Relax, it’ll be okay.

(This post is not sponsored.)

Many people tend to struggle when working in an environment where they generally can’t focus, or just aren’t used to doing that task in. And now, with everyone at home working, it’s a bit troubling for those who struggle with that. Working at home can be quite the adjustment if you’re used to a quite office or study space.

When you’re accustomed to a specific atmosphere but then suddenly have to deal with chaos at home, it can be quite the challenge. Whether you have little ones at home, pets(pets are amazing stress relievers too)or just a bountiful amount of distractions; it can get difficult to concentrate. So today I will help you figure out the perfect atmosphere to work and/or study in.


It can be hard to be productive when there are so many things to meddle with in your surrounding space. What I recommend is keeping only what is absolutely necessary on your work space. On my desk:

  • Small tech bagadapters, charging cables, wired earbuds if my Bluetooth doesn’t work, screen wipes, etc.
  • Pen case – 1 metal mechanical pencil, 1 pen, 1 eraser, and 1 small pack of graphite
  • Small Lotion – For dry hands
  • PhoneOnly used if necessary

All of this is kept in a drawer on my desk so I don’t keep messing with them, but are located in areas where they can be easily accessed.

The items you need personally are obviously going to be different from mine, and should be tailored to your personal needs. But this is only one part to keeping yourself productive. Surroundings are one thing, but you have to actually keep staying on task. So here are some things that can help contribute to that.


If you’re like me and listen to music while working or studying, then I suggest listening to music that is soft, slow and mellow. What I noticed in the past, is that when I listen to music with a heavy beat, catchy lyrics, and is super pumped up, my brain gets hyped up too. I’ll eventually start losing concentration on my work, and then focus all my senses to the music. So create a playlist that does the exact opposite of that.

Maybe have some smooth jazz going, or soft orchestrals. Not only will this keep you focused, but also keep your mind calm and hushed. If music isn’t really your thing while working, then why not have some nature sounds? There are plenty of apps you can download on any device that plays natural sounds like rain, rushing water, ocean, forests, etc. And there are features you can set on any Amazon Alexa as well, if that is your preference.

The Pomodoro Technique ( thanks Babu Peryiappa)

The “Pomodoro” technique was developed in the 1980s by Francesco Cirillo. Basically, you set a specific time fragment to work in(25 minutes, 30 minutes, whatever you want)after finishing that time frame, you take a break. Before continuing to work for the same amount of time. This goes on in a continuous pattern into you get your task done. Traditionally, time segments are set to 25 minutes for working.

I was made aware of this technique by my uncle(as mentioned in the subtitle)when I was much younger. But I always associated the word “Pomodoro” to tomatoes and pasta. I didn’t find myself using this technique myself until I started high school. Where I have to make a plan on how to execute my time studying, and doing homework and projects. I find it to be extremely beneficial in keeping myself together and organized with my time.

There are several apps that are designed specifically for this purpose that I think are really cool, but just keeping your eye on the clock from time to time also works. Or having a little stopwatch on hand. Because this is benefiting you, and will be fabricated to help you. So do whatever way is best for you. You aren’t obligated to take my advice or anyone else’s. Just do what you are comfortable with and what you think will benefit you. Here are some apps that can help, and hopefully give you a few options if you wanna started this technique yourself:

  • BFT: Bear Focus Timer – Personally, I think this is by far the cutest one out of all of the ones I will be mentioning today. The app features a bear names Tom, Tom is a friendly little bear who will keep track of your time. But he won’t be so friendly when you keep meddling with your phone(his face furrows into a cute lil’ frown)All you have to do is turn your phone face down and start working, if you turn your phone face up and start messing with it, Tom gets a little mad. The app also provides white noise to help you focus.
  • Move On – This app has a very simple and minimalistic interface and is extremely easy to use. So for those of you out there who just want to set their times and breaks, this is the app for you.
  • Forest – This is a very creative way to keep focused and I personally love it for it’s clever way of supporting productivity. As soon as you set your timer, a little tree will start growing in that time. But if you close that app and go to another one, the tree stops growing. If you keep doing this everyday, soon you’ll have a dense forest!
  • Plantie – “Plantie” is a similar app to the previously mentioned one, with simple and appealing graphics. You can collect rewards and choose different plants to grow and unlock.


You should also tailor your device so you have all of the documents and platforms you need the most, in a spot where you can see it right away and click on it. If your device has a dock somewhere on the screen where you can click and drag different things, then it’s a good idea to keep them in that deck. For easy and immediate access.

If you’re just using a search engine, then don’t keep an excessive amount of tabs open. But only the ones you are needing right at that moment. You can always recover the previous tab you had deleted.

As for your device itself, only keep the apps and platforms you need and know you use. And this doesn’t just have to be work/school related. It can be games, or anything really. Just as long as you know you use them then scarcely at all.

I don’t like working in spaces that are cluttered and disorganized. It messes with my productivity and I feel less and less ready to actually work. My mind will often scatter off to wherever there is disorder, and then I feel a little nag in my head urging to clean it. This goes for digital devices too. Don’t let this stop you from working well. Choose a day to clean out your workspace AND your digital devices. Because both can contribute to how distracted you can get.


Lighting is just as important as focus and surrounding objects, because you don’t want something that will irritate your eyes or give you a migraine. Have lighting that is comfortable for you. When I’m working at night, I keep on two lamps that radiate a very soft, warm glow that keeps me comfortable. I also keep the brightness low on both my phone and iPad when I’m working. And if dark mode can be enabled into your device, I highly recommend using that in a work setting.

If you are working for long periods at a time, then your eyes will be continuously exposed to a the stark white paper, or a glowing screen. So try lowering any chances of getting a headache in your work session by alleviating everything so your comfortable.


Yes. Your physical body is very important as well when you’re working so listen up before you close this tab or skip ahead to the next paragraph.

Wear clothing that brings nothing to you but comfort. Something that makes you feel good and fresh. And it can be just about anything. Pajamas, sweatpants, whatever. Just don’t wear anything that will irritate your skin or make you feel restricted in your own body. The reason behind that is because while you work, your mind will constantly wander back to the fact that some part of your body doesn’t feel as nice as it should. So before you have to go and change in the middle of working or studying, just wear something comfy beforehand so you don’t have to. No one is going to judge you, and you’ll be fully focused while super comfy.

Just don’t fall asleep.

Physical and Mental Wellness

Working is important, but your mind and body are just as important. If not, more. Your mind endures so much each and everyday, information is packed into and thoughts cloud and drift apart. You can feel your mind get congested and that can really affect you physically too. Work shouldn’t go to the extent where you are constantly burned out and not getting a healthy amount of sleep.

You should be taking care of your body by eating a balanced amount of things that you need in order to function properly. Eat all three meals each day. With balanced amounts of fruits, vegetables, carbs, protein, etc. But if you participate in everyday fasting, then eat very well in the meals you do allow yourself to eat. But fasting doesn’t give you an excuse not to drink water. Drink lots of water, fasting or not, humans are like sponges. Without water we are dry and rough, and that’s really bad for your health.

Remember to stay active by doing exercises that are suited to you. Don’t do a rigorous Olympic style workout. Not everyone is an athlete and that is okay. Do the best you can with a workout plan that fits for you. Maybe 10 pushups and 25 crunches. Or a one-hour run or bike ride.

Don’t look at the way other people stay fit and assume it’ll work for you, because they outfitted their activity to work for them.

With all this, we also have to constantly keep in mind that we have to keep ourselves mentally healthy as we do physically. There are many different methods for calming the mind and relieving stress. Like painting or drawing, playing music or just listening to it, writing down your thoughts, spend time with family etc. Anyone can do anything they choose to relieve stress, but meditation really takes it to another level.

I started my first meditation session yesterday with my family. All the lights were turned off, the house engulfed in darkness with the soft lull of an infant night. My dad had found an app called “Oak.” Which is a beautifully designed app that teaches you how to do different styles of mediation, and can help keep track of your meditation. It also provides breathing exercises and keeps track of that too. I highly recommend this for anyone who is a newcomer to actually meditating, like me, or if you’ve been meditating for a while and want an app that can help you keep track of your sessions.

Meditation wasn’t something I thought about doing because I thought I wouldn’t be able to keep up with it. That I wouldn’t be able to reach inner peace and the process of clearing my mind. But I was clearly proven wrong last night when the mess of my thoughts melted away until the only thing left was a single mantra. My entire body relaxed and my breath became effortless and steady.

My mind was blank for the first time in my entire life.

I hope these tips could help those of you out there who are having a bit of trouble adjusting to working and/or studying at home, these were all things I learned in the past month when school was shut down. But it doesn’t matter if you’re a student or not. We’re all on the same level here and need to have each other’s back. So please care for others and protect yourself.

Stay healthy, stay safe, stay happy. Also, get lots of sleep and cuddles.