What does, “Thank you” mean to you?

The phrase “thank you” is a term used constantly by nearly everyone around the globe. And if you go to think about it(don’t worry I’ll do the thinking for you)we can probably go back to a conversation and catch ourselves saying that word a handful of times.

And in my opinion, that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

Human beings have done a multitude of things in the very short period of time that modern humans have existed(200,000 years). We’ve weaved sounds made just from our chords in our throats, mouths, and lips, and symbols scratched on stone, into languages. Sometimes, while I’m writing, I think about what would happen if we didn’t create

One of my favorite things about language itself, is that no matter which one you speak, how many you speak, or who speaks it, nearly every single language has an exact or vague phrase for “thank you” and “I love you” And you can banter with me all you want, but that’s my logic so I’m stickin’ to it.

In regards to the present day, the windows are painted grey from the sky, orange from the trees, and some stray rain droplets sitting stubbornly in the edge. I honestly feel like I’m living in those classic seasonal holiday calendars, and there’s an illustration for each season; and we’re all wandering in the depths of a watercolor painting.

It’s been raining on and off for the past couple of days, my family and I are all wearing sweaters and thick pants, I’ve got some incredibly soft, knit stockings on my feet(I feel like my feet will freeze to the point of pneumonia without them)My fingers are very very cold so it’s fabulously hard to type this right now. But I’m managing.

Kind of.

It’s funny to imagine that just last week, the weather was nice and sunny. Sure it was still very cold, and the wind is relentless, but autumn was slowly easing in. But then, just a day later, it was raining. And it was raining very hard. The wind started creating little storms in the leaves, and just walking outside was physically painful if you weren’t properly dressed. Man, I can’t even imagine what it’s like to live in places that experience below 20 degree weather when I can barely handle 50 degrees without wanting to cry.

Now, today is Thanksgiving. And I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends, and eat lots of yummy food! And do all of your Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping. But do so wisely! Think with your head, not your money. But instead of anticipating all the shopping you’re going to be doing(which I highly doubt you won’t be)let’s take a second to think about all the things that have helped you this year, have given you hope, and just made you happy.

Today I want you all to just think about that question, and enjoy the time you are spending with the people you adore the most.

Have a lovely Thanksgiving!