Category Archives: Stories

Abnormal Day in the Life of an Unsuspecting blockhead(me).

I know I said that I would be posting the next bit of our trip to Lake Tahoe, but some things took an unexpected turn. So instead of wallowing in my own self pity and shame, I’ll write why I wasn’t able to post that installment.

“What are you saying Kanmani, aren’t you going to write half a page about how sorry you are and how busy you are even though you probably weren’t and than shower us with a bunch of empty apologies?”

Okay, first of all, my apologies aren’t empty, second of all, no blogger is always consistent and perfectly coordinated with everything. And finally, I’m not going to spend a perfectly good post apologizing, that isn’t gonna do anything now is it? No! Not today, because instead of going along with what I originally planned, we’re gonna splurge a little and take a detour. What is this post gonna consist  of you ask?

Harry Potter, Dumbo, Packages, Banks, Power Tools, and Trolleys of Mass Destruction!

Confused? Yeah well you won’t be for long. Trust me.

9:00 am July 13 (Today)

I woke up tangled in my fuzzy grey bed sheets, the sun streaming through the window, I was struggling to keep my eyes open for more than a few seconds, since I had gone to sleep so late the other night due to some late night Harry Potter binge reading. I curled up into a fetal position. tempted to throw something at whatever decided to cross the imaginary boundary between my bedroom and the open hallway. But then my mom poked her head through my bedroom doorway, technically crossing that “boundary” but I can’t throw pillows at my mom, because, she’s my mom. 

Then she said something along the lines of “wake up” and “book sale.” I was exactly paying attention due to my sleepy stupor but the words book sale caught my attention and I immediately started  up and out of my bed. You see, for the past few days, I had been looking forward to the next premium book sale that our library was having, and since I had gotten a five dollar certificate to use in said book sales, and I was completely intent on using them. So I reluctantly got up, untangled myself from the sheets, and started towards the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower.

When it comes to book sales, I usually don’t have my lazy, go-with-the-flow-whatever-idk demeanor. Instead, I’m alert and everything takes a turn to commando, I get ready faster than you can say “Les Miserables” Most people would think that’s selfish, but really I’m just stuck on the fact that I could get almost all the books I could want, for just a couple dollars(depending on the amount of books I intend on buying)and I wouldn’t have to spend a ridiculous amount of money in a popular and expensive book store.

10:00 am

I was dressed and ready to go, sitting on the couch with a tote bag, my wallet, and my phone in my pocket. My dad looked at me and said “Aren’t you coming to the gym?”


I wasn’t aware of this information mind you, so I gave my dad my classic poker face; which led him to go off on me about how he had told me this morning that we would go to the gym and then go to the book sale. I furrowed my eyebrows and was tempted to pout and stomp my foot like a conceited brat. So I did the mature thing(haha yeah right)and retorted right back, which led to my father staring me down like he wanted to the couch to spontaneously combust into a million bits. But he eventually managed to wave it off like it was nothing.

See, in the morning, like the moment I wake, I’m not the best person to hold a conversation with. Unless of course you let me sleep in, barging in at seven or eight in the morning  and then try to get chummy with me is going to result with someone complaining that they got hit in the face with a pillow. I’m not a morning person, and you can’t expect me of all people not to misinterpret anything, absolutely anything the moment I wake up. You could tell me that an orca just became the prime minister of Switzerland and I would go back to bed and start dreaming about killer whales in formal attire eating a platter of assorted cheese.

Moral of the story, if you’re one of those people who think “Sleep is for the weak” and all that foolish expression, than you might as well count me as the weak cause, sleep and I have a pretty good friendship thank you very much.

11:30 am

My dad and I buckled our seat belts in the car and drove to the library. Upon entering, my dad stayed back to read something posted near the library entrance and willed me to go ahead. I obliged wholeheartedly and started towards the back of the library, where a lot of the children and teens books were.

I started looking for a book for my brother before looking for some books for me. There were a lot of books for toddlers and ranged up to teenagers, but I needed to find something in between since my brother is only eight years old. Then a thick red book embossed large gold font caught my eye. And I couldn’t believe my luck, because it just so happened to be “The Dangerous Book for Boys” I plucked it off it’s respectable display and tucked it into my tote bag.

I looked around some more, for a book or two that would serve my tastes. I looked around some more, before I found that there weren’t really any “teen” books that I hadn’t already read or took a liking to. But then I found a Harry Potter book tucked away, to be more specific, it was the last one in the entire series.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is one of my favorite books out of the whole series, besides The Goblet of Fire, or The Half Blood Prince.  Sure it was a book I already had read loads of times, I tucked that into my bag of books waiting to be purchased. I honestly didn’t really regret that decision, mostly because that book itself has a lot of nostalgia behind it for me, and it was high time I had at least one Harry Potter book in our household.

Afterwards, I headed outside, where the had adult fiction, mysteries, biographies, and loads of other books. My dad and I weaved through the number of categories, I settled on a book on how to give good presentations like Steve Jobs. Since I intend to improve on my presentation skills, and Steve Jobs  is one of my inspirations, I could see nothing wrong in educating myself, so why not. My main goal was to find a Japanese basics language book, with like vocab and stuff, for basic conversation. I’ve learned a few words and phrases so far, but I wanna be able to speak it fluently, more or less. Or at least know at least the same amount of Japanese as I do Spanish.

I searched up and down the small bi literacy section, I found French, Tagalog, and Spanish, but alas, no Japanese. I was a little disappointed, but it’d didn’t get the better of me, since there are plenty of options online with just as much quality and variety. I walked back towards the inside of the library, but instead, I found a shady corner with a table set up with three boxes, which were large sets of books for different subjects, I was interested with the box in the center, which held all kinds of books about space exploration, the universe, and a vast array of the space sciences, which is my favorite branch of scientific study. I tugged my dad over to the little area and showed it to him, though I was a little bit hesitant and I kinda of losing interest quickly, since my dad was giving me the look, before asking “Where you gonna put it?”

My mind went point blank, I didn’t think about where I would put such a massive quantity of books. My interest started degrading so I tried telling my dad, multiple times that he didn’t have to be it. And since it was so quiet outside with so little people, I seriously didn’t  want other people thinking there was a daddy-daughter brawl going on in the middle of a peaceful little book sale. This ended with my dad misinterpreting my intentions, purchasing the books for ten dollars(which actually wasn’t too bad considering the amount of books in the box)and then ridiculing me later on in the evening when we are home. But we’ll get to that later.

Don’t think I’ll forget, dad.

11: something o’clock because I can’t keep track of time.

My dad said we had to run a few errands and go to a couple stores, so I assumed we probably wouldn’t be home for one or two hours.


But we did, so here we go:

First: Red box

We went to pick a the movie Dumbo so we could watch it later at home, so that was done. Not much excitement there, sorry fam.

Second: UPS

My dad had to return a package or something(I forge the details cause I don’t even know the details)so that wasn’t a pending errand anymore.

Third: Chase Bank

My dad had some business to take care of in the bank, which consisted of him an I standing around a little screen while my dad touched the screen and printed a thing and then put in a thing and I don’t even know, he was doing adult things that I probably would get confused asking about in the first place.

Fourth: Harbor Freights Tools

So my dad had to get some tools from this tool shop because we need to fix some things up in the house. Now I personally haven’t gone to many tool stores or anything, but my policy is all the same.

N O   T O U C H Y 

When I go to tool stores or something I get bored sometimes, but I also chide myself because when it comes to being at least two feet near power tools, I’d rather be bored than get my fingers clocked off. My dad pointed things out to me that were really cool, like lifts for cars when you have to replace or fix tires. I also saw really, odd things. Like drill bits in every colour of the rainbow, or a dust collector the size of a baby panda, or a concrete mixer that could be the best bird bath ever for any winged creature.

We also passed by this aisle that literally was just a wall with axes, sledgehammers, and other items that smelled of mortal destruction. And it didn’t help my jitteriness every time my dad would point out these insane “tools” that looked weaponry forged by a tame dragon. But it was still cool to see so many robust things that are used normally by construction workers, designers, or just regular ol’ joes who wanna improve their own homes.

My interest however was also quickly deteriorating, seeing as there was nothing I could really explore, without getting some part of my body sawed off, scratched, or worse. And running my hands on every non-sharp object in sight could only do so much to amuse me.

Eventually, my dad and I finally stalked off to the cashier to purchase whatever my dad had decided to buy, and then we headed back to the car and our next destination.

Fifth: Costco

We made it to the entrance of Costco and my dad pushed a cart into my hands, and I instantly knew that this shopping trip was going to be a struggle on my end. You see, from my height and stature, the shopping carts are twice as wide as me, and the handles almost . reach above my sternum. And for obvious reasons, it will get more difficult to steer once it has a number of different items stowed into it.  And it didn’t help that my dad was walking twice as fast as he usually would, and I was wearing sandals that were a little loose on me.

My mom said we had to get fruits, popsicles, bread, a few vegetables, and string cheese. And I knew that the crowded store wouldn’t be in my favor since it was a Saturday and eeeeeveryone thinks it’s a great idea to shop on a Saturday. By the time we reached the fruit area, we already had a majority of the cart filled, with me being the person pushing said cart.

On multiple occasions before we went to the fruits area, I would find myself pushing the cart as fast as I could so I was able to catch up with my dad who would usually be, I don’t know, about two aisles away, give or take. And mind you those Costco aisles, equal to like, two to four of a regular aisle in any other store.

I was extremely tempted to send him a quick little text message on the spot, something along the lines of, “Please take into consideration my tiny legs and the massive cart that I am pushing which is heavy with a considerable amount of produce items, and also the fact that there are at least eight or nine other people with equally large carts, in which I am in the midst of. It would be greatly appreciated if your walking speed was at a slower velocity, than it is currently.

I stood waiting, with the cart in my grasp, as my dad bent down to pick and examine a watermelon, when an older man and my father started talking.

About watermelons.

Now I don’t know how these two men launched into Watermelon Philosophy 101, but I’m pretty sure that fateful encounter had made my dad a watermelon enthusiast.  But I had my own chance meeting just as my dad and Mr. Watermelon Man were talking about direct lighting on watermelons.

An elderly women was pushing a cart, while a Costco employee was helping direct her to wherever she needed to go, I made my best attempt to fold myself and the cart against the watermelon crates so they could pass through, and when the did, the guy who was helping the women took a glance at my watch and said

“Man, I love that watch, it’s beautiful!”

I was wearing a Timex watch that my dad had just gotten me a few months before, it had a retro kinda style to it, and its got a clean, professional look to it, so I wear it alot. So when he said that I was taken aback, because I didn’t expect a compliment launched at my watch at such an unexpected time. But it made me really happy, nonetheless, I thanked him as he turned around and walked away, the elderly women giving me a sweet smile which I returned, before she turned around too.

I turned back around, continuing to wait for my dad, but now with a smile on my face. I told my dad once his watermelon philosophy lesson was over and we were walking towards the kiwis an grapes my encounter. And he just said with a a little bit of hubris “See, my tastes are being appreciated.”


Well, that’s my dad for you, but that didn’t do anything to dampen or pursuit for fruits and vegetables.

After we had payed for all our items, we waited in line to exit, and I was trying to slowly so I wouldn’t run over someone in front of me. But all the odds were against, and I felt a faint bump from the front of the trolley.

Sweet cheese and crackers I’m screwed.

I immediately stopped and a horrified feeling washed over me as I saw my dad glare at me with a murderous look on his face, and a really tall guy in front of me looking slightly uncomfortable. You see, I couldn’t see over the trolley I was pushing, due to my impractical height(or the fact that I’m blind and stupid)and even with such a slow pace, I still managed to minorly injure someone in the process. I said sorry multiple times and I felt my face burn with embarrassment as the guy waved me off and said it was okay. I really didn’t mean to and I felt really really bad.

But I couldn’t do much about it anyway, except deal with my dad’s lecture about how I should be less reckless(which I wasn’t)and listen to him(which I was).

Sixth: Food Maxx

My dad said we had to make a quick run to Food Maxx to get banana leaves, since we would be having guests the next day. Finding the banana leaves wasn’t a problem, purchasing them however, well, I think this daddy-daughter duo needed a lil’ help.

My dad went to those self check-out machine things and things were going smoothly, all was well, the banana leaves had already accepted it’s fate as a soon-to-be-used disposable utensil. But then, when my dad slid his card onto the monitor-machine-whatever it is, it didn’t accept it, or it kept denying him, saying it couldn’t be purchased or something. My dad tried again and again, until he gave up and slid in a couple bucks into the monitor and it finally accepted it.

For me personally, it was slightly amusing to see my dad like that, all upset and stuff, even though it wasn’t his fault, because I find myself in situations like that all the time, my little Costco experience was a good example of my little oopsies going a little too far. So to see my dad going through that situation made me realize that everyone one of us goes through those little everyday mistakes and obstacles, that frustrate us, or they’re just flat out embarrassing. But in all senses, experiences like that are also fun to account later, and it’s just hilarious to share with other people.

Just as long as you don’t have a serious grudge against self check-out machines or produce trolleys. Yeah I think you’ll be fine.

Welp, this is the short replacement to what I was supposed to be posting on Saturday, but wasn’t able to, due to

A L L  O F  T H I S

But, after staying with my dad for the majority of that day, I realized just how much he does in one day, that including a couple hours of work doing his actual job. I was exhausted after going to everyone one of those places, but he does that most of the time, after work, plus goes to tennis and the gym with ~ yours truly ~ and I’m coming to appreciate him even more. Plus it was fun being dragged to different spots all over the place and hang out with my dad.

See that little speck in the corner of the universe? Yeah, thats you.

(the image of gallium in this post does not belong to me. All rights go to the rightful owner and/or designated photographers or designers.)

Part 8

Do you ever get that small, growing irritation from everything and everyone in your surroundings? Or how about when someone is running there hands along a chalkboard like surface? Or the mild tapping of someone abusing their desk while scrawling obnoxiously on a piece of paper in class? Your teacher droning on and on after someone has made a stupid mistake, so they decide to lecture the entire class instead? All of this closing in on you and you feel like you want to rip someone’s hair from the roots, or punch the wall in any direction beside you . Heck, tear someone apart, limb by limb.

Okay that was too far, sorry.

That was the irritation I was feeling when we were still going through various silks and fabrics. Just looking at another piece of cloth would’ve made me want to punch someone.

very aggressively.

Too far, again, sorry.

I mean it really isn’t that hard to just pick out a fabric that someone’ll like. I mean you don’t have to color coordinate everything. But I did love seeing all the fervent colors. Especially the various green hues. Because, if you haven’t figured out already, my favorite color is green. I wandered away from my mom and sister and roamed on my own. My fingers grazed each roll, each one begging to be touched. Shelf over shelf housing coils of fabric. Some rough, some smooth, some so thin they could be the wearable descendants of paper. Some so thick they could be mistaken for smooth tree bark. I ogled mainly over the teals and burgeons, the mesmerizing motion of the silks as they danced with each sudden movement nearby. My mom occasionally asked my opinion with which colors were best and which one would match another.

My little sister was getting fussy in her stroller and a person a mile away could tell this child did not like being restrained. I thought my lips were going to go dry from my multiple attempts of trying to hush the poor baby when, magically, Jagan mama just popped up and scooped up Thulasi as if nothing happened. Thulasi was so used to Jagan Mama’s presence that she just waved me off as if I wasn’t there for a solid five minutes trying to calm her down and fruitlessly. preventing a brawl right there in the store.

I guess Jagan Mama has that affect, I even remember Ganesan Mama explaining this to us a couple months back on the train towards the end of our trip(more details on that in future posts). Ganesan Mama described him as being able to kind of just mold in with other people. When he said that my mind instantly wandered to one of my favorite elements on the Periodic Table of Elements-


On the Periodic Table, Gallium is placed near the group of non-metals due to it being a poor conductor when in a solid state. It also holds unusual properties and according to post isn’t sponsored by the way)it “expands when freezes” But gallium still holds similar properties to metals such as thallium, indium, aluminum, and so on and so forth. But what I find so fascinating about this element is that it can be frozen into any shape or form when in its liquid state. Here is an image below of what it looks like.


(okay it doesn’t actually just float like that but I though the image was cool, okay, don’t judge me)

Jagan Mama and Bala thatha both tried finding the time to be with us as much as possible. And Jagan Mama, well, if he came to the United States, give him about forty-eight hours and he will probably know every single one of my friends by name, acknowledge all seven of my teachers, and probably be running around doing errands for things around the house. He is someone you know you can rely on. Whether it being a a task at hand that needs four hands to be completed, or just some encouragement when you need it.

A couple months ago, I didn’t realize how slippery the ground was on the back of my Aachi’s house and I skidded across the course stone. My bottom hit the ground and my legs were practically stuck up in the air; in a weird angle. I felt my face grow hot and my cheeks burned from embarrassment as I got up. I skinned my palms a little, luckily no one  could see. Jagan Mama was already there holding my little sister before I even walked out there, he followed suit but I am never going to forget that look of fear stricken across his face for a split second, before returning to his normal, casual self; on the contrary, constantly asking if I was okay.

Realizing the commotion, my mom rushed over and scolded me for being so clumsy, there were wet scuff marks all over my dress in which my mom and fussed and tugged me towards the main bedroom in my grandma’s house, I chuckled towards her because obviously this is normal for me, I mean I come home from school with at least one or two scratches and cuts and scraped solely because of how clumsy I am. but before I entered the room, I shot Jagan Mama a glance of thanks, because just that look of pure concern and relief already made me feel as if those gashes and cuts were nonexistent.

So lesson for this portion of the post is basically that Jagan Mama is always there for you even in the most tough situations.

Need the wifi password?

He’ll be there.

Need  someone to run and get food or your going to literally pass out from food and/or water deprivation?

He’s your guy.

I think I have proved my point.

My dad and Madhavan went somewhere else in the center leaving just us- my mom, Thulasi, Jagan Mama, and me. Don’t get me wrong- I was willing to help my mom find the perfect sari’s for everyone. I mean all I want is for everyone to be happy

But in any other way possible that won’t lower my self-esteem.

And the last few shreds of my dignity.

I mean, I’m not the best person you could go to for fashion advice you know? 

Need to know what are the right types of colored pencils you should use for the undercoat of your final sketch?

I’m your girl.

Need to know what major scale you should play to warm up with based on the time signature of the song your playing?

I gotcha covered.

Want someone to briefly look over a/o edit any piece of written work you need to submit?

I think you already know my answer;

but yeah. I have your back.

You need urgent advice on a specific line of fashion or anything related to the arts of well- style?

Uh, your talking to the girl who basically lives in jeans, and sweatshirts that are five times larger than my actual size so;

n o.

But that day I actually did try. Some of my suggestions to my mom even made her it-list so I think it was okay. Another upside to it all was I found this thick roll of fabric that donned a pattern that looked vaguely like of the Singapore girls outfits.

I instantly fell in love with it because Singapore Airlines is the only airlines we have always flown with and in my lifetime I always remember the most distinct members of the gorgeous and kind faces, those of the flight attendants donned with the name the Singapore Girls. The outfits they wear are long skirts and blouses that hugged each of their curves and I assume are fitted so they look that way. The design itself is called Sarong kebaya and was contrived by a french designer. The contuorer was said to be inspired by the styles of evening clothing women wore in Malaysia. I love the diversity of it and how it represents multiplicity of the other countries as well as how a woman could be perfect just by showing her kindness and an automatic humbleness through her actions. As well as the interactions they make with other people.

Well at least thats what I see.

My dad asked if I wanted to cut a length of it an buy it. I agreed, so my dad told to me call over an elderly man nearby who seemed to be put with the job of any fabrics put on display. I pointed to my selection and he cut at least a two feet or so, his scissors shone in the lights above, the metal gliding through the fabric like the brush of Van Gogh. The blades working together in unison through the fibers of the fabric, leaving little to no hemming behind. As he finished, he took a a small white tag and wrote a number on it, and then he took a contraption-that looked vaguely like a pair of pliers-and clipped the tag onto the freshly rolled fabric. He handed it to me as my dad payed for it at the counter, we both made eye contact and I smiled, he obliged and smiled back, wrinkled forming in the corners of his eyes.

Right then I realized just how small I am in the world.

I mean, we are literally only a fragment of the world population- which itself is 7.6 billion people.

7.6 billion.

Coming to Singapore made me realize that the world isn’t as small as it seems, though others may beg to differ. I see a new face everyday, crossing the street, driving along the road, running on the track. Each touch with another human being sending electricity through each pinpoint in your body. Eyes, hair, skin, height, gender. All these things, so many similarity, so much diversity. We underestimate just how much power we have when we band together. There is so much out there and it isn’t enough to stay home and watch the world pass by through our peripheral vision.

I live in the third most populous country in the world; my parents and the majority of my family born in the second most- India. I didn’t realize just how small I am to the rest of the rest until now. No, that moment when I was with the man in the fabrics department, when I received rice from that mother and daughter in the temple, when I shook hands with Bala Thatha after three years of separation. When I watched my mother and Jagan Mama hug each other so tight when we arrived; as if never to let go. Each with tears running down their cheeks and I trying vivaciously to blink my own away and calm my quivering lip until it was I who was trapped in his embrace. Maybe it’s because I’m a bit older, maybe it’s because I have bypassed a phase of my life, or maybe it’s because there are;

360,000 births per day

15,000 births each hour

250 births each minute

Four births each second of every day.

More or less, a year ago, one of those babies was my sister.

About seven years ago, one of those babies was my brother.

About thirteen years ago,

that was me.

It’s crazy how small we are.

Once we were done in that portion of the ridiculously massive store, it was off to the chocolates. I was kind of curious to see the types of chocolate and candy and stuff they sold because Singapore is wacky and amazing in its own way. But since it was another floor up we had to take the escalator.

And let me tell you something; I think I lost a few pounds because I went on like five or six different escalators about thirty two times each. My mom and I still joke about it even now.


And it’s safe to say that I have now developed a unhealthy fear of escalators.

(Actually creating my worst nightmare would technically be more like letting spiders have the ability to fly. But we aren’t doing that and even if someone does they will be skinned alive and fed to Cerberus.)

But no pressure.

When we arrived at the sweets section I literally recognized nothing from back in the United States. I mean over here, candies and sweets are basically a staple. I’ve grown up loving Nerds candies and chocolates(I still don’t understand why there aren’t green Nerds candies but okay)But if you told me to get at least five to ten different sweets and chocolates in that portion of Mustufa; I would’ve given you the most stupidest poker face ever and than run away screaming like a maniac. I was so lost and confused, and it didn’t help that the aisles were so thin and there were so many shelves. There were a lot of brands I wasn’t familiar of, and plus there were a lot of quite peculiar types of candy, like chocolate covered potato chips or Singaporean flag gummy snacks. Some others I didn’t want to associate with like meal worm lollipops. Uh, just the thought gives me this weird feeling in my stomach.


My parents were trying to find some gluten-free chocolate bars, and chewy fruit candies to bring to people in India who requested it. We split up so we could cover more ground, but I honestly felt like a toddler going grocery shopping for the first time. I wandered about with my mom, spying some variations of candy and chocolate that I recognized from America. Like white chocolate Reese’s, or hard candies shaped as landmarks around Singapore, like the Merlion. My eyes scanned the shelves for anything similar to what we needed to find, but it was kind of hard to focus on that when there was so much color and new things at every turn.

I found humongous tubs of these hard candies that were fruit flavored and in various colors. I remember always eating them when I came to Singapore when I was younger. I picked up the tub and showed it to my mom with a grin, her own smile reaching her own eyes. I could tell she wasn’t just smiling about the nostalgic candy I had found my little sister grabbing random things her little hands could reach. I looked down and I saw my little sister already carrying a pack of chocolate wafers in packaging the two times bigger than anything she should’ve been carrying.

Here, is a super accurate, exponentially realistic depiction of what she looked like at the moment:

( • – •)
/ ⊃  🍫


Okay this isn’t the best portraiture of my sister but I don’t currently have the equipment to put a drawing directly on the textbox from my drawing app, and you have no idea how much I wish I could just transfer actually paper sketches onto this but I can’t really do that unless I was a student at Hogwarts or something. Or with a scanner, but you all know I’ll most likely be to lazy to us a scanner. OKAY WE’RE GETTING OFF TRACK SO MOVING ON.

We finally made some edible purchases on that floor so we decided to go to the souvenir portion of the gargantuan shopping center. I was glad to be in this particular area, mainly because I wanted to get souvenirs for my friends from my trip. Oh but the only way we could get there was- you guessed it- A FLIPPING ESCALATOR. All that was going through my head was you’ve got to be kidding me. Luckily I didn’t have a close encounter with fatal injury that time so it was all good.

When we arrived it was pretty obvious that it was the souvenir shop due to a ton of memorabilia basically screaming SINGAPORE at your face. I immediately noticed the Singapore Girl style dresses and even shoes and purses. The aisles seemed to go on and on, some glittered, some looked too fragile to even gaze upon. I traverse alongside shelves and bins with different little trinkets. Charm bracelets, pens, earrings, key chains, hats, t-shirts. Plates that shone under the lights, painted to decorated to depict different scenery. There were small statues of the trademark Merlion. I saw a wall that was just cluttered with a ton of magnets that literally screeched I ❤︎ SG to whoever decided to make the decision of looking at your refrigerator.


I Kanmani Harivenkatesh, was going to find the most memorable, elegant refinery of souvenirs that are also very endearing and a representation of the beautiful life of Singapore which as well reflected how much I cared for my dear and darling frien- ooh look keychains!

I had instantly spotted hooks displaying sets of copper, gold, and silver keychains of the merlion along with the well-known ferris wheel- aka, the Singapore Flyer. I thought these were perfect, especially since they came in little packets  as well. I put them in the basket we got when we entered, and started to just roam the aisles. My dad said I could pick out something for myself so I flitted about the shelves, occasionally picking up something that caught my eyes, only to put it back. I kept a hold specifically on these simple gold and silver bookmarks that had different landscaped in Singapore entrenched into the metal. On the backside they had a even written why Singapore was the name given to the island. I decided to purchase these and put them in the basket.

I decided to follow my mother to another section where they sold statues and other adornments and accessories to put around your house. I even found a mini botanical garden made of stone and painted, what I really liked about it though, was that it had water running from little platforms to look like an actual waterfall. When I turned it on it was only a slight trickle, but then it turned into a soft pour. The sound itself would’ve been calming if the little contraption next to me wasn’t singing the most annoying, automated version of Row Row Row Your Boat.

Well, I feel bad for whoever was row row rowing that boat.

My mom ogled just as my I did, pointing out little statues of elephants. My mom and I will fall head over heels for anything related to elephants. Just like me on my own fangirling over anything relating to my own fandoms. I saw that my mom had found reasonably sized statuettes of a flamingo and a peacock, both bedazzled with stones matching their rightful colors. They were both absolutely gorgeous and my face was basically like this; ( ✧ ᗜ ✧ )

but, human.

So we made a ton of purchases there and we were carrying an array of small shopping bags with our purchases bopping around inside. We were ready to go and grab something to eat on the way. I was already tired and it was probably like two or three in the afternoon. It honestly felt like gravity was increasing on me because not only was I tired, but I get pretty aggravated when we go shopping. No matter where we’re shopping I will always just be screaming internally with a fake smile. Not only that, but that day it was kinda hot so my pores were completely disproportionate. So we were just walkin along, while I was there trying not to pass out while aggressively sweating.

When we got back to the hotel room, my parents sprawled onto the white of the covers, going through everything we bought. I counted out how many keychains there were, my dad claimed one of the bookmarks, and my mom was contemplating how she would pack the two figurines she bought, due to them being so fragile. Other than that, I was beyond just tired and extremely hungry. But it was a good day, and I got to see so many new things in a country I’m not entirely familiar with. I mean go, beg to differ. But I don’t come to Singapore often. I always vow to spend my time well and just breathe in all the little things. Find the differences of the urban cities the architectural discrepancies. I saw everything with eyes as raw as a child in infancy. Trying to see everything for the first time. Because quite frankly, I did.

The Magic of My Name

I walked hand in hand with my little brother into my mom’s cafe, the smell of baking cookies, cinnamon, and mint chocolate, wafting through the cozy building. My mom stood behind the counter sprinkling and light mix of sugar and her homemade cocoa powder across a fresh hunk of her famous banana bread with strawberries mixed into the batter, one of my favorite lazy Sunday treats. We live in San Francisco’s, so my family and I live in the two floors above the cafe. Therefore the perfume from the cafe clings on to the rest of our home. As a joke my dad made a wood sign in front of the entrance to the cafe with words, “50 ft Scented Candle” engraved into the oak below the name of the cafe(please take note that my dad is terrible at measurements.)

I was the one who came up with The Magic of My Name as the cafe’s sobriquet. Unique names run in our family actually, I mean my little brother’s name is Orion. Tell me that isn’t cool. My name is Callisto by the way, Callisto Vega.  And I know, it’s sounds like a female name but I am in fact a guy so sorry to ruin your sweet little assumptions. I love my little brother to pieces and he’s the sweetest little four year old in this universe but I envy the little guy for receiving the name that didn’t make people assume his gender when first heard of.

Orion settled himself in his favorite bean bag chair in a corner below the counter that had a little bookshelf sitting beside it, filled with a bunch of kids books and stories. He pulled out a paperback of The Little Prince for my dad to read to him. Orion snuggled closer to my dad as he read. My mom watched with a smile on her face as she watched them bond through the flowing words. I walked across the room and climbed up the ladder leading to one of the lofts in the building. I settled myself in and grabbed one of the many sketchbooks I kept in a little shelf. I grabbed my graphite and charcoal pencils from my satchel and a kneaded eraser. And then I started to sketch. I lost all contact I had with my surroundings and got absorbed into my own world. Sketch. Erase. Reflect. Repeat. I continued that process until I realized that I needed a muse. Therefore I scanned my surroundings.

My parents had hung a bunch of their paintings around the lounge, abstract art mostly to make the area even more cozy. They are both artists and in their free time draw and paint a lot. I looked at one of the murals they had hung on the wall behind the counter. It was a flurry of color, yellow ochre merged with ultramarine blue creating a conspicuous green that burst across the canvas. At the heart of the cafe are these huge cushy couches that seem to let you like drown in them. There’s cushioned lounge chairs and love seats, throw pillows are scattered everywhere on furniture and on the floor. There’s plush carpets on the hard wood floor that are so soft that a baby could sleep on them soundly. What I love most however is that there’s arts and crafts materials everywhere and books. So many books. Shelves bolted to the wall overflowing with books and handmade bookmarks that I and my whole family made are stationed at every place with books.

At the wall above one of shelf areas is a medium sizish painting that both my parents made together of our whole family. My mom had her soft brown hair and soft kind eyes, at the hips of her dress you could see flour and sugar marks where she dusts her hands when baking. My dad with his kept hair, but a few stray hairs staying behind. His eyes identical to my mom’s except for a few specks of green that seemed to glow, his beard giving his endearing smile a certain glow. My little brother and his amber hair and his brownish green eyes from our dad. He has that childish vibe in him, with that feeling escalating with the little wooden car and paintbrush he holds in his hand. But then there’s me.

I look like no one in my family, not like my parents, or grandparents, and none of my relatives. Its always been a mystery to me as to why I look like no one and no one looks like me. I have unruly raven locks of hair that can’t be tamed whatsoever. My mom says I have a virile look that no one else has. I looked up what virile means and the dictionary said that it means powerful, strong, and when needed to be, lethal. I can’t imagine myself looking like that but I think my mom has a point. When I met my friends for the first time they gave me these looks that showed them hiding startled looks. But I think the most shocking thing to people about my physical appearance is that I have bright green eyes that my dads says can define my emotion so well, joy, sadness, fear, regret, anger, pride. In the painting my eyes look like sea green orbs that seem to burn into your soul or something. My parents admitted the hardest part of the entire family portrayal was doing my eyes. In the canvas, my right hand holds a simple ballpoint pen and a fatigued guitar pick, while the other holds a thick, worn leather sketchbook. My face looks stark with a hint of a smile, but my eyes hold a troublemaker glint.

My parents wanted to make the painting represent us and who we are individually after they finished it about two months ago. I got the inspiration to sketch out myself, but with my other friends standing beside me. After finishing myself and erasing the stray marks on the paper, I was about to start on my other friend when suddenly she walked into the building.

Beth’s blonde princess curls flounced hypnotically behind her in her usual ponytail, stray curls framing her face and falling at the nape of her neck. She wore a dark gray knit beanie, white scarf, gray leggings, a floral dress, a medium length gray trench coat, and a pair of chestnut colored winter boots with white tufts sticking out from the top. Her storm grey eyes were content and spunky as usual as my mom would say. “Hello Mrs. Vega, Mr. Vega . Hey there Ri!” Beth greeted. When Orion was a baby he tried to say his own name but couldn’t so instead he said Ri. So that’s what everyone calls him. I climbed down the ladder bringing my art stuff with me. Beth and I have been best friends since we were in preschool together and stuck with each other ever since. She is super smart and is into art and music just like me. She loves to read books and can never be caught without one in hand. She met me on the floor and we walked side by side to one of the big couches underneath the family portrait.

“Hey, whats up Ms. Granger. ” (I had started calling her that once she finished Harry Potter seeing how similar they both are.) “Eh, I’m bored I guess, Thanksgiving Break is fun an all but after a while it’s quite repetitive when there’s nothing to do. I mean I am not busy at all so I decided to just hang out here. My parents are out on their shift(her parents are nurses) and they usually let me go out to the library or whatever and they adore you and your family so they trust me anyway. ” She said with a huff as she fiddled with a stray curl that escaped her ponytail. “Beth it’s only been like two days since school let out-” I spoke as she perked up, -besides, I bet you have some drawings done.” I concluded.

I scooted closer to her as she brought out her tablet and sketchbook from her leather book bag. She first showed me her sketchbook which held a bunch of new additions and ideas she has been developing. One seemed to be a sketch of half a boy and the other half of the face a wolf with piercing eyes. “I know they look really bad but their just sketches so give me some credit.” She said with the tilt of her head. I looked at her with a befuddled face, “Are you kidding me right now!?” These are incredible what are you talking about!?” I said as I stared at the drawings longer. “Cal! Stop yelling like an idiot, everyone can hear you!” She said her eyes tensed on me. I looked around and I saw my mom smirk and my dad chuckle. A few other customers just grinned.

Then she grabbed her tablet and showed me some digital drawings she had worked on. I’m so jealous of how easily art comes to her. I mean she doesn’t even know how talented she is, let alone at writing and singing music. I mean it only took me till third grade to figure that out. And guess what? We’re both fifteen and almost sixteen. Me being older than her by like a month. After watching the time lapses I continued showering her with compliments that are honestly very true.

“Hey Cal?” Beth asked hesitantly.

“Yeah?” I asked question in my tone.

“You know how your parents offered to hold the talent showcase here?” I nodded my head.

“And you want me to sing and perform?” I nodded vigorously.

“Well I was thinking that maybe we could sing a duet together. I doesn’t have to be a song we wrote, just our voices singing a song.” She said rushing the last part. I instantly went pale at the thought of me singing in front of other people, playing my guitar. What if I embarrass myself and hit a wrong note? What if I don’t tune my guitar properly and it hits a wrong note during the performance? 

I snapped out of my own thoughts when Beth placed her hand on my shoulder. “Callisto? Cal are you okay? I mean you don’t have to do it. I can do a solo. But it would be incredible if other’s could see how talented you are.” She said softly. I met her eyes, grey against green. I grabbed her hand and intertwined my fingers with hers. “What song-” Her eyes lit up, “-should we sing?” I said with a grin. She tackled me with a hug before pulling back just as fast. She hopped up from her spot on the couch and then started pacing, her eyes clouded with thought and anxiety. “Wait, Beth whats wrong?” I said worriedly. “Oh gods Cal I’m just terrified, I mean I’ve only sang in front of my parents and you. In front of an audience? What if my voice cracks? What if I can’t reach the highest octave? What if-” I stopped her by grabbing her wrist and making her meet my eyes. “I am just as terrified as you are.” I said. She looked even more worried. “Oh what have I gotten us into! I’m so sorry! I uh, I could probably just take out our names or something. I don’t- Uuuuuhaaaaah!” She groaned in rage and gripped her hair. She is just plain scary and freaking terrifying when she is mad but right now that didn’t matter.

“Don’t regret it Beth-” She looked close to a break down but I think she was starting to calm down, -besides we still have like two too three weeks before the showcase. Lets show em’ what we’re made of.” She looked much better and started scrolling through her tablet for a song that we could practice to sing and find sheet music for.

“What about this?” She said, she gestured for me to put on the other earbud that she held up. We listened to the song and it was incredible. It was called “Into the Darkness” by Gio Navas and we started to coordinate our parts with our playing. We started practicing or parts. For hours and hours each day. Beth’s powerful voice with my deep one created the perfect syncopated rhythm. The chords from my guitar creating a nice vibe for the song.

  • Weeks Later

“Now it’s Callisto Vega and Beth Jackson!” My dad yelled through the microphone as we both stepped onto the stage. Me in a black button down and jeans, with Beth in a flowing black dress with white lace that reached to her knees. Her hair was done up in braids and pinned to her head with curls falling down to the sides of her face. She looked a bit nervous but excited, I gave her a reassuring nod and she smiled back at me. I breathed, in and out, in and out. I put the guitar straps over my head and the familiar weight of the guitar made me feel stronger. My jaw was set and my eyes scanned the large crowd inside. I started playing the first chords as Beth sang the first few verses:

 The air is thick and smoky. Salvation’s in a dream.
I walked for miles and miles until the road blurred ahead of me.
The ashes settle down like poison in our lungs.
If I tell you I love you, will dying be sweeter for us?
But I see you and it’s the only thing that’s keeping me alive.
I can feel your hand and suddenly I’m not so terrified.
And I’d give anything to ease the panic in your eyes.
Into the darkness we will fight.
Her voice electrified the crowd and the power in her voice was shocking. It took all my willpower to not just drop my guitar and just listen to her voice. I mustered the courage to start the second verse with her and my guitar;
I hear the monsters howling visceral agony.
Your hands are growing cold. I won’t let them take you from me.
I’m slipping from my head. I’m anchored by your skin.
It’s a nightmarish game, but, together, will win.
‘Cause I see you and it’s the only thing that’s keeping me alive.
And I can feel your hand and suddenly I’m not so terrified.
And I’d give anything to ease the panic in your eyes.
Into the darkness we will fight.
I continued playing as Beth started the next few lines.
The smoke is billowing
and now it’s hard to see.
Please don’t let go.
The panic’s slipping over, caging me.
Blackened waves crashing through,
I’m losing grip of you.
Please stay with me.
Follow my voice and we will make it through.
I soon joined in once again;
‘Cause I see you and it’s the only thing that’s keeping me alive.
And I can feel your hand and suddenly I’m not so terrified.
And I’d give anything to ease the panic in your eyes.
Into the darkness you and I.
Into the darkness you and I.
We both breathed a deep breath, are hands finding each other. I turned so I faced her and I touched my forehead to hers. She breathed heavily and we both had huge smiles on our faces. The crowd cheered and clapped. Her parents and mine both looked close to tears.
I wasn’t afraid, I was virile, I was strong and so was she. The adrenaline of it all was still in me and I could tell it was in her too. Right then and there I thought;
My name is Callisto Vega.
My best friend is Beth Jackson.
I found the magic in my name,
and she did too.
HELLOOOOOO EVERYONE!!!!! Oh my gods it’s been so long since I’ve written. I’m so sorry for the delay. It’s just that my life has been so hectic lately because… WE JUST MOVED!!!!! Oh my god the whole process has been lasting for like a month and a half and a post is in the works for more on that. But I hope you guys liked this simple short story. It was quite random really. But I wanted to be different because a lot of best friend relationships are usually of friends who are the same gender but I played with the concept of best friends who are the opposite genders but are as different as the sun and moon, night and day, and all those other hyperboles. Since most of my short stories feature a male or female individual, I thought maybe this could be the opportunity to try something different. I am planning on making a part two of this or maybe just continue the story as a book. I am in love with these two character and I love their relationship. I want to do a part in Beth’s point of view so we can learn more of Beth’s background.
Anyway I discovered the song that’s featured  on this post off of YouTube. And it’s only ONE OF THE MOST AMAZING SONGS I HAVE EVER HEARD. Anyway it was written by an artist who isn’t famous yet but writes songs based off of book characters. I guess I wanted to base these two character’s relationship off of the song they sang because I learned that when you’re in a situation where you could possibly perish alone(I’m talking physically and/or hypothetically) than having the person you trust the most is the best thing in the world. Cal trust’s Beth more than anyone else in the whole world(besides his family of course) and would do anything for her. They both are there for each other when they are about to do something that scares them both.
So yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this short story and I am once again very sorry for the loss in content but I will try to at least post once or twice a week. I admit this story may sound cheesy to most people but that’s the best kind of friendship in this whole universe and I want to emphasize that as much as possible. So I hope you guys are living your best lives and taking all the chances you have to do something that makes you feel amazing. And do it with someone that you trust more than anyone in the world.

When the Storm Breaks

Breathe. I used to think that this word merely meant to bring in and release. To just inhale and exhale. I thought it was only meant to be an act that was essential to life. But I was wrong. I’ve never been so wrong in my entire life. That single word could change someone’s fate in under a second. It doesn’t mean to just let in and out. This action could either destroy you’re life or save it. I know it sounds odd. How could breathing make a person perish? Simple. Breathe can betray you whenever it wants. I know it seems odd to mention a personification in this form. But breathing can bring new life as well. Someone so close to knocking at the doors of death could instantly escape just by breathing. I know these groups of contradictions sound unreal, and insane. Why am I even speaking of these things in the first place? Well, everyone has a story to tell each soul has there story radiating like the sun around them, but most people can’t achieve that. I use to think the meaning of the word revival meant to revive, or bring life to. To make new life or power up a dead soul. But now that I think about it, it means more than that. Like the word hope, it also means to restore faith. For example, if a person is so close to death but suddenly they revive by either a change of physical and mental power, or a change in there life. Another example is when a person is so depressed that they refuse to go on. But then they are brought back to life by either finding new interests or find something worth continuing to live there life. This word is similar to breathing because if you don’t make a decision, you surely will perish. I know this isn’t much of a story, but everyone has a story so other people can feel it. I just hope you can feel mine.

It all began with one girl, one bike, and one storm.

I was running down the steps of my house, my sketchbook and pencils in hand. I wanted to go down to the beach to sketch out a panoramic of the sunset and the sea. My mom was at the library shelving books, and my dad was at the hospital as usual helping patients because he was a nurse. They usual didn’t mind when I went off on my own when they weren’t there. They trusted me enough to go and come back safely, with no trouble. I texted my mom “Going to the beach to draw, I’ll be back.” As soon as I sent it, I got a text back from my mother saying “Alright Wren. Be safe.” I put my sketchbook, pencils, and my phone into my satchel. I went outside an grabbed my back. I hopped down and sped along the cliff side road. The sky looked extremely stormy. Usually it always looked like this where I lived. But not like this. It looked just to dense. As if it was going to scoop up every single grain of sand. Sucking up anything in it’s way. I started to worry. Everything was starting to be knocked over into the sea. I felt like an extremely strong storm was going to come. Before I could finish my thoughts, the wind pushed my bike against a nearby boulder. I finally realized what was happening. Hurricane. I was starting to feel my shoulders drooping. My leg felt like it got penetrated by a thousand needles. My head hurt so much that even if I moved just a little bit felt like I was going to break my whole skull in half. Everything started to go black. My mind was raising as I strained myself to get back up again. But I was to late. I had plunged into the pit  of darkness in my head.

“Wren… Oh my goodness, doctor is there anything serious?” I recognized that voice as my fathers. I heard the words sever concussion and broken ankle. My breathing was starting to become labored and unsteady. “Breathe Wren. Breathe.” Just hearing those words made me feel relief in my chest. Weeks later I was on crutches and my head was still throbbing hear and there. But I survived a hurricane. I thought. Just because of one word. When I was knocked down, I was able to stay alert and awake for about an hour or two. I had called my parents, telling them what happened before I blacked out. I was breathing heavily the whole entire time.I found out my mom died in the storm trying to save a women stuck in a ditch.

“Wren you must come out, we will be late to your mother’s fu-ceremony.” My best friends whispered into the doors aged wood cracks. Just the sound of the word mother made me want to hide in a cloak of darkness. I knew he was about to say the word funeral, but she replaced it with a more suitable word for my situation. “Wren please, your mother would want to see you one last time.” I sat on my bed for a few seconds deep in thought. I got up to open the door, my black dress wrinkled and stained with tears. My dark chocolate colored hair tumbling down my drooping shoulders. I looked at the mirror on the wall. My piercing dark mahogany eyes looked almost black. My olive skin looked as pale as a sheet of paper. I opened the door my best friend Peter stood there. His messy dark hair some what tamed. He was wearing a suit instead of his usual uniform of jeans and a graphic t-shirt. He looked almost like a stranger, but his striking eyes were the same.We walked out the door heading toward the meadow nearby. My mother lived in the same house ever since she was born. The meadow was like her sanctuary, before she died.

While I was walking, I realized that things like this happened. My mom had gone to a place where she didn’t have to experience suffering anymore. She will still be able to withstand a storm, when the wind rises, and the sky falls. For years I lived waiting. Waiting for when the storm will break.




I used to be able to run, to hide, to be free. I realized that it’s not possible anymore. I will never be able to look out at the sunset without suspicious eyes watching. I won’t be able to go to my friend’s house without being followed and be asked the same exact question every time. “What are you exactly doing here?” The worst part about the wall dividing everyone is the fact that for the rest of my life, I can’t see them ever again. It is 1964, Berlin, Germany. 3 year since the wall was built. I was sleeping over at my friend’s house the night they built the wall. One day there’s nothing, the next day we’re divided. My family and I lived the other side of Berlin. For three years we have been divided. And I’m sick of it. I need to escape.

“Forest! Breakfast!” Yelled my friend Charlotte’s mother. For the past three years, her family was kind enough to let me live with them. They were family friends, so it felt right. For the past few months, I had been starting to dig an underground tunnel that went under the wall.I started it because I wanted to reunite with my family. I knew it was a huge risk. Putting my life on the line like that, but I needed to do it. It felt correct to me. I was walking one day from school, when I saw an old broken down house in an alleyway. The old structure curiously was close to the wall. I inspected it, finding old rusted shovels, wheelbarrows, and gloves. Instantly, an idea struck me like a lighting bolt. I started digging. I started with a small hole, it grew from the size of a bucket, to the width of a barrel. I told Charlotte when I was halfway done. She cried that night but didn’t tell her parent. She agreed that it was the right decision, and supported it. Thought it was tough for her.

As I ate my breakfast I thought about how I might be able to escape today. I only needed to dig up soil a little bit more. After I ate I headed toward the alley. But instead I saw one more thing. Something that didn’t belong there. A guard. His facial features looked incredibly familiar. As if we’ve known each other before. When we made eye contact he let out a little gasp. “Forest.” I stood there in shock, how did this guard know my name. Specifically my name? But then I recognized the voice. It sounded like a nineteen year old’s voice. A certain nineteen year old. “George?” I said hopefully. He took off his mask. His emerald green eyes shining brightly as he opened his arms and wrapped me in a a bear like hug. My older brother was actually here. But what about mama and papa? I started asking him a lot of questions as he did to.

It turns out that he had dug a tunnel as well, but instead it was closer to the other side of the wall where I was. He said that his friends worked as a guard and let him borrow his uniform for this reason. He said that he was here to bring me home. He had positioned the tunnel near Charlotte’s house, we escaped at exactly 5:15.

I am a rebel.

Rebellion. That word is probably what represents 80% of our spiritual blood. For most people, it’s hard to find that they have it in them. You could be the most proper person in the world. And yet most of you is made up of a renegade’s blood. People who show acts of rebellion radiate on people. They inspire them to follow there own beliefs and truths. They encourage people to follow what their heart has been shouting at them ever since their soul was introduce to the world. Nowadays people tend to stay low in there comfort zone, they don’t hound for new adventures. They don’t stand up for what they believe is right. Radioactive. The one word that can describe a person that has the blood of a renegade, and the heart of a rebel.

All my life I was running, running for myself and more. I didn’t care what the other teens my age said about me. I was standing up for me. I was standing up for what I believed in. I didn’t realize until now how much of an impact you could make doing thing like this. Especially since I’m only twelve, and I am a female artist standing up for what I think is right for not just for my school, but for everyone. Not just me.

“As a young artist myself, I believe that art not only increases scores in an average student’s comprehension, but can create a huge impact on the students life. Physically and mentally in there health and lifestyle. It can clear a students mind from the conflict of everyday problems and abnormality’s. Art is all about expressionism, letting a student express themselves in this way, allows them to not only feel calmer, but make them a better student. For years you have told the student body that you would create an art room in the school for students to go in and out of with there classes. I haven’t been seeing that for the six years I have been here. Though I am in sixth grade I still care about the education of the next generation. Therefore I would like you to introduce art to the young children here.”

After I was done with my speech, the principal just sat there with a dumbfounded look on his face.

“But we have art appreciation days in each classroom.” He said

 “But that is not enough.” I said.

“I am surprised by your determination, you’re a true rebel aren’t you? He said with a sly smile.

“I don’t now about that sir, but what I do know is that these students, you have no idea what I have seen from them. They are going through things you can’t even imagine can happen to a child as young as they are out there.”

“But we have nothing. You have nothing, unless you can start a hit fundraiser, I don’t understand how you could.” He said with a sad smile.

“But I have faith.” I said with more confidence.

“I will consult with the head superintendent of the district.” He said.

Right then and there I knew that it was going to happen. I saw that my prediction was correct when the next day, the head superintendent was signing a paper stating that they would spend the next school year spending, saving and retrieving for the new art room installation. But what really had surprised me was how students started to start there own rebellion,consulting with teachers, principles, and other staff and head specialists about change and new additions to improve the school for future generations. I was shocked to see that I was the first student to ever rebel against a principle. I continuously slipped pieces of my art and work into the offices. Representing the acts of hate against the fact that there was not art.

When people ask me things like  “What are three words to describe you” or “How would you describe yourself?” All I can say is I’m a rebel.

( This is a true story.)

Counting Stars

Hope. I used to think that word was a miracle. A word that could help and heal. A word that can rebuild and restore. A word that can keep a kind and good soul immortal. It used to be my favorite word. I thought I was the luckiest girl in the world to have this word as my actual name. But not now. I don’t trust this word. Not anymore. Not after what happened. They said hope can heal him. I believed them. That was the worst decision of my life.

“Hope.” There was a painful pause as I walked up to my best friends mother, she had a pained look on her face. It was easy to tell that she spent her nights crying and her days grieving. My steps were shaky as I walked slowly across the shiny hospital room floor. “He want’s to see you Hope.” She said with a pained smile. My hands shaked as I opened his room door. He was laying on his bed, his face brightened as I walked beside his bed. “Hey Leo.” I said, forcing a sad smile. His mom was watching us from the doorway. Her head leaning on the cold hard wood.

“You know what one of the nurses told me today when she was feeding me lunch?”

“What did she say?” I asked

“Hope will heal you, hope heals every soul.”

I smiled the biggest grin I could muster in weeks.

“So will you heal me Hope?” He asked with a little smile.

“I will, I promise.”

“I feel better already.” He said.

I got up to leave, but before I did he said. “Don’t forget to count the stars.”

“I won’t Leo.”

‘See you tomorrow Hope.”

“Same to you Leo.”

He died the next day at 7:22 am, on Friday February 16. He had died of heart failure. But I think he died because hope didn’t heal him. I didn’t heal him. His dark brown hair would never wave in the wind. The fingers that would never build another contraption. The eyes that would never see the stars.

I sat on the beach my dark chestnut waves of hair, flowing in the smooth wind. I live in a beach house, living so close to the beach means that there are literally no signs of the city. Just my house. Every night I walk out to the beach and sit on one of the high rocks sitting on the smooth fresh sand. And I count the stars. Now what I mean by that is I just sit. All I do is look, listen, think, and feel. The only action words that matter to me. Leo and I have been doing this since we were seven. We’re thirteen now. It’s been three months since he died.

I looked at my wrist, scars and scratches on my upper arm from climbing rocks. I inspected my face in the clear water. Eyes changing colors like a kaleidoscope. Thick long lashes. Lips the color of roses. Cheeks a light pink. Leo used to call me Snow White because he thought my face looked exactly like it was depicted in the fairy tales. But I hated being called a princess. But now I see how he thought I was.

Not only did my looks change, but my thoughts did as well. I usually didn’t trust hope. Especially after what happened. But I realized that even when someone, or something doesn’t get the ending they deserve, they will still have hope. Leo was in so much pain. He’s relieved from it all now. He won’t have to suffer trying to look at our solemn faces. Hope can come in different ways, whether it helps or not. Whether it heals or not, or if it rebuilds or not. One trait can’t decide your fate. It can’t define your destiny. But it can help you. It took me a long time to understand that. I continued thinking as I counted the stars, hoping that Leo was to.


My chest felt like thousands of arrows were piercing into my lungs. My legs and arms felt like bags of wet sand. “Do what I say, before I kill you with my bare hands!” The evil queen yelled from across the room as I crumpled to the obsidian floor. “How do I know if I can trust you, that I can trust that you will give me my heart back?” I retorted back. Then a sharp pain spread across my limp body like poison rapidly about to reach my brain. With a weak breath I was able to muster one sentence. “I will do it, but you will regret your decision as quickly as you are going to regret doing what you just did.” I watched as the dust fell from her bony hands, the dust that was once my heart. The heart that once supported a life and soul. Now I had no emotion, no soul, no heart.

I found myself in the woods, the queen sent me to kill, to kill the one person she despises most. The name Snow White repeated in my mind like a child ridiculing another. I first saw her wandering the woods. Her hair was as black as night, her cheeks were as rosy as spring flower, Her lips were the color of blood. I came close to her, reaching for my dagger slowly. She instantly realized that her death was coming close. Her kind smile fading away, as she said “She sent you here didn’t she?” I came closer, and whispered “If you can’t hide, run, and if you can’t run, hide.” I watched her run, running far away.

I blindfolded myself and took out my bow, putting in an arrow as well. I fired. This helped me think. But I saw something I never wanted to see in the first place. The carcass of the sleek creature lay on the soft grass, blood seeping down from it’s neck to it’s soft fur near it’s stomach. It’s tail lay limp and lifeless. It’s eyes were pure black, shining in the light. The beautiful eyes that would never see a single soul. The soft fur ears that would never hear the songs of the forest birds. The legs that would never run on fresh soil. The dead deer laid in front of me, dead. The arrow I shot it with was pierced into it’s heart, I took out the heart and put it in cloth to represent Snow’s. It was know the heart that would never beat, the heart that will never bring a single breath.

The bones are the cage of a wild soul. The home for a wrath so strong and bold. A yearning so strong and so unwise. A longing so deep and painful inside. A decision worthy of a painful death, a task so hurtful and agonizingly set. A past so harsh and cold. A body so strong, burly and alive. And yet so dead inside. Wild eyes, a fatal  mind. A weak heart, but will decide. the fate that he sets upon himself, that will quickly escape and reveal oneself.

I am the huntsman, the one who kills. The one who sends each soul to there deaths. The soul with no heart.