“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” – Walt Disney

Disney. That’s a name that most people have probably heard multiple times. But do you really know how to comprehend what he went through in his life? A few months back I watched a movie with my family called Walt Before Disney. It definitely changed my perspective of how I saw him not only as a famous animator, but a young man who was struggling to live his life.  Most people think that just because Walt Disney wanted to represent magic and happiness( in which he successfully did). He lived a life where he didn’t have a care in the world. Well that is definitely not the case. At one point he was bankrupt when he first started to animate and film. In one scene in the film, it showed Walt trudging inside trash cans to find a single morsel of food. Suddenly a little gray mouse scurried towards him, running along his arm to his shoulder. Luckily Walt had found a small piece of a sandwich. But you know what he did? He shared that single sliver of food with the little helpless mouse.

What I am trying to say is though people may seem very happy and optimistic, their backstory may not be so. Walt Disney is a perfect example of this. He grew up in multiple farms, drawing, and playing jokes. But as his brother soon started to get quite ill. He had to soon find a way to make a living for himself. Thus creating a team of hardworking renegade artists and writers, who were his friends and comrades. But they quickly become bankrupt and are searching for more workers. In desperate need of help, he turns to his brother, Roy Disney. With there partnership they create Disney Brothers Animation. Over the years, Disney films and shorts have captured the hearts of people around the world and it’s morals and fables have not only taught us lessons, but brought in and out new ideas and encourage people to believe there is sometimes magic coming our way.

” The difference in winning and losing is most often… Not quitting.” – Walt Disney

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