“Think Different.” – Steve Jobs

IWhen I was in fourth grade, my dad had just bought Steve Job’s biography. For a while it just sat in the corner of our book shelf, it stood there like a lonesome statue in the rain. Then one day I stared at it for a while. My dad then asked me from the spot he was sitting in, “You think you could read that?” there was a long pause. “I think you could.” We both stood there in silence. My eyes wide as I touched the binding of the book. Then I grabbed it, carefully. Then I sat down the smell of freshly printed book hitting my face. I opened the book, I read the sleeve of the book. Then I turned to chapter one. For hours I read. I brought with me to the dinner and read it under the table. I brought it with me to bed and read it when everyone was asleep. I brought it with me to school and read it during recess and lunch time. One day my friend asked me, “Are you still reading that book, why are you still reading it?”  I replied calmly with “Because, I can.”  It took me days to finish that huge book, with it having 571 pages to read(the rest being acknowledgments).

Even before reading the biography, I still thought that Steve Jobs was a person to look up to. After reading his biography and found out more about his backstory, I found that lot of incredible are known to have hard and tough life stories. For example, Steve Jobs was an adopted child. His biological parents decided then and there that they wanted a girl instead. It hurt my heart so much. I couldn’t imagine what a little Steve Jobs ‘s  reaction would be like. But he did find out when he was just 7 years old.

Though Steve Jobs lived a rough life,  he grew up to be a inspiration to not only techies, but adults and children alike. Creating an atmosphere for people around the world, to create, aspire, and achieve. That is the atmosphere I am known for living. This is the atmosphere that people around the world are known for living in. This was the atmosphere Steve Jobs was known for creating.

Over the years, the more I learned about technology, science, and inventions, the more I realized, you don’t have to be a genius to create something that will change the world. Steve Jobs, though was a genius, followed his own words and continued to “stay hungry and foolish.”( – Steve Jobs.) So in conclusion lets all remember to be our own person and, “Think different.”

“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow know what you truly want to become.”

  • Steve Jobs
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