To My Fellow Flutists…

I myself am a flute player, I am first-chair in my band at my school(meaning the best player in your instrumental category in your class) so you probably think “Hey she must have like YEARS and YEARS of practice!”  Well with me, that is NOT  the case. My musical process started out like this: I started trying the violin when I was in 1st grade (I assume), thinking the culture and beauty of the sound was awesome. But after about 2 months or so, I saw that I didn’t exactly have the body structure for it. What I mean by that my arms and fingers were so small that I couldn’t even reach for the string! And when I tried playing, I had to stretch out my arms to get to the strings and play. So I in 3rd grade I started piano for a while. It was OK, I mean, I played good, but it was just BORING. So then I started flute. I did singing classes to, but the flute was what kept me going with music. I just loved that wood like sound, the movement. I loved everything about. And that’s how I came to be the musician I am. So just remember, it may take years and years to find the instrument that is for you. But you will find it.

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