Category Archives: Inspirational People

“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” – Walt Disney

Disney. That’s a name that most people have probably heard multiple times. But do you really know how to comprehend what he went through in his life? A few months back I watched a movie with my family called Walt Before Disney. It definitely changed my perspective of how I saw him not only as a famous animator, but a young man who was struggling to live his life.  Most people think that just because Walt Disney wanted to represent magic and happiness( in which he successfully did). He lived a life where he didn’t have a care in the world. Well that is definitely not the case. At one point he was bankrupt when he first started to animate and film. In one scene in the film, it showed Walt trudging inside trash cans to find a single morsel of food. Suddenly a little gray mouse scurried towards him, running along his arm to his shoulder. Luckily Walt had found a small piece of a sandwich. But you know what he did? He shared that single sliver of food with the little helpless mouse.

What I am trying to say is though people may seem very happy and optimistic, their backstory may not be so. Walt Disney is a perfect example of this. He grew up in multiple farms, drawing, and playing jokes. But as his brother soon started to get quite ill. He had to soon find a way to make a living for himself. Thus creating a team of hardworking renegade artists and writers, who were his friends and comrades. But they quickly become bankrupt and are searching for more workers. In desperate need of help, he turns to his brother, Roy Disney. With there partnership they create Disney Brothers Animation. Over the years, Disney films and shorts have captured the hearts of people around the world and it’s morals and fables have not only taught us lessons, but brought in and out new ideas and encourage people to believe there is sometimes magic coming our way.

” The difference in winning and losing is most often… Not quitting.” – Walt Disney

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Overpower. Overtake. Overcome.

Serena Williams. Either you know her, or you don’t. A lot of people only know her as the women who is a champion tennis player. The unbeatable Serena Williams. But she went through a lot of pain and suffering to get to the position she is in right now. Did you know that she was body shamed in the  middle of a very important game? Or that people brought her down just because of who she was? For countless days she was told. “You know, maybe you should like stop doing all this.” or “Hey, your good and all but your a women.” But Serena didn’t listen to anyone. She only listened to one person. And that person was her. She continuously told herself. ” I can do this, I am not going to listen to these people.”

Those words went a long way. If she didn’t believe her own words, she would never have won 23 grand slams(Grand Slams are the four most important tennis tournaments of the year, each tournament consisting of two weeks. The Australian Open in the middle of January, the French Open in May and June, Wimbledon is in June and July, and the US Open takes place in August and September)23 Grand Slams equal, 7 Australian opens, 3 French Opens, 7 Wimbledon matches, and 6 US Opens.

Almost every sports headline published today features “History is made when Serena Williams wins her 23rd Grand Slam.” Their is no way you could even be retorting her after everything she has doing in her life. What I value most about this extraordinary woman, is that  even when she was being brought down by other people’s voices of disapproval. She only obeyed the voice of her confident soul and mind. So please listen to these words. “I really think a champion is defined not by their wins, but by how they can recover when they fall.” – Serena Williams. She is definitely a champion.

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“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

In third grade I had to write a report about a person that passed away that “left their mark on the world.” I brought home with me, a list of people that we were able to do also. I asked my dad who I should do. “Gandhi.” He replied. I asked my mom the same question she also responded with “Gandhi.” My mom and dad had both told me some information about him, I was really interested and wanted to learn more about him. I worked on the report for about 2 to 3 weeks. But I finally got to learn what I wanted to know, and more to.

Mahatma Gandhi was best known for bringing freedom to India. But not a lot of people knew how he did. He was a the preeminent leader for the Independence Movement, when the British ruled. Usually large acts like this usually start and end with physical combat. But that was not Gandhi believed. He instead had faith in the one thing that brought people together, peace. Instead of leading boycotts that would soon take a dark turn, he instead  organized a march. This act of rebellion was mainly showing disobedience against the taxation of salt production. Thus creating the Salt March. He led the parade of citizens with pride. Leading towards the sea to produce their own salt. “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”

With this act done, Mahatma Gandhi not only became peacemaker, but he became a person that dominated the hearts of people around the world, with his strong peaceful will and wit.


“Without action, you aren’t going anywhere.” – Mahatma Gandhi

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“Think Different.” – Steve Jobs

IWhen I was in fourth grade, my dad had just bought Steve Job’s biography. For a while it just sat in the corner of our book shelf, it stood there like a lonesome statue in the rain. Then one day I stared at it for a while. My dad then asked me from the spot he was sitting in, “You think you could read that?” there was a long pause. “I think you could.” We both stood there in silence. My eyes wide as I touched the binding of the book. Then I grabbed it, carefully. Then I sat down the smell of freshly printed book hitting my face. I opened the book, I read the sleeve of the book. Then I turned to chapter one. For hours I read. I brought with me to the dinner and read it under the table. I brought it with me to bed and read it when everyone was asleep. I brought it with me to school and read it during recess and lunch time. One day my friend asked me, “Are you still reading that book, why are you still reading it?”  I replied calmly with “Because, I can.”  It took me days to finish that huge book, with it having 571 pages to read(the rest being acknowledgments).

Even before reading the biography, I still thought that Steve Jobs was a person to look up to. After reading his biography and found out more about his backstory, I found that lot of incredible are known to have hard and tough life stories. For example, Steve Jobs was an adopted child. His biological parents decided then and there that they wanted a girl instead. It hurt my heart so much. I couldn’t imagine what a little Steve Jobs ‘s  reaction would be like. But he did find out when he was just 7 years old.

Though Steve Jobs lived a rough life,  he grew up to be a inspiration to not only techies, but adults and children alike. Creating an atmosphere for people around the world, to create, aspire, and achieve. That is the atmosphere I am known for living. This is the atmosphere that people around the world are known for living in. This was the atmosphere Steve Jobs was known for creating.

Over the years, the more I learned about technology, science, and inventions, the more I realized, you don’t have to be a genius to create something that will change the world. Steve Jobs, though was a genius, followed his own words and continued to “stay hungry and foolish.”( – Steve Jobs.) So in conclusion lets all remember to be our own person and, “Think different.”

“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow know what you truly want to become.”

  • Steve Jobs
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“Yes we can, yes we did.” – President Barack Obama

I remember when I was in preschool, I saw on our TV,  a tall man speaking to a large crowd. He was saying a lot of words I didn’t understand because I didn’t know what was going on. I remember that I kept watching, I asked my dad “What is he talking about?” Before my dad could say anything, the man said ” Change happens because the American people demand it, because they rise up and insist on new ideas and new leadership, a new politics for a new time.” Those words I understood.

Those words were the ones that would bring the nation together, that would change the lives of millions. And they actually did. President Barack Obama was always such and inspirational person to me. He was kind, loyal, smart, he was someone of great qualities, he led the nation with compassion, hospitality. But one word to describe this incredible man is, kindhearted. He understands the way life goes for one hundred million people that live on the streets,  and with his wife by his side, he will do everything in their power to do the best to help.

This is the man who will reply to you personally if you write to him. Over the summer I wrote the president a letter, without telling me, my parents actually sent it. I didn’t know because I didn’t think I would get a response. He is a very busy man, I didn’t think he would take the time to do it. But he did. This man, he believes that, if our nation was divided, we wouldn’t be able to create the America we all now and love. So always remember these words “Yes we can, yes we did.” – President Barack Obama

Thank you Mr.President, for everything you have done for this nation and all it’s people. 

“We did not come to fear the future. We came here to shape it.”

  • President Barack Obama
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“I have a dream.”

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr.  I am writing about him in the category of “Inspirational People.” I am not just writing about him as a famous idol. But I am writing about him as just a regular man, who had a dream. A dream for everyone to have the freedom of equality and have the same rights for everyone.  One of my life motto’s are “If you don’t do all you could to be heard, then you will just be another brick in the wall.” Luckily he not only wanted to be heard, but he wanted to be listened to. He wanted people to listen to what he had to say, about segregation, about equal rights, about his dream. “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation, where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but the content of their character.” With those historical words said, he lived to be one of the many people who stood up for what was right. Without him we wouldn’t be living in the country we now call free. So lets all take a moment to honor one of the nations many people who spoke for our nation.


“Commit yourself to the noble struggle for equal rights. You will make a greater person of yourself, a greater nation of your country, and a finer world to live in.”

  • Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
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