WWDC 2020

WWDC(Apple Worldwide Developer’s Conference), started on June 22 and ended yesterday(June 26th). My dad and I always found the time to watch it when we had the time and see what Apple’s come up with that year. And it always gets me so hyped up to see these awesome new innovations and improvements in devices that are already incredible. This year I watched parts of the live stream event on my own time and I was really happy that they incorporated features that can truly be useful and heighten the functionality of Apple devices even more.

Today I will be listing some of my favorite features that were announced this week during WWDC, and are soon to be released to the general public in autumn.

*Happy Kanmani Noises*

1. Scribble

I use my iPad Pro and Apple pencil a lot; it’s a seriously useful tool for drawing, designing, and writing. As well as creating quality work. It replaces a laptop with the same functionality and gives you so much opportunity to create things seamlessly, and be exposed to everything it has to offer(and there is quite a lot).

The iPad Pro is an amazing tool to create things that can make anything written, drawn, shot, or designed on there, look seamless and professional. And when creativity is allowed to bleed into our projects, then I can completely take the reins and create pieces that can be unique and special. When it comes down to a major project, the most logical case is that the end product is expected by the teacher to be neat and diligently done. Especially if it’s something that’s could effect your grade for the quarter or semester.

And even when you’re not a student, you may find yourself having to do something work related, like a presentation, or an important document. In a work setting, I’m sure you would want to make it look presentable and professional.

So when Apple announced the “Scribble” feature you could probably imagine my excitement.

Scribble essentially takes what you can do with text(that is written on a keyboard)and takes those exact features on handwritten text. The Scribble feature takes the input controls used for typed text and gives you those same options for things you handwrote on your device. Like changing the color, or even copying the handwritten text and pasting it onto a separate document, which automatically turns it into typed text. Not only that, but if you draw a shape, then it will automatically turn into a perfect version of that shape. So all of your illustrations can be clean and on point.

I’m super happy that this actually exists, because I get really meticulous when I have, say, a really important paper due, or a presentation for class. I usually spend a lot of time perfecting my designs and writing if I’m handwriting it on a digital device, and if their hasty scribbles from quickly written notes, then it’s hard to decipher them when I actually go back to study them. I’m really excited to test out this feature and use it to it’s full potential.

2. Widgets

I mostly use widgets for apps that I check in with daily, like WordPress; to monitor my blog. Or basic information like the weather, activity stats, emails, etc. I think widgets are really good for when you want just a quick glance at something, rather than fully opening the app only to have it open for a few seconds at a time. There really great if your in a hurry and you just want to quickly check out what the weather is like, or what the day’s news headline is.

On I03 14, Apple is now bringing widgets onto the Home Screen, where you can immediately have a look at your personal widget(s). Just like before, you can pick which widgets you want, but you can also choose how big or small you want it to be and have it reside on your Home Screen. I also love that you can ‘stack’ your widgets(up to ten!)so you have all of the widgets you want on the Home Screen and easy to access.

3. Automatic Switching

As a person who listens to music a lot, this literally made me want to march up to whoever came up with this an give them a big hug(although under the circumstances we are under now I don’t think that’s a very good idea). I really like use AirPods because you don’t have to deal with cords and the sound quality is great. And I connect them to two of my main devices, which is my iPad and my iPhone. But it’s such a pain to have to switch between the two devices manually.

I know, I sound like a brat, but it’s true.

I’m really happy that Apple has acknowledged the struggles of lazy people like me and have created a seamless way to transition between devices with no hassle.

4. Memoji

I’m gonna be honest and say that I don’t use Memoji that often.

When I’m texting someone(which is also quite rare actually)I usually just use words or cute stickers of my favorite characters like Gudetama(This is not sponsored). But I do use Memoji stickers sometimes, even if it’s not as often as other people. I like the fact that you can express yourself in little ways when you’re communicating with someone, and in fun and silly ways. You can make your messages personal and meaningful with a mini version of yourself.

And in IOS 14, Apple is taking Memoji and making them more expressive by improving muscle structure, as well as adding in new accessories that can shine light on your skills or career. Plus, Apple has added more face options, so you can choose the face that looks closest to how you look right now.

Ah, I can finally make my Memoji have a baby face just like I do in real life.

5. Battery Notifications

Like I mentioned previously, I use my AirPods a lot. I love that both the AirPods and the case have long battery lives, but I always forget to charge them when they are at they’re lowest energy point. So for someone as forgetful as I am, this is definitely something that will be very helpful in the future.

I hope I was able to give you a quick little overview of a few of the great things Apple introduced during their WWDC event this week. This post was really just a chance for me to geek out with you guys about the great stuff Apple is putting out. Who knows what’ll come next? If there’s one thing I want them to do, it’s to have the Apple Pencil be compatible with the iPhone. That would be incredibly cool AND useful…

Well anyway; stay healthy, stay happy, and clean all of your devices!