only wear one jacket. OH THE HUMANITY. *obnoxious sigh*

Anyway, we drove to the house and honestly I was blown away. It was still dark outside(due to it being like six in the morning) i complained that it was freezing and I was wearing VERY thin socks with my flats so I started complaining that the fabric of my outfit was very thin and instead of making me warm it was making me even colder than I already was. But my mom just gave me her Mother Knows Best lecture:


My Mom: Kanmani, you rarely wear traditional clothing like this and this is a very special occasion so it is only proper. Besides, would you do it for me. Please? *gives me her very sad puppy dog eyes and pouts her lip*

Me: *breaking down mentally and trying to look away from her adorable sad eyes* ahhhhhhHhhhhH.

Me: Humph.

Me: Fine.

Anyway, we got there and climbed out, I shivered when the cold air hit me like that dodgeball that smacked me in the head during P.E. one time when I got way into into the game. I hopped out of the car and lost my balance briefly when the heel of my shoe got caught on a vine. This is why I HATE flats, they pinch, and hurt, leave your feet all sore, and are just a pain(pun unintended)to walk in. I shook of the vine and continued walking in the cold cold night(technically six am isn’t considered night, but it was dark out and you know what just deal with it alright?). My dad unlocked the door and we all walked in. Walking into the house in real life was way different than looking at pictures on my dads phone. The entire house was pristine and the wooden floors were so shiny that I could see my own reflection in then. Of course I managed to slip on the the wood but I caught myself HA TAKE THAT GRAVITY. Anyway, I walked around the house. The kitchen was amazing and everything had changed so much. The kitchen was amazing, my moms eyes literally lit up when she saw how beautiful it was.

I strolled down to my room and chucked-haha just kidding-placed, my backpack onto the ground. I admit, shuffling around in a puffy skirt with sequins on a polished hardwood floor with very thin, slippery socks is not a wise thing to do. Not my idea of a productive morning. Especially since I was still groggy with sleep. I rubbed my eyes and yawned, my little sister crawled to me so I picked her up. She wriggled in my grasp before she settled herself on my hip, her curls bounced when I took each step towards the center of the empty living room where my dad was seated on a gaunt sheet with intricate threading. I sat back down, trying my best to not get the fabric of my skirt caught on the sequins of the cloth.

I was shivering because of the cold rushing through the door which had a circular hole through it due to a new knob not being place there yet. Never underestimate the power of cold weather and a two by two hole in your door.

My dads friend is a Hindu priest(Vishwanadan uncle) so he decided to conduct the housewarming ritual that I don’t know, basically connects us to the house and good vibes for the house and the people living there(aka us). So he arrived and arranged a bunch of stuff on top of the fancy smancy blanket like fruits, coconuts, other stuff. Oh and bricks. Yep, yeah, totally normal. Well technically in my religion yeah and I am not trying to offend anyone so please don’t go all SHE HAS OFFENDED HER OWN RELIGION OH MY FINICKING GAHWD. No first of all its just a cut of speech god. Anyway I sat there of to the side holding my sleeping sister in one arm and keeping my hand at a specific angle because my dad wanted me to film the whole thing on his phone. My wrist was starting to hurt and my other hand was falling asleep. This was not good considering that fact that my first class was Spanish aka the class where I have to write to the point where my hands feel like they are going to spontaneously fall off.

What uncle told my parents to do was actually quite interesting to watch. He told them to repeat the mantras he said to them, or my mother to stand up and take a dried grass broom in her hand and rest it on my fathers shoulders, whilst with him still sitting down. Soon enough it was seven twenty five and I was starting to get quite anxious to change out of my clothes and get dressed for school. I looked behind me and into the large window and there stood Subi and her dad

My parents let them inside and then went to sit back down to continue, Subi and her dad entering hushed, knowing Thulasi was sleeping and not wanting to disturb the pooja and its continuation. Subi sat down beside. She being one of my best friends understood that I  was not very comfortable holding that phone up so long so she held the other end. My hand relaxing a little bit, we both watched until finally they were done. It was seven thirty five and I freaked out a bit. MAMAMAMAMAMAMAMAAAAAA  I AM GOING TO BE LATE WHAT THE HECK AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH. I grabbed fistfuls of my own hair and almost ripped it all out. I sprinted to my room grabbed my floral print sweater dress thingy and went to the bathroom. I rushed to take of my skirt and blouse. The skirt fell down my legs and pooled around my ankles as I slipped on the dress and my gray trench coat. I strapped on my watch and put on my gray beret and put my backpack on my shoulders and ran out of the bathroom like I was being chased my the Chimera.

“KANMANI HURRY UP YOUR SORRY BUTT BEFORE WE’RE LA-*sees that I am ready*-that works too.”

She rolled her backpack behind her as she trailed behind me briskly. My mom shoved mouthfuls of idly(amazing South Indian food that I love to eat)and chutney into both of our mouths as we stepped outside. My parents waved goodbye as we walked to the gate. We both sprinted across the field(I still in flats letting my feet slowly die because of lack of bloodstream IN MY FEET)the smell of rain and fresh soil filling our noses. I had Spanish class so I didn’t have to go far. I waved goodbye to Subi and slowed down to a intermediate jog until I reached the front of the classroom. I stood there and tapped my foot until finally I saw my friends lumbering down the hall and walking towards me. I had my arms cross but I was still slightly panting from RUNNING ACROSS A FIELD WHILE STILL TIRED AND FILLED WITH SLEEP.

“What the heck happened? You look like you just ran across a football field without stopping once.” My friends smiled, amusement in there face.

“Dude I did.” I said my hands on my hip and my back pressed against the right white wall of the classroom with my knees crossing the other as there eyes bugged out, the question why? written in both of there deep blue eyes. “Dont worry the bell is about to ring anyway.” I said nonchalantly despite everything that I wanted to say before heading to class in the next forty six seconds. “No, I want to know now!” He said pouting like a spoiled child.

“Besides how do you know that the bell is gonna ring, its not like you can predict whats gonna happen in the next thirty seconds…. Wait can you?!?!?!” He said looking EXTREMELY confused. Whilst I still had a smug look on my face before holding up my hand counting down the second with my fingers.


“No w-”


“-ay” He said finishing off his sentence.

“What? I am physic.” I said in conclusion as our other friends crowded around us as I slung my backpack over my shoulder while I heard my friends chatter and ask me why my friends looked like they wanted to shove a brick down my throat. Señora Amerson suddenly opened the door saying “Buenas Dias” while everyone entered the classroom. I sat down in the desk while Brianna and Dillon sat in the desks on either side of me. Our task for the day was too go around the room and launch a conversation in Spanish with each person. On the list I received from Mrs. Amerson I had the names(I’m not gonna put the real names so here are the alternative and SUPER creative names I came up with:

  1. A Person
  2. Another Person
  3. A random person
  4. Person I do not know

So basically all we had to do was say a conversation with someone else in español. Simple. One person asked me:

” Que haces los fines de semana?”

(What do you like to do over the weekend)

I responded with:

“Me quedo en casa escuchado música y pienso demsaiad.”

I stay home, listen to music, and think too much.

Yup, basically sums up what I do in my free time or over the weekends. My parents call it wasting away, I call it quality time with me, myself, and I. (And binging every single Harry Potter movie in the existence of the universe. That is a priority as well.)Anyway, the next three periods were a blur for me really. Until Core when my English teacher randomly asks: “Is anyone’s family about to move into a new house or already has?”

Wow, how ironic.

I seemed to be the only person who had raised my hand in the entire class, and may I remind you, there is literally thirty other students in there. The classroom was dead silent as my face turned red, the teacher explained a hypothetical theory about the changes and differences someone’s mind will experience when living in a different space. I have nothing against my English teacher bu honestly, I didn’t think we needed to know this statement because this was ENGLISH CLASS, not PHYSCOLOGY. Everyone started asking me questions about my house and how I feel about it and if I like the house. HECK YEAH I LIKE THE HOUSE. English went smoothly after that. We wrote essays on what we think about society and blah blah blah blah BLAH. I went on with it I guess. I mean all we had to do was say what we think are the pros and cons of modern society and if it should or should not be made better.

All I gotta say is that everyone has there opinions and I’m not the person to judge those opinions.

Gods that essay was deep.

Anyway, I walked back home with Subi and we talked about random stuff like how much we hate our hair and how horrible the schools statewide tests are. Our brothers were behind us talking about stuff that I honestly am to lazy to explain. We walked across the bridge while Subi freaked out because she was afraid the bridge was gonna break and we would all fall into the canal underneath. But we didn’t and instead we were met with a gigantic U-Haul in front with stuff from our apartment in it, like boxes of books and stuff. I saw my dad and Subi’s dad unloading the truck and leaving it on the doorstep while our mom’s took the stuff and put them in each room. Subi and I grabbed our brothers and literally D R A G G E D  them to the door and ushered them in. Walking in ourselves and dropping our backpacks on the floor. We decided to help out my mom a bit and take care of my little sis while we did homework. We grabbed our stuff and went to my room where Subi sat down and was working on a some history project while I worked on science. Okay well more like doodling on the margins but still. My sister fell asleep in my arms so I wrapped her in a blanket and put her in a more comfortable position. All was quiet and peaceful until suddenly:



*R I Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z *

Apparently the sky didn’t like us so it decided to go all demon and unleash its rage on the roof.

Actually it was a guy working on the roof but ya know. Same thing.

We both cringed and looked at my sister who was still sound asleep like a baby. No, wait that doesn’t work because she is a baby. Please excuse my inactive intelligence in hypothetical speech.  Of course me, Subi, and every other person in the house had to suffer and make sure there ears didn’t bleed through to there noses. My mom took Thulasi so she wont wake up, but dang that baby can probably sleep through the apocalypse.

Anyway, Subi had her lips in a grim line and she noticed my facial expressions mirrored hers. So we got up , dusted ourselves off, and went outside to see if we can distract ourselves. We went to the living room, random boxes strewed around the floor. Flowers petals scattered miscellaneously from the pooja that morning. Our moms were sitting on the ground, there backs leaning against the wall as they spoke. Subi and I went to the kitchen to see if there was anything to eat. I was literally starving because the only thing I had eaten the entire day was that small bite of idly from this morning(I was and idiot that day[well technically I always am but ya know]and decided to skip lunch and just hide in the library like a griffin and read.

Any who, my stomach grumbled as I walked around the shining kitchen. My mom had leftovers from food she made this morning for the pooja BUT the majority of it got stale from being out in the open. I spotted to little containers with a red velvet bundt cake and a chocolate bundt cake that Subi’s mom had bought. Our parents said we each can open one and eat some of it but try not to spoil our appetites. I grabbed a red velvet one(its my favorite)whilst Subi grabbed a chocolate one. We went to my room this time, which had piles of stuff in it. We sat down on the ground and ate tiny spoonfuls. My dad called us back out and said he was going to buy a pizza, so we all sat around at the living room and uhh, did….okay I admit, I forgot, because….. I didn’t really care at the moment. My dad bought the pizza and we sat around and ate, talked, laughed, normal stuff. You know. I could get used to this.

Four Months Later

Sunlight streams through the window, lighting up the entire room. I stretch, the cold morning air tingling against my face. I check the time on the white clock mounted on the wall next to the window. My bedroom is lit up with the bright light of the morning sunlight. I slowly get up, one foot clothed with a sock, the other bare, the sock it bared the night before tangled in the sheets. My feet land softy on the gray and white striped rug. I rub the sleep out of my eyes. Stretching once again. I grab my glasses from my wooden nightstand, the bottom shelf overflowing with books, a wooden crate filled with magazines like Popular Science, Time, and National Geographic, bookmarks strewn miscellaneously. I grab my IPad and place it on my ginormous wooden desk, an old-fashioned one with drawers and shelves on one level. Drawers on the underbelly of the desk as well. I grab the tiny water spritzer I keep on the windowsill and spray the plants and succulents on my desk.

I turn and walk out of my bedroom and to the bathroom to brush my teeth. The sky window high above letting in rays of the sun, making my hair seem to glow, my glasses glaring against the mirror. I finish brushing and cleaning out my braces. I go back into my room and tidy my bed. Greeted by my little sister who tries to reach my sketchbooks on my book stand. I pick her up and twirl around, our giggles filling the house. My brother is still asleep, my dad in the main bedroom on his laptop working, gives me a curt nod and a good morning. My mom is in the kitchen making tea, popping four pieces of toast in the toaster, the backdoor is propped open by a block of wood.

After breakfast, we all go to our huge backyard, my brother awake and energetic, dressed and already on his bike. My parents seated on the glass table, the large umbrella providing shade from the sun. My little sister bopped up and down as my mother cooed and sang nursery rhymes, my dad with his eyes closed, perking up to the constant sounds of birds tweets and chirps. I go over to the tall tree and put my foot in the bend. Pushing myself up, my elbows prop up on the strongest branch. I start thinking about how much it took to be here. How many people have helped, how much my parents did for this. Even after we moved in, there was still work to be done, my dad hired so many different people throughout the course of the month. But we have done so much and I can not imagine myself to be anywhere else.

I feel like the luckiest girl alive to know that we have a place meant just for us. We were able to make this dream, this dream we’ve slept with for so long, we have made it a reality. Our reality. Wishing something with happen isn’t going to work. Sure the mental positivity is a good thing and I have absolutely nothing against it but… Its the good, hard core work that really balances the structure. The blood and sweat that our house has in its aura varies by different peoples. I feel like I haven’t done that much in the entire process. But I do know one thing. You can’t underestimate the power of determination, trust, and intellectualism. I made it. We made it.

We made it all the way home.

Hi grandpa.

Today was the first time I had seen my dad cry. 

My dad wanted me to make a portrait of his father. My grandfather who had died before I was born. So I decided to ask my dad questions about him so I could incorporate some of that into the portrait. Suddenly my dad had said, “He died right in front of my eyes.” His voice soon faltered and his eyes glistened over. The glow of the tv reflected off of his welling eyes. He covered his eyes with his hand, his body shaking as he silently sobbed. I stood there for a second, in shock, my own eyes welling up.

This is so hard to write without crying. 

I hurried into the kitchen telling my mother what happened. She rushed over and sat beside him on the couch. My mom whispered sweet things and rubbed circles on my dads shoulder. I just stood there, my arm wrapped around my dad. Tears streaming down my face and blurring my vision. My dads shoulders stopped shaking, The empty silence subtle. The only sound heard was the soft sniffles of both my mother and I. 

My heart swelled at the thought of how much my dad is like my grandfather. Ambitious, cunning, smart, intelligent, kind. My mom says that my dad is like my grandfather and I grew up to be like both my dad and grandfather. Sometimes I think that I don’t deserve that title. I am like no one in my family. I can be selfish and stupid at times. I lack bravery in some tasks. I lack common traits that are needed in a loving daughter and prideful descendant. But one thing is for certain:

I am the proud daughter of my parents, the proud descendent of my grandparents. The proud member of this family. When I think of how blessed I am to have such an amazing family that believe in me. I just think that I need to make them proud. 

One time about a couple weeks ago I was walking across the fied from my house to meet my friends who were near the Spanish class building. Dillon was the only person there and he had his face in his hands. It was pounding rain, both of us were soaking wet. It might have been rain on his face but I swore I saw tears on his pale cheeks. 

“Dillon what’s wrong?” I asked my hand on his heaving shoulder. 

“My backpack, someone stole it and hid it somewhere.” He said his blue-green eyes scanning my face as he spoke to me in the sound of rain accompanying his voice.

“Well then we have to find it.” I said determined to help him.

“ I checked everywhere it could possibly be but it’s no where.” He said his voice miserable.

“We just have to search harder. Look in unlikely places.” I said as I plopped my backpack on a dry spot and took my jacket off. It was soaking wet so it wasn’t like it was gonna keep me warm anyway. 

I walked along the concrete trail with Dillon beside me. His face was stark. I squeezed his wrist reassuringly hoping it would help ease him. He looked at me and nodded before we continued on.

We stopped in front of the large green storage crates that belonged to the school. I honestly don’t know why they have storage crates in the first place but I wasn’t too worried about them at the moment. We went behind the crates where there was a smaller , a dent on the top with rainwater pooling in it. Now here’s the part that made me want to scream. The backpack we were looking for was on top of the humongous storage crate that was twice the size of me. I knew that Dillon had a fear of heights. He eyed the crate like he was going to strike it with lightning any minute. I myself am terrified of heights but at that moment I had to shove my fears in a box, seal it, and throw into a corner of my mind.

“Kanmani you don’t have to do this. We could just tell a teacher or the principal or something and they can find out who did it.” The blonde haired boy looked down a me as I shook my head no.

“Dillon that’s just gonna make everything complicated. Let’s just get your backpack down and go.” 

He nodded. But then I knew he was starting to regret that when I started climbing the smaller crate. The rain was making it hard to keep my  balance with the rain pouring and I was trying hard not to look down. My rain boots started slipping and Dillon had his arms out too catch me if I fell. I reached as much as I could to grab the handle of the backpack. 

Curse my short arms and legs.

I pulled hard on the backpack and my heart pounded in my ears as the backpack fell backwards. My hand discharging quickly so it didn’t tear of from the impact of the heavy backpacks fall. Dillon quickly grabbed his backpack then put his arms back out so I didn’t fall miserably. I closed my eyes and jumped. Two seconds late I was back on the ground with Dillons arms wrapped tightly around me. 

“Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!” He said hugging me.

“Dillon, I uh, still need to Um, BREATH.” 

Right at that moment I thought “ Grandpa, are you proud of me?”

Every time I do something I want to do so that if my grandfather was still alive he would like it.

I want to be just as awesome as he was. As my dad is. As I would like to be.

Goodnight grandpa.

I love you.

Which is better; Popularity, or dignity?

(sorry for the short post, more content in progress!)

Honestly I don’t understand the concept of popular in schools. Honestly whats the point anyway? There are literal cliques at my school and I don’t know about other schools but it is clear in mine. The eighth and seventh graders mainly. Fancy expensive shoes, dresses that show to much bust and doesn’t cover enough skin, dress just to get dress coded, sneaking there phones into class, cussing as if their mouths can’t produce cleaner words. Those girls with there eyebrows picked to the point where that facial hair looks like something that should have been painted on. So much lip gloss that I honestly think half of them are brain dead.

I have to go to P.E. third period every other day. Therefore that class cuts into my seventh grade lunch so I have to go to eight grade lunch. A bunch of my other friends are in that class as well so I am never ever alone. But the problem is, eight graders always invade our table. To make it even worse, their the eight graders that talk back to the administrators when they get in trouble. Their the eight graders that try to pick fights with sixth graders. There that group that sneak there phones and ditch school.

Yay, lucky us.

Those eight graders just make me want to rip my hair out, grab a sledgehammer, and hit them all with it. I can tell my friends feel the same because the instant those juveniles hit our table we grab our backpacks and just leave. But of course there was that one day where they decided to just barge in and ruin our day;

Me: Hey guys!

My friends: Hey!

Kate: Hey girl!

Dillon: Whats up?!


Everyone else: . . .

Me: Chill girl! Oh my gods the most amazing thing happe- oh gods, in coming.

Dillon: Here come your walking, talking, sources of irritation.

Everyone: 3…2…1…


I suddenly just feel a tug and I turn and see a bunch of girls wearing crop tops and WAY to much eyeliner holding locks of my hair. They tell me comments like: OH MY GOD YOU SHOULD TOTALLY LIKE DYE YOUR HAIR. or DANG girl those some nice waves you got there. I roll my eyes at them and try to maneuver away. Dillon grabs my shoulders and leads me away from the group of volatile eight graders and we both walk back, dragging our other friends with us.  Without my friends holding me back I swear I would have like done something like knock em all unconscious.

After that day I guess that got bored of us and started torturing other seventh and eight graders.

My friends and I just like to ignore those eight graders as much as we possibly can.

This is what i love so much about my friends, they are so quirky and hilarious, each day coming home from school just thinking about them makes me smile like an idiot. Each of us are so different in so many was but we all just fit together like a huge jigsaw puzzle. Are group is always growing. We’re all diverse too. From race, religion, personality, gender, sexuality. You name it. We’re all that one group that is always laughing about something stupid. Or one of us starts snapping our fingers randomly  and then suddenly we become a band. Stopping our feet, clapping our hands, playing and instrument, singing all together. Its just…. Awesome.

Dillon: *starts snapping fingers*

Me: *sly smile*

Everyone: Aww yeah you go girl!

Dillon: *completely oblivious*

Me: *obnoxious deep breath*

Dillon: Aww yeah! *snaps out beat*










Everyone else: *joining in* A-L-E-X-A-N-D-E-R  WE ARE MEANT TO BE


Oh man I love these guys.

I see so many people that I grew up with suddenly just change completely. That one girl that always shared her cookies with me suddenly mocking sixth graders who are too scared to fight back. That one guy who always seemed so bold now trying to hide in the shadows. People who were so innocent suddenly turned unvirtuous. They all started hanging out with the so called populars. There hearts and brains turning dark.

All I want to say to them is:

Do yourself a favor and save your dignity. Keep that little innocence you have in you, find better friends who treat you well, let who you truly are shine through. Feel what its really like to be loved.

What Im trying to say is that there are people out there that are perfect for you. Dont risk hanging out with people that will legitimately hurt you and throw you away and leave you with nothing. Be with the people that make you laugh until you have tears in your eyes, that appreciate you and who you are, accept you for who you are, who are there for you thick and thin, who just make you.


I’m not popular

but I have amazing friends.

I’m not rich

but I have everything I need.

I may not be liked

but I know I‘m loved.

Just because I we have a different path doesn’t mean we’re lost.