WWDC 2020

WWDC(Apple Worldwide Developer’s Conference), started on June 22 and ended yesterday(June 26th). My dad and I always found the time to watch it when we had the time and see what Apple’s come up with that year. And it always gets me so hyped up to see these awesome new innovations and improvements in devices that are already incredible. This year I watched parts of the live stream event on my own time and I was really happy that they incorporated features that can truly be useful and heighten the functionality of Apple devices even more.

Today I will be listing some of my favorite features that were announced this week during WWDC, and are soon to be released to the general public in autumn.

*Happy Kanmani Noises*

1. Scribble

I use my iPad Pro and Apple pencil a lot; it’s a seriously useful tool for drawing, designing, and writing. As well as creating quality work. It replaces a laptop with the same functionality and gives you so much opportunity to create things seamlessly, and be exposed to everything it has to offer(and there is quite a lot).

The iPad Pro is an amazing tool to create things that can make anything written, drawn, shot, or designed on there, look seamless and professional. And when creativity is allowed to bleed into our projects, then I can completely take the reins and create pieces that can be unique and special. When it comes down to a major project, the most logical case is that the end product is expected by the teacher to be neat and diligently done. Especially if it’s something that’s could effect your grade for the quarter or semester.

And even when you’re not a student, you may find yourself having to do something work related, like a presentation, or an important document. In a work setting, I’m sure you would want to make it look presentable and professional.

So when Apple announced the “Scribble” feature you could probably imagine my excitement.

Scribble essentially takes what you can do with text(that is written on a keyboard)and takes those exact features on handwritten text. The Scribble feature takes the input controls used for typed text and gives you those same options for things you handwrote on your device. Like changing the color, or even copying the handwritten text and pasting it onto a separate document, which automatically turns it into typed text. Not only that, but if you draw a shape, then it will automatically turn into a perfect version of that shape. So all of your illustrations can be clean and on point.

I’m super happy that this actually exists, because I get really meticulous when I have, say, a really important paper due, or a presentation for class. I usually spend a lot of time perfecting my designs and writing if I’m handwriting it on a digital device, and if their hasty scribbles from quickly written notes, then it’s hard to decipher them when I actually go back to study them. I’m really excited to test out this feature and use it to it’s full potential.

2. Widgets

I mostly use widgets for apps that I check in with daily, like WordPress; to monitor my blog. Or basic information like the weather, activity stats, emails, etc. I think widgets are really good for when you want just a quick glance at something, rather than fully opening the app only to have it open for a few seconds at a time. There really great if your in a hurry and you just want to quickly check out what the weather is like, or what the day’s news headline is.

On I03 14, Apple is now bringing widgets onto the Home Screen, where you can immediately have a look at your personal widget(s). Just like before, you can pick which widgets you want, but you can also choose how big or small you want it to be and have it reside on your Home Screen. I also love that you can ‘stack’ your widgets(up to ten!)so you have all of the widgets you want on the Home Screen and easy to access.

3. Automatic Switching

As a person who listens to music a lot, this literally made me want to march up to whoever came up with this an give them a big hug(although under the circumstances we are under now I don’t think that’s a very good idea). I really like use AirPods because you don’t have to deal with cords and the sound quality is great. And I connect them to two of my main devices, which is my iPad and my iPhone. But it’s such a pain to have to switch between the two devices manually.

I know, I sound like a brat, but it’s true.

I’m really happy that Apple has acknowledged the struggles of lazy people like me and have created a seamless way to transition between devices with no hassle.

4. Memoji

I’m gonna be honest and say that I don’t use Memoji that often.

When I’m texting someone(which is also quite rare actually)I usually just use words or cute stickers of my favorite characters like Gudetama(This is not sponsored). But I do use Memoji stickers sometimes, even if it’s not as often as other people. I like the fact that you can express yourself in little ways when you’re communicating with someone, and in fun and silly ways. You can make your messages personal and meaningful with a mini version of yourself.

And in IOS 14, Apple is taking Memoji and making them more expressive by improving muscle structure, as well as adding in new accessories that can shine light on your skills or career. Plus, Apple has added more face options, so you can choose the face that looks closest to how you look right now.

Ah, I can finally make my Memoji have a baby face just like I do in real life.

5. Battery Notifications

Like I mentioned previously, I use my AirPods a lot. I love that both the AirPods and the case have long battery lives, but I always forget to charge them when they are at they’re lowest energy point. So for someone as forgetful as I am, this is definitely something that will be very helpful in the future.

I hope I was able to give you a quick little overview of a few of the great things Apple introduced during their WWDC event this week. This post was really just a chance for me to geek out with you guys about the great stuff Apple is putting out. Who knows what’ll come next? If there’s one thing I want them to do, it’s to have the Apple Pencil be compatible with the iPhone. That would be incredibly cool AND useful…

Well anyway; stay healthy, stay happy, and clean all of your devices!

How to start a fire(without causing disaster).

Since the summer holidays have started, we’ve all been trying to entertain ourselves and do productive things amid the insanity the world is experiencing right now. None of us have gone outside unless absolutely necessary. But obviously, I think some of us are going just a tad bit crazy from staying home for so long. As the eldest, I’m usually in charge of keeping the younger two entertained and smooth over any fights(and try not to cause any). And make sure nothing ends up in blood and tears.

Along with that, I also have to entertain myself. I mean, I already finished 2 out of the 3 books that I have to read for my Pre-Honor’s English class,(both of which making me question everything I know about literature,). If I’m bored, then I’ll usually draw or watch my favorite YouTube channels. But even then, boredom can still reach it’s peak. I mean come on, I can’t just sit around like a cone of melted ice cream and expect myself to stay sane that way.

There have been times where I have been considering mass producing pictures of my face and my sibling’s faces, and then sticking them around our house. But of course, that would involve a lot of printer paper and ink cartridges. As well as having the constant worry of wondering if a small child’s face will greet you when you are doing something as innocent as brushing your teeth.

We’ve basically reached the point where everything we didn’t really do that much before(when we were all busy with work and school), have now implemented themselves into our daily lives to keep ourselves from having the same exact experiences everyday.

My siblings and I, for example, have been taking cardboard scraps and turning them into art projects. My sister is currently infatuated with the one and only Minnie Mouse, while my brother is immersing himself into the world of drawing out robot blueprints. Naturally, they would both go to me to help tailor what they created in their whimsical minds. Which leaves me to tell you all that I know have light bruises in between my fingers from holding scissors in uncomfortable positions for far to long.

As for my parents, they’ve become very meticulous with they’re plans on activities and such, and always insist for us all to stay outside rather then holed up in our house.

(Now this is the part where I will tell you why the title of this post is relevant to today’s rant. )

A couple weeks back, it was around 9 or 10 o’clock at night and I had stayed up reading while my parents were relaxing in the living room and watching television. Then my dad called me to the living room and said he wanted to show me something. And there I was, wearing pajamas and rubbing my eyes sleepily as my parents point and do there own commentary of whats going on in the video.

The video consisted of a sweet couple demonstrating how to make a brick stove within 10 minutes; using very few materials. The video itself made the project look very simple and doable, and I assumed my dad would want to try it for himself. With that in mind, I bid goodnight to my parents and squashed myself into the bed sheets. I didn’t think much of it until the topic arose once again.

A few days later:

My dad had gotten quite a few bricks and instructed my mom on how to stack them properly, while my dad grabbed a tool from the garage to sever a couple of the bricks in half so they would fit on the corners of the brick stack properly. Meanwhile, my brother was in a complete panic because he didn’t like the prospect of having smoke anywhere near us and our house. And just as my mother started setting the sticks we place inside the stove, he lit a match and dropped it into the squat little stack of brick. And just as that happened, smoke started to curl around us as little flames made themselves known before

There it was, our own homemade “rocket” stove spewing smoke everywhere as wind blew in our direction as little flames licked the surface of the brick. My sister and I went back and forth trying to find sticks to feed into the stove to keep it going. And so far it seemed to be working little by little. It was obvious that there were some improvements that had to be made in order to have the stove work properly instead of just spew smoke directly at out faces. But my mom still managed to boil something in the stove and experiment with it as time went on.

I think my parents have found the perfect technique that works for us because we were finally able to use the stove in a way that allowed us to have things cooked constantly rather then the flames just giving out in random intervals. But I admit that finding the right way to construct the stove can be a bit difficult. You may have to add in different components in order to get it working the way you want it to, but that doesn’t mean it still isn’t a great way to live outdoors.

Long story short(well, this wasn’t really a long story but you get what I mean), we’ve reached the point where we are now starting fires in our backyard. But we’re all happy, so that’s what matters.

Our entire family has taken to staying outside for the entire day and only go inside when it’s bedtime. For one thing, it’s just too hot to be inside where you’ll be burned into a crisp. Not to mention that there is much more space outside and fresh gusts of wind; as well as the constant symphony of the surrounding wildlife.

In this time when a lot of things may leave us unsure or frightened, lets take a moment to enjoy the happiness that being outside can bring us. Even if you’re just looking out a window, take the time to appreciate the beauty that we are nestled in.

As usual, stay happy, stay healthy, and don’t forget to give yourself moments to just breathe.

Why technology is an art form:

About a month ago, I got up and dusted off my hard copy of Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. I had already read the book previously, but my interpretation of the book back then was taken from a perspective in which I was confused and therefore, making assumptions that most likely had nothing to do with Steve Job’s actual creative process with his development of Apple products.

Anyway, the book got me thinking of how, in the California Steve Jobs grew up in, technology most likely consisted of cord telephones, clunky(yet functional)desktop computers, and an array of other gadgets that were considered new even when computers were introduced before Steve Jobs created his.

But in the California I’m growing up in right now, it’s become the home base for massive companies and incorporations for computing and technology. Everywhere you look on the streets(globally), someone’s holding a device or has something plugged into their ears; or wrapped around their wrist. Apple or not, a lot of people have immersed themselves into the tech they decided to purchase in order to improve or add to their lives. It might be for medical reasons, education purposes, etc.

Technology has also become emphatically eminent in the study and documentation of nearly everything that has happened for the past few decades. It has escalated the way medicine and doctoring is done, and nearly everything we do now circulates with technology. Schools are using them as a basis for education, hospitals use computers and tablets to track patient history and record data, etc.

But we also use our devices in ways that aren’t just for practicality. But for our own little exploits and fun. Like gaming, drawing, creating music, there are so many opportunities to create things that you want to introduce, and maybe even share with others. And that’s what I find really beautiful with the constant evolution of our machinery, is that we can all find new things that we weren’t familiar with before. Like trying out a new program, or learning how to code. Or maybe creating your first digital art piece.

At the start of this year, on of my classes was Photo Arts, which dealt with how to shoot with a camera, edit images, and how to take good pictures by practicing and studying art principles and angles. It was probably one of my favorite classes and I really hope to take the advanced class in my junior year. It was always my dad who takes pictures in our family, on his phone, or a camera. So when I started taking this class,

I’ve started to appreciate the lengths people go to, to capture moments in ways that could be seared perfectly in your memory.

That metaphor sounded brutal, oh dear.

Photography has really changed my perception of art the more I learned about it, and I’ve found myself taking more pictures at times when I usually wouldn’t have say, a couple months ago. Taking pictures and editing them has unexpectedly become something that really helps me relax when I’m under a lot of pressure. For example, when I was still taking my classes online(the summer holidays have started), I was trying to finish all of my assignments, whilst trying to turn in quality work so I could receive full marks. And even though I still had to do work for Photo Arts, it truly didn’t feel like I was producing pieces for school.

Every time it came the time to send out a new set of photos for my class, it was always a topic that was really beneficial in learning, but could also be done in our current living situations. I enjoyed taking the time to dig deep into my subject and figure out angles and which placement looked best, or which type of lighting made the centerpiece stand out. It was these little mindless thoughts that calmed me and made me feel like I was actually creating art.

So, in honor of this random rant, I present to you a digital portfolio of a few select photos that I wanted to share with you all. Some were shot on my school campus with heavy equipment, while some others were taken and edited just on my phone while at home. There is a lot of improvement that needs to happen with my photography skills, and there is a lot I still need to know, but these are pictures that I’m still proud of because they were taken with passion and determination. So, please enjoy this mini collection produced by yours truly.

Due to some technical difficulties, I couldn’t download the document and turn it into a PDF file. So I’m going to attach the link below so you can view the presentation.


Don’t overlook the small things, they could mean a lot more later on.

When you hear the word “food” whats the first thing you think of?

Your favorite food?

Making food?

Eating food?

Do you imagine a fresh bowl of fruit? Glistening from a wash in the sink, vivid colors heeding each other as they attempt to attract the attention of their consumer? How about a steaming bowl of noodles? An array of vegetables and spices nestled into the side of the bowl while the rest of the contents are doused in thick sauce and liquid. Soaking everything in its path and giving it pigmentation.

Your mind may take you to a time when all was right in the world, and the only thing you felt was warmth and natural comfort in your surroundings. You may remember a food that – no matter how many times you had it – made you feel better then you were moments before your stomach was deprived of occupation.

Food is a crucial part of every living thing. It provides nourishment, strength, as well as containing elements that can be beneficial for your body. (Depending on what you’re actually eating)

But it is also a provider of a multitude of emotions; such as nostalgia, happiness, warmth, etc. I like to think that food isn’t just something that we need to survive physically. But also to keep our minds cleansed and happy too.

For example, eating foods that you like – or find particular happiness in – can increase serotonin levels. Which is excellent because serotonin is a crucial neurotransmitter in the human body, as well as the chemical in our bodies that is popularly known to be the supplier of contentment and joy. Low levels of serotonin can leave you feeling depressed, irritable, and low in physical(and mental)vigor. Your thoughts will also be very dark and negative and you may experience increased levels of anxiety.

Keeping your serotonin levels at a steady rate is good not only for your mental health, but benefits you physically as well. When you’re happy, you will be more active, productive, and you treat yourself and others better as well. When you are rather depressed and inactive, you could crave food, or not want to eat at all. Which can lead to being over or under weight. And when your mental conscious has no motivation to do anything and stays dark and pessimistic, you won’t really want to get up and do something active either. Inactivity can also lead to major negative factors for your body, inside and out. (If you want your serotonin to be a decent degree, consider inputting little things into your daily life that makes you happy. Like reading, listening to music/podcasts, etc.)

Long story short,

Food is pretty important if you wanna function properly.

I’ve always grown up with home-cooked food, and I’m used to my mom’s little experiments(that somehow always end up successful when she does them) Because of this, I always prefer eating warm food rather then something that was pre-made.

Along with that, I always bring lunch from home to school rather than purchasing something from the school cafeteria. I sit down at lunch and I’m instantly happier when I see delicious food waiting for me. When I’m stressed about a major test or something went wrong, I’m always comforted by foods that I love that were made by the person I love.

The food that my mom makes everyday can only be described that way too. It’s just love and comfort. Eating something she made just instantly makes me feel this internal warmth that I can’t seem to describe. And my mother being the loving mama bear she is, will not let anyone leave our dining room table until they are stuff full of her magic that she calls food. Whether it being just us, or with guests over, tabletop conversation is usually just my mom saying:

“Would you like some more of this?”

“Okay then, how about this?”

“Does anyone need something to drink? Water? Tea? Coffee? Juice?”

“Would you like some more rice?”

“I also have some dosa/chapathi/vegetable sides/chutney/every South India food imaginable would you like some?”

“WhAt Do YoU mEaN yOu’Re DoNe EaTiNg I’m NoT dOnE fEeDiNg YoU.”

When it comes to attending to other people during mealtimes, my mother is an unstoppable hurricane of love and rice that will feed you until you can’t even think of food anymore. And I say this with the deepest and utmost affection. (And 15 years of personal experience.)

I’ve always been a lover of good food, and I am always open to trying new things(If it stays within our vegan/vegetarian basis). My favorite foods are all Asian foods, but I always get super enthusiastic when my mom tries experiments in the kitchen. And that has been happening quite a lot lately since we are all at home and we rarely go out. My mom has tried some new things that she hasn’t done before, like:

  • Naan
  • Pizza Dough
  • Carrot Cake
  • Tirunelveli Halwa(A popular India sweet. Also, please forgive my spelling.)
  • Potato Chips
  • Mayonnaise
  • Fruit Yogurt

Personally, I wasn’t surprised that my mom nailed all of these unfamiliar recipes on the first try, considering that she has had years and years of experience in the kitchen. She knows how to work around technical issues and dealing with an unexpected situation when working on a meal. Not only that, but she can create a loophole that can have our resulting product be absolutely perfect rather then an actual disaster. Which are all skills that I wish I had, but hope to attain as I slowly try to get used to working in a kitchen.

So, this post is pretty randomly written. I will admit that now.

But each part of this post really just has the purpose to convince my reader(You!)That anything, even the smallest of things, can bring you happiness, peace, and joy. Even in this time when everything seems unpredictable. And lately, I’ve been finding myself happy everytime I sit with my little sister and make yogurt for her, or grab an ingredient for my mom in the kitchen. It’s these little things that keeps us going throughout the day, even when we’re at our breaking point.

Being isolated for a prolonged period of time can really make you hypersensitive to your own atmosphere and emotions. Especially when you are left to yourself a/o a very small amount of people. Each experience we are blessed with now is something we should cherish. Everything we do now and consider “normal” and just overlook; could be different years from now.

And that’s okay.

Keep the people you love, and the people who love you, close. Don’t forget who you love and live for. And most of all, keep yourself healthy and happy. Don’t let these dark times seep into you until you succumb in it’s grasp. It’s unsurprisingly easy to do. So do little things that make you happy, and don’t forget to always have time to take care of yourself. And like I mentioned before, eating food is an exceptional way to increase serotonin(happiness).

Before I end this post, I would like to address the recent events that have been happening recently that have caused protesting around the world.

Everything that has happened has made my heart ache for those who have been lost, and those who have been deprived of the love and acceptance they deserve. Discrimination is not something that should be tolerated, and we should all embrace our difference and should not judge others because they are different from you. Diversity is what makes our species so beautiful. And when we are all together and supporting each other, that’s when we are the most powerful.

Be safe, be happy, be healthy. And always love yourself.